FYI: PC Gamer "Upcoming"

Ugh, PC Zone was the worst bog roll I ever tried to read.

For the sake of the UK, please, let it be PCG with the review.
edit: blah, someone already said it.

Good, so it could still be HL2. :cheers: 30 days though.
I'm almost scared to get the next issue, if it truly is Half Life 2, I could only imagine the chaos if it doesn't get a better score than Doom 3. I can almost guarantee riots, suicide cults, the planets aligning, a full moon on the night that the magazine distributes, Richard Simmons goes straight, and asteroids hitting the earth.

Personally, Ill be participating in those riots if Half Life 2 doesn't score better than Doom 3. It just can't happen...

:sniper: :bounce:
The original review means shit. I mean all the early reviews of D3 were like 95%+, once it came out all but the most diehard fans knew that that game just deserved a 90, if that.
If its not Hl2 or CS:S and turns out to be TheSim2 then i think i will ave to reconsider by yearly subscription and i will be writing/emailing/phoning to give them an ear full.
Can I throw a question in to this thread so I don't need to start a new one:

What happened to the planethalflife preview of HL2/CSS? I thought they were awaiting some piccys to be sent from Valve...seems to be taking a while.
Bicka said:
Can I throw a question in to this thread so I don't need to start a new one:

What happened to the planethalflife preview of HL2/CSS? I thought they were awaiting some piccys to be sent from Valve...seems to be taking a while.

Let's just say that HalfLife_84 guy is a complete idiot and liar. I would talk to him on irc every day for about a week after he got back and he would tell me every day "it should definitely be up today". At this point I don't even know if he even went to Valve. Also he said he had HUGE news, which is simply not true.

Back on topic though, does anyone know when this magazine should be out for subscribers as they get it earlier, shouldnt it be in a week or two?
Oh yeah baby...WOO HOO...Kick Ass - I'm so psyched for this review of

Oh yeah baby...WOO HOO...Kick Ass - I'm so psyched for this review of

If that is the case I will burn every copy of PCG I see...

Although going by PCG's descrpition, it's gotta be HL2, since it is the only industry changing game on the PC radar. The Sims 2 could be classed as that, but they have their own seperate niche in the market, and thus it doesn't have as much influence as HL2 has.
king John I said:
i own the sims, and i must say, it is the most boring game ever, out of the game i own anyway. The best bit was just letting the sims die in wierder and wierder conditions.
Or letting them swim then take out the pool ladder, haha, stupid sims.

i agree, its boring now. I used to like it when i was little, thats when it was first out. Building houses is still a little fun, but its gotten boring.

Wonder what the demo will be like.., i dont see anything else they can really do to the game to make it that much better. But i dont know anything about it, and ive heard people say its going to be great.
Just to make sure we are all on the same page, we are talking about the November PCGamer, right (the one after the one after the Doom 3 review issue)?
Sushi said:
If that is the case I will burn every copy of PCG I see...

Although going by PCG's descrpition, it's gotta be HL2, since it is the only industry changing game on the PC radar. The Sims 2 could be classed as that, but they have their own seperate niche in the market, and thus it doesn't have as much influence as HL2 has.

On top of that, I think we could storm the PCGamer offices...

-Frosty- said:
Just to make sure we are all on the same page, we are talking about the November PCGamer, right (the one after the one after the Doom 3 review issue)?

Mags always release their issues dated a month in advance for some reason, so the November issue is coming out in September.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Mags always release their issues dated a month in advance for some reason, so the November issue is coming out in September.
Yeah, strange how they do that. I'm a subscriber, but I wanted to make sure we were all talking about the same issue :)
um that would be 2 months in advance, we are forgetting October...
This super review is gonna be in the next issue, right? Next issue is October....uh yeah I got mixed up.
Hrm, no IIRC PCG puts their issues out 2 months in advance, because it is in the NOV issue becuase look at the timestamp on the pic.
Now I'm totally confused, when the hell is this issue coming out exactly?
The review we are all speculating about should be the November issue. I think the October issue just came out, and that's the issue that says there is a big review coming up.
Okay, so this issue will be out next month. Stupid magazines and their stupid dates.
Doom Issue - September
D&D Issue (talking about upcomming review) - October
Halflife2 Issue (if it is indeed halflife2) - November