Futureshop's release date...

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Sep 19, 2003
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I'm so sick of stores thinking they know what date a game's going to be released just so they can sell copies. Unless I'm wrong. We do NOT know a release date for HL2, correct?

Anyway, here's a screenshot of a Canadian store's (Futureshop's) release date for HL2, I'm the first to say this means nothing. I highlighted both Doom 3 and Half Life 2 dates.



  • Dates.jpg
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OH NOES! FUTURESOHP HAS TEH DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

As we all know, Futureshop is the ultimate place to buy games and they get all their info first hand from Valve. Thanks for the info, Digitalassassin! But damn, Nov is a little loong freakin wait..
Why can't they just have "To be announced" for the release date?

It would be so much more honest.
they're just covering there ass, its not like it says "THIS RELEASE DATE IS STRAIGHT FROM VALVE" on it.
Heh...the date

Yall know that Canadians put the day before the months right :) so those dates are way old.
Thats 60 bucks Canadian, which would be like 40-45 USD. And the date there means November 15, 2004. Nothing about putting the day before the month can be misinterpreted from there, it says in words Nov 15/04. So the dates are not way old. However, like all retail dates are probably complete bullshit.
willchristiansen said:
Yall know that Canadians put the day before the months right :) so those dates are way old.

So do the Irish and British. It makes more sense, day/month/year smallest -> largest.

Anyway, companies always do that sort of thing. Amazon even has the number of pages in some books over a year before they're released.
You know it's all crap when you read the blurb. "Half-life 2 carries on from where the first game left us".....WRONG! Basically they insert generic game sequel blurb and put in the appropriate names.
funny how sico got banned for saying stupid canadians eh? look who's the stupid one now lol
Unfortuantely, after having preordered a LOT of games through them, i have found that their dates are actually spot on most of the time, if not missing by a couple of weeks only.

Guess we will have to wait till November, but it dont really matter, Doom3 is getting my money first.
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