Funnest thing to do with manipulater in your mind


May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Whats the funnest tihng you can imagine?

As I said before it would be AWESOME if, when fighting a strider it takes its long striding steps to move, but right before one of its feet hit a manhole cover on the ground you use the manipulater to lift up the cover and throw it away, causing the strider to partially fall down to the sewer, and fully break :naughty:

And if the barnacle aliens are still around using the manipulater to throws their tongues onto combine soldiers

Or even better. If theres a shaky wooden bridge(ala aztec from the counter strike2 scene) being used by enemies, using the manipulater to VIOLENTLY shake the bridge causing enemies to fall and shot each other. So much but potential. Up than quick down would produce a big wave knocking them all to their bellies. Side to side and oppside down then quickl swinging it down so it whacks them on the head while they fall

Sure hope Valve reads this. It would rock. But then again they probably made even cooler things
Makin' your own little forts! :)

Can't see me!
/me blows out a wall (metal sheet, wood thinger, box, etc.)
Here I am!
Oops, crushed. ;(
Just thinking of the crane sequence... i wonder what would happen if you dropped one of the big metal storage things onto a strider
hmmm :p
[AUS]-TheOne said:
Just thinking of the crane sequence... i wonder what would happen if you dropped one of the big metal storage things onto a strider
hmmm :p

fling bird bodies, rat bodies at combine (if its possible)

if not, toilets away! or plungers.

klenex boxes you could also fire away at them so they can cry with out worry.
IF you want to set a trap you could put a skateboard(Or an equivelent like a banana or marbles) on top of a flight of stairs. Tehn when an enemy comes pull it infront of them so they take a tumbple into your assorted sharp objects placed at th bottom

Heck put a door ontop of 3 crates of live gernades with pins pulled out, when they touch the door BOOM

Or simply fling headcrabs at people
grab a combine by the nuts with the manipulator :LOL: :devil:
Get in an out of the way place and start pegging tennis balls at Combine troops. They'd be lke going "Ow, quit it!"
leave this topic alone, its been done so many times already.. (I'd see how many 360's a combine can do when thrown off of a tower :))
Ripping off Alyx's clothes and then throwing her up against Eli to see his reaction.
dat_monkey2 said:
Ripping off Alyx's clothes and then throwing her up against Eli to see his reaction.

nice way to make your 2nd post...
Note that its dat_monkey2

I imagine the first iteration didnt go too well either.
DimitriPopov said:
Note that its dat_monkey2

I imagine the first iteration didnt go too well either.

I noticed that...
dat_monkey2 said:
Ripping off Alyx's clothes and then throwing her up against Eli to see his reaction.

LOL. Now we have incest in the game series, good job.

DimitriPopov said:
Note that its dat_monkey2

I imagine the first iteration didnt go too well either.

I think dat_monkey is someone from one of my old stomping grounds, Atari Forums.
HEY! I was a good member until that one night... i got SO bored and started spamming, and for that i am sorry.

And BTW im back in the atari forums...
dat_monkey2 said:
HEY! I was a good member until that one night... i got SO bored and started spamming, and for that i am sorry.

And BTW im back in the atari forums...
Oh, you are the prankster ;)