Funny video?

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Nov 22, 2003
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Sorry, this doesn't really deserver a new thread but I looked for it and couldn't find it. I'm looking for a video someone posted here a few days ago or awhile ago where this kid bails out of a car and hits a parked car. Does anyone know which one i'm talking about? Thanks. Again, sorry for the new thread.
I think your looking for the off topic forum, that's why nobody is posting in your thread.
Yeah, but I was posted here. Must have got moved.
If i remember correctly the thread was covered in spelling errors, something like "recreat ethis in garys mod".

I'll try searching it..
DreadLord1337 said:
If i remember correctly the thread was covered in spelling errors, something like "recreat ethis in garys mod".

I'll try searching it..
ya that was the recreation of it, then i recreated it in Garrys Mod :)
The thread got deleted because the video was hosted on a pornography site. For some reason the file went missing from their server and then directed people to the front page which was full of non-suitable content and porn banners.

It was re-posted in Off Topic but was hosted on a much more respectable site. Can't remember what it was called. It should be on ebaums world somewhere though.
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