G-Man + Aperture.... ?


Jan 8, 2008
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What I want to know is how Aperture Science fits into the G-Man's grand scheme. The G-Man has orchestrated everything that has happened so far in the entire HL series... and we know that Portal and HL are linked... so I'm wondering if the G-Man and Aperture are linked as well. And if they are, how?

There doesn't appear to be any evidence pointing to this conclusion... but there is definitely no reason why Aperture Science can't fit into the G-Man's plans.

I want theories people. Intelligent, thought out theories. How the G-Man is involved with AS, and how it fits into the grand story of our beloved Half Life.

Ready, set - go!

*steps back before people start tearing each other apart*
Tearing each other? Why bother when you're there! Mwa ha ha...!

G-man and Aperture are inevitably linked. But currently we don't know the extent of their relationship
G-man is the connector of different lives. Aperture Science tested Chell and gave her a Portal gun which she escaped with...inevitably to help Gordon. G-man is PSYCHIC! ZOMG!
I think it makes more sense that Chell helped Black Mesa during Gordon's absence. It's entirely possible that she's Alyx's mother, given the (loose) timeframe we have. I can imagine Dr. Kleiner getting his hands on the portal gun and trying to duplicate the effects, at the cost of "that cat."
Alyx's. Mother. Is. Named. Azian. And. Looks. Nothing. Like. Chell.
Alyx's. Mother. Is. Named. Azian. And. Looks. Nothing. Like. Chell.

People have two names, first and last. Azian Chell/Chell Azian. And Valve has a habit of updating characters later on. Look at Eli in HL1.

Images for comparison, I'm sure she would look happier once she was out of the EC.


People have two names, first and last. Azian Chell/Chell Azian. And Valve has a habit of updating characters later on. Look at Eli in HL1.

Images for comparison, I'm sure she would look happier once she was out of the EC.

So... Azian Vance disappeared from the Black Mesa dormitories to appear in an Aperture Science facility. Instead of dying. And the Aperture Science facility decides to go with her maiden-name for identification purposes. Riiiiiiiiight.
The only connection between the G-Man and Aperture is that Black Mesa and Aperture were rival research labs.
I think it makes more sense that Chell helped Black Mesa during Gordon's absence. It's entirely possible that she's Alyx's mother, given the (loose) timeframe we have. I can imagine Dr. Kleiner getting his hands on the portal gun and trying to duplicate the effects, at