Funny videos,anime,flashes?


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
Can someone send me some links to hilarious videos? No sick videos that involves sexual/horrible content. I know of a site like that.. Its the sickest place ever, but still very funny. No ebaumsworld, just original stuff you find off random sites that are hilarious.
Just spend an hour at albinoblacksheep....
Best flash site in existance.
It compiles all the great original stuff so you dont have to find em yourself
Newgrounds gives me viruses and spyware :frown:

Albinoblacksheep forever! :D
Everytime that song comes on I'm compelled to nod my head. It came on one time while I was sitting at a stoplight, and some people in the car next to me rolled down their windows and started nodding their heads too (they were also listening to it).
Darkside55 said:
Everytime that song comes on I'm compelled to nod my head. It came on one time while I was sitting at a stoplight, and some people in the car next to me rolled down their windows and started nodding their heads too (they were also listening to it).

lol, it is a great song to nod your head to.

Does anyone know where the "black man rolling down the hill screaming" flash is?
Darkside55 said:
Everytime that song comes on I'm compelled to nod my head. It came on one time while I was sitting at a stoplight, and some people in the car next to me rolled down their windows and started nodding their heads too (they were also listening to it).
Lol, sounds kinda surreal. Someone should make a nodding emoticon.
Grey Fox said:
Godly link. I think I remember watching a cool clay-animation about some wig maker there a long time ago, but I forgot the link, nice one.
Hey, I was searching for this one video I have seen awhile back, it starts with this new age japanese family, and then this teenage japanese kid comes in the door, and is like "WHats up ******s!?!?" and all of them start talking like black people and shiz, funny as hell but I cant find it anywhere... I hope someone knows which one I am talking about.