funny how HL2 is....

WTF?!?!? Sierra IS involved?!?

Screw sierra. I still hate the living guts out of EVERY SUIT in that place (Not the dev teams mide, only the stupid idiots that run that companey)

Crap...this is making me have second thoughts on buying HL2..
I'll never forgive them for canning ITF. NEVER.
I'd like to remind people, that probably VU games updates Sierra site.
Originally posted by A2597
WTF?!?!? Sierra IS involved?!?

Screw sierra. I still hate the living guts out of EVERY SUIT in that place (Not the dev teams mide, only the stupid idiots that run that companey)

Crap...this is making me have second thoughts on buying HL2..
I'll never forgive them for canning ITF. NEVER.

Why not? Its not like you really lost anything.

Anyway, what is ITF?
Originally posted by Dougy
im willing to bet that every1 knows about half life 2.

its everywhere.

christ even ppl who just wanna buy a video card are getting sucked into the Nvidia vs. ATI war and its all about witch playes HL2 the best.

shit even Microsoft used HL2 to show of DX9.

a lot more advertisement has gone into HL2 than you think and Valve havent had to spend a penny.

So true. I was talking to some guys in my class today about a LAN party that happened in my dorm on Saturday. One guys computer was having problems and he ordered some parts. He said he was going to just go ahead and upgrade for HL2 and this other guy was worried about his PC regarding HL2. So, really there is no need for advertising, you can look anywhere online and see Hl2. Crap, these forums are advertisements for HL2. And remember, there was really no advertising for HL1. THis whole card war is promoting the game. So, in conclusion, the game is being advertised, on a wider scale than we could ever imagine. And come the 30th, Valve will have saved millions in advertising fees because of all of the publicity out there. Basically, they will be getting paid out the butt.
CSCZ will probably not fail, it just wont be bought by people who are really into CS, and by people who want HL2 more than anything
Plainly said, it would be idiotic not to advertise the game.

Sure, we'll all buy it (in one form or another), but to sell a million+ copies, they have to get the word out to the mass of population that's starved for entertainment.

For movies, did the Matrix advertise despite nearly universal recognition and anticipation? Doesn't the Lord of the Rings advertise? Of course they do...not to do it would just be stoopid. And Valve aint stoopid.

So, as the due date is coming up close, I get more and more worried by the lack of advertising and press releases.

But maybe it's their marketing strategy. It's giving me an ulcer though (kidding - it's my crashed hard drive that is really giving me the ulcer).
Originally posted by dis
You're quite the pessimist, aren't you? PC games don't get much advertising anyway aside from a few internet ads.

They get more than this buddy, and this is not just any game.
Babylon 5, Into the Fire...
they canned it four years ago..
it was revolutionary, shoot, it is STILL revolutionary for petes sake! NO game has come CLOSE to what the dev team did in ITF...all the work on the engion was done, all that was left was making some missions...
it STILL could be released without ANY updating to the models, engion, etc, it was THAT good...truely dynamic universe, newtonian physics...

to give you an idea how POed I still am, I'm still boycotting sierra, as are hundereds, if not thousands of others. The boycott that formed from the canning of ITF is huge, and the community that wants ITF is still alive, and gaining new members...even the origenal devs are around still...

what REALLY pisses me off is that we basically offered Sierra a BLANK CHECK for the game, any amount for the data and work done...we had the funding available. Sierra refused....GAH.

sorry, I am just really was four years just a few days ago since sierra canned it.

Seriously, how would you feel if you found out that HL2 was canned? Almost done, all the devs layed off, game shelved. no ifs, ands, adds, or buts.

DIE SIERRA. I thought we killed them off better then this!
ITF was worth it for the game...for the music...for the video (Last video shot on the B5 stage sets) and for the music...shoot, even the music system was revolutionary, lots of themes, hundereds of transitional peices, about 30 seconds long, some longer, some shorter, some themes...ANY of them could flow SEAMLESSLY together to create 100% dynamic music, with NO seams at all...

and the gameplay...a 100% dynamic universe, we aren't talking Freelancer here, that was crap. We are talking 100% it keeps track of every single ship in the universe and if you want back up if depends on where your ships are, and what they are doing...100% dynamic campaign, none of this branching crud that is being done to death, a REAL dynamic universe!

did I mention promotions? anywhere from fighterjock to fleet admiral, and not done cheaply half assed, done RIGHT....

If the game was released today, I'd gladly pay over 500$ for it, and I am dead serious.

I'm seriously re-concidering buying HL2 now...I'm still that mad...
Originally posted by Homer
They get more than this buddy, and this is not just any game.

