Funny school essays!

Hahahah those are great! The poet one is the best, but how can you be in honors english if you do so bad on all those papers? Or do you just not care?
I wonder if there actual papers like that. You've just caused me to google whack
Fake is irrelevant, it's as funny as heck!! :E
The comment on the last one is the best, after reading everything else.
This is too embracinf to read. Delirium.

Although in my English group at school were a few people capable of writing similar things.
I've read worse, in college...
I just sort of stare at it...and hand it back to them saying it's fine...

I mean, what CAN you say?!?
They seem as essays to me? What is so funny bout them anyway? Those are poorly written essays (attempts to write something good) by some seriosly ill kid, so why laugh at it, wtf is wrong with you people :O
ScopeD said:
They seem as essays to me? What is so funny bout them anyway? Those are poorly written essays (attempts to write something good) by some seriosly ill kid, so why laugh at it, wtf is wrong with you people :O

1 entry found for sense of humor.

sense of humor

n : the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous

In case you didn't know what it was. :p