Funny rebel quote i heard for the first time. *spoiler?*

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Andrew LB

Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
I've played through Episode 2 now for the fourth time and for the first time a minute ago, i heard the "sheckley" looking rebel in the garage just before the auto-gun say "So.... do you have a boyfriend?" to Alyx as you drop into the room on your way to go take out the gun. I thought it was great.

Though i've heard the other quotes by those guys before, I also loved how the guy welding made a comment about "We're fixing up this car and driving to Hawaii! Beaches, babes, and waves! If you ever get sick of this rebel crap, you know who to talk to... "

Simply genius!!

mods: if you guys have gone over this before, delete if you want. :) :cheers:
I always wondered what her reaction was. My guess is a smirk and an eye roll as if to say pretty much. Not that she necessarily thinks that but I'm sure she's not in the mood to be hit on.
You could probably set up cameras in gmod and see what her reaction is.
I have a feeling that the developers didn't program a reaction. Well.... unless you die out there in the junk yard. :)

*Alyx responds upon Gordon's death...*

... F' this rebel sh*t.... off to Hawaii!!! Time to procreate!!!
Nothing will happen when he says it.

NPCs just stand still or disapear the second they leave view of the player.
LandStander said:
Not that she necessarily thinks that but I'm sure she's not in the mood to be hit on.
I wouldn't be so sure. She may use the threat of competition and the implied possibility of Gordon not eventually getting into her pants to manipulate him. That is, assuming she's like most other women out there. ;)
I thought it was "Is he your boyfriend"

Yeah, result of anti-procreation-uber-hauled-supression-raining-hell-device being blown up.
DAMN!!! need to play that lv and hear that quote. All these quotes pass me by.
when I heard it, I'm pretty sure he said, "soo... is he like, your boyfriend or something?"

valve coulda made it different each time.
The correct dialogue is "So uh... is that your boyfriend?"
The correct dialogue is "So uh... is that your boyfriend?"

That's right. Knew it was something referencing Gordon. And no, Valve would not make it different every time.
Well, I doubt you can visually see her reaction as I don't think Valve would bother giving her a facial animation that the player cannot see anyway without cheating.
I didn't mean that we could see her reaction with the no clip I meant in the sense the game itself. She obviously gave some nonverbal answer to the question.
Theres a funny convo. just after you race dog to the camp.
A radio operator boasts about how he uses AR3s and wrestles 20+ Hunters to the ground with his hands every day.
He says " that your boyfriend." And I doubt it's anything special, the same character models were used a lot, so why not similar voices?
He says " that your boyfriend." And I doubt it's anything special, the same character models were used a lot, so why not similar voices?

You are very good at necroing threads. :D
Though i've heard the other quotes by those guys before, I also loved how the guy welding made a comment about "We're fixing up this car and driving to Hawaii! Beaches, babes, and waves! If you ever get sick of this rebel crap, you know who to talk to... "

Awesome :naughty:
Awesome :naughty:

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