Funniest thing ever!


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Maybe not that funniest thing ever then.

PLEASE DO NOT BAN ME FOR THIS OR DELETE THIS THREAD! I am posting this because I think everyone needs to see how funny it is.. It will make people's lives better!

This is the funniest cartoon of all damn time. Check it out.
Potter puppet pals
Funny, but not funniest. Sorry, Simpsons still holds that as funniest cartoon ever.
Ahhh. I must be getting retarded... I think it's the funniest short cartoon anyways... Well, I hope other people like it :/
There is an off-topic thread for stuff like this.
rofl, that cheered up my pretty shit day
yeah... it's goddamn hillarious... BotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBotherBother
Funny, but don't people know there is more than 1 forum?

/me slaps head again!
Am I the only one that don't think that was funny at all?
No DaLys, your no the only one that didnt think that it was funny at all.

I didnt...
I was waiting for something funny to happen... But then the cartoon ended. Too bad.
I could say that was funny, but then I'd have to wash my mouth out with soap. And acid.
:P i didnt laugh..

I didnt like it...

not funny :P
Originally posted by simmo
wtf was that ?! :laugh:.....not funny :|

Then what's with the happy smiley after the "!?" ?
Liar!!! You was amused! Admit it!
I kept waiting for the punchline. In fact, I'm still waiting...

I'm sure I would have like it if I were around 12 ([+/-] 1 year).
ha ha, i personally found that rather funny!:D

And no I'm not 12...
Harrypotter sucks, so does that cartoon, im allowed to say this because nobody on the forum made it.