True, true, true. It SHOULD have a GTA: Vice City sized promotion.
HL2 does not need promoters because it already has over a million... us.........
My EB has those fake HL boxes(ya know, the big ones) in the window. But thats about it.....

PS. First post as a Ant Lion!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
HL2 does not need promoters because it already has over a million... us.........

True, but there still are people who havent heard to much or seen ANY of HL2, and you would think they would like to sell to us(die hard fans) and the newbies out there. They could sell alot more, and have even MORE hype if they started adverstising. I mean not ONE ad in pcgamer yet. Not one. (the articles dont count)
True, true, true. It SHOULD have a GTA: Vice City sized promotion.

Maybe so... but PC games are a bit different than console games. Console games have a much larger group of potential consumers to target. These consumers aren't necessarily technically oriented, and might not even have a computer.
I mean not ONE ad in pcgamer yet. Not one. (the articles dont count)

Actually, wasn't there an ad with a crowbar on the page a while back? Granted, it wasn't very informative...
Still, Valve doesn't have any official advertisements out yet. You do need those, not everyone visits these forums. Not everyone knows about Half-Life 2 because not everyone is a hardcore gamer, many are casual. No advertising and it's a week before release, that's a bad sign.
Originally posted by nostgard
Actually, wasn't there an ad with a crowbar on the page a while back? Granted, it wasn't very informative...
wasn't that put there by the mag itself to promote the next issue?
Originally posted by qckbeam
Still, Valve doesn't have any official advertisements out yet. You do need those, not everyone visits these forums. Not everyone knows about Half-Life 2 because not everyone is a hardcore gamer, many are casual. No advertising and it's a week before release, that's a bad sign.

Maybe they are going to pull the movie approach, assault everyone with ads a week before the release and hope a huge opening weekend and word of mouth carries them the rest of the way.
Originally posted by Killa_TJH
These forums are promotions....

To people who already know about and will most likely buy the game.

If you were a money making company, like Valve, wouldn't you want the maximum amount of people buy your product? If you just rely on your existing customers, you're missing out on the possibility of acquiring a substantially greater pool of potential buyers.

The Two Towers had a large following before it was released: all the fantasy geeks and action fans were waiting for it. The movie would have easily made money without any advertising (esp. since The Fellowship already earned back the costs of the 3 films and then some). Yet the studio advertised. Why? So they could sell MORE tickets.

That's why you advertise. To maximize profit potential. And if you don't, you are a fool.
Originally posted by nostgard
Maybe so... but PC games are a bit different than console games. Console games have a much larger group of potential consumers to target. These consumers aren't necessarily technically oriented, and might not even have a computer.

HL2 will eventually be on console systems... It would be a wise move to widely advertise the initial pc release to build future demand for the console versions.
Originally posted by Marijn
hl1 was never advertised either. it's most played online game. any gamer with a heartbeat knows it's coming, why waste money on stuff you don't need?

besides, it's the lack of info which keeps the talk going.

Um, no. wrong. HL did have advertizing, and lots of it. PC gamer Scoops, Gamespot previews (3 of them) and LOTS of print ads. I still have one of's got a bunch of grunts pointing their guns at the camera, and then a bunch of houndeyes in front of the grunts.
I can understand the no hands on preview stuff. Valve wants to give nothing away. Still, ad's in magazines, and internet ad's are two things I would have excpected by now.
Originally posted by Spiffae
Um, no. wrong. HL did have advertizing, and lots of it. PC gamer Scoops, Gamespot previews (3 of them) and LOTS of print ads. I still have one of's got a bunch of grunts pointing their guns at the camera, and then a bunch of houndeyes in front of the grunts. that I think about it I remember seeing a bunch of print ads before release as well...a lot of them to advertise not only the game but a video card which ran it well. Remember seeing a video card ad with a grunt in it from HL
it's the art of adverstising, without advertising
no TV advertising for HL? was it mostly internet ads and game publications? games like MC2 and GTA went over the major networks and I suppose is a huge percent of total promotion; I hope we do see something like this over the next couple days with HL2... I can only imagine the profits from the original HL and its mods
Originally posted by PSX
no TV advertising for HL? was it mostly internet ads and game publications? games like MC2 and GTA went over the major networks and I suppose is a huge percent of total promotion; I hope we do see something like this over the next couple days with HL2... I can only imagine the profits from the original HL and its mods

I'm sure Valve has the money for a tv'd be so sweet to be just sitting, watching the tube...totally not expecting it...and then start to see images of City 17 flash across the screen. Ooooh goosebumps!!!
I remember my EB and a few other stores once had Duke Nukem Forever 'coming soon' boxes on the shelves. That was about two years ago. They're gone now. I don't put much faith in empty boxes either.