Funniest HL2DM Moments!

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Put your funniest HL2 DM moments here, I'll start off:
-Throwing a health kit at an enemy....and healing him. :o
-Throwing the plug in dm_lockdown at an enemy....and getting a kill. :cheers:
-Using a chair, toilet, and sink as ownage tools!
Shooting the nergy ball and killing everyone on the server... i forgot to take a screen shot ):
from below on the rubbish heap entrance to the building... hitting a guy with a radiator on the combine tower (most unbelievable shot over 20 meters!), in overwatch, and watching his rag doll fly off onto a car below.

going to gore two unsuspecting people with a radiator, when from the left comes a flying file cabinet that swipes them both in the head and into the side of a building,, a disgraceful yoink, but hella funny.

launching a rocket into a battle below in the street, and watching 3 peeps fly in all directions of death,,,

everything is hilarious!, absolutely everything, apart from people trolling with a magnum,, but the deaths are still the most orgasmic deaths in a game / MP Ever. period.
dropping my own nades, then picking them back up with the grav gun, cook them, and throwing them into people's face.
nade should explode slower, but able to cook in hand, and explodes in comtact when used with grav gun.
Tossing a filing cabinet at a guy, having him catch it, toss it back at you, you catch it, and repeat ten times until I get hit in the back of the head with a radiator. :P

(I've done that medkit trick too. :o)
I've launched ammo boxes at people for want of better things to throw. I don't know if it hurt them though.

Other funny moments - Blowing up, and having mine blown up, explosive barrels people are carrying with their grav guns.

And yes, that game of catch happens quite often. Back and forth...

The best though, has to be when two people are tussling over who gets to squish the other guy under a car that's being richochet'd (sp?) all over the street.
one of the funnies moments i gotta say is when someone threw a flamming barrel at me that i caught mid air then tossed back at him AND he caught it, got ready to throw it back, but it blew up in his face AHAHAHAHAHAHHaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh priceless
Probably one of the funniest kills ive got is on overwatch on the top floor. Some guy was going for the rocket launcher and i was chasing after him. He grabbed it and then jumped onto the rocket camping spot on the metal walk way and waited for me to come around the corner. I just picked up a nearby melon and fired it at his head after going round the corner after him. It hit him square in the head killing him instantly. His corpse went flying!

Here's some funny pics...

ragdoll stuck in some stairs...

Ragdoll hanging from the showers...
I've unintentionally killed three Combine soldiers in Team Deathmatch on Overwatch by throwing an explosive barrel onto the rooftop of the main building where the RPGs are located at.
I shot a gun in the face... that's about the ONLY moment I had in DM... seeing as I've been playing SP more than it :/
funniest for me was building a tower in overwatch out of those empty carts...about 5 high i went inside and up the stairs..then i jumped miraculussy (sp?) onto the tower, it wobble back and forth whilst 2 magnum campers triied hosin me down...i managed to do the pistol trick righ square at both of em! then someone shot a flaming barrel and blew up me and the stuff
spawning a buggy on a server that had cheats on and running them all over has to be one of my favorite times so far.
One time I was stuck in the middle of a gunfight, so I just randomly grabbed a toilet and threw it up in the air. Then I see some other guy turn round the corner and get my randomly fired toilet smashed over his head. I started laughing until I got a flaming barrel in the face. Then my body flew across the room in a funny manner. Then I laughed some more.

Oh yea another time I blasted a car with the GG and it tumbled down the hill, crushing 3 people in a firefight :sniper:
There was a time when I thew an explosive barrel pretty much clear across the street and it landed square on the noodle on some unsuspecting individual running away.....he never saw it commin :laugh:
I was playing one on one with my brother over LAN and this funny little thing happened...

I was playing catch with myself with an explosive barrel, and I was on something like my 7th consecutive throw/catch and my brother cames around the corner, raises a magnum to my head, and...


Down comes the explosive barrel right down onto his head.

I laughed at him about later.
barricading the stairs leading to the rocket launcher with all kindsa junk including exploding barrels and then camping the roof whoring the rocket launcher with impunity.. haha that was fun.
I nailed 4 people with a big table. It was sweet. <3 dm_lockdown.
[Matt] said:
Ragdoll hanging from the showers...

Woohoo thats me talking there. I was argueing with a guy who thought that the Grav Gun wouldn't be used in competitions, he claimed that the grav gun required no real skills to use. Then I got shot by somebody with a mag (see top right) It was a grav gun only round If I remember correctly.

Another funny moment is when in the secret room in the same level, in the vent if you kill somebody they just clip right through it.

Nothing particularly amazing for me.

Being killed by a melon (doh).

Killing 3 people with an i-rifle orb that I launched 1 second before they killed me - so satisfying watching from your corpse as they all disintergrate and fly away.
Yesterday evening I was playing on a server and then I saw Chris_D playing too. So I wanted to kill him and make a screenshot of it (and maybe post it on this forum. But he owned me every time :D. The next round he was still in the game but AFK (away from keybord) I think because he didn't move. So I didn't kill him because that would be lame :), I would have killed everyone else who is AFK but I didn't want to take the risk that I would be banned :D. But when I saw him I also saw someone else who wanted to kill him (the lamer :) ), so I thought I had to protect Chris and I shot the object (I don't remember what it was) at the lamer but at the same time he also shot an object at Chris. So the were both killed, and it was kinda funny to see that.

It's also funny too shoot the cars in a level with the grav gun so that it starts rolling, and then you should hit it again if possible because then it moves faster. I made many kills with that. It's also cool to catch an object with the grav gun when someone tried to kill you with it and then shoot it back very quickly so you kill him. If he catches it too you call it tennis :P .
Blocking the hallway to the third level in Overwatch with two cars which are litterally impossible to move when they're stuck like that. Just me on the third level... owning.
hiding behind a desk while reloading, only to have somebody grab the desk with their GG and slam it back into me.
In the overwatch level someone had a table 'on' his gravity gun but I was standing behind a lamppost so if he threw it it wouldn't hit me. He turned right around it, I turned right, he turned left, I turned left firing all my bullets but barely hitting because of the table. Then my SMG bullets went up en I hit him with my handgun still whirling around the lamppost, and after another two rounds of handgun bullets I finally won! That was a priceless moment...
Heh, I've had heaps of moments similiar to those quite a few have said. Though I do remember once when I was pushing down the mouse button to pick up an object with the GG, only to accidently catch a Combine Rifle energy orb that was just about to take me out. So I threw it back to where it came from. Took out a whole lot of people that time, and didn't even fire the thing in the first place.
My friend died, and this guy was JUST rounding a corner and a table hit him killing him, we LAUGHED OUR ASSES OFF, it was soooo funny.

Also, my friend put the car in the alleyway and just kept pushing it down killing everyone in the alleyway, it was awesome. :P
Midnight Cowboy said:
Blocking the hallway to the third level in Overwatch with two cars which are litterally impossible to move when they're stuck like that. Just me on the third level... owning.

heh we got both cars up to the highest level :)
In overwatch or look or whatever, a person is runs and hides behind a car. I think should i shoot him? nah, should i lob a grenade? nah. I whip out my gravity gun and push the car on him