funny hl2 movie about delay

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Your about to be flamed bigtime, somebody showed it before.

Anyways funny stuff :)
Well hopefully they won't flame you I mean it's pointless. Especially if the flaming is to talk about wasted bandwith because the more they bitch the more bandwidth is wasted.

I like that guys shirt "the g-man is watching" haha
i like that little heart with gordon in the middle :p on that kids wall
Let's see how long it takes a mod to lock this. It has alrady been posted, somewhere.
It's stupid to flame someone just 'cause they posted something that has been posted before.
Yeah, its a great movie, im pretty sure some people missed it the first time it was posted, how many members joined since then?
Who here is looking foward to seeing fragmaster of PHL dressing up as Gordan Freeman and handing out fere copies of half-life 2
Ahhhh hahaha that was hilarious. Thanks for posting it, I hadn't seen it before...

edit: I'm not being sarcastic (just to confirm...)
WHO CARES IF IT HAS BEEN POSTED ALREADY....if thats what you all worry about then you all need to seek help.
someone should email this to gabe to see what he thinks...also look at gabes email subjects one of the says "learn how to please a women" or something like that lol
Even though I hate even thinking about a delay this movie was great!=) It was better than the previous one they had at planethalflife.
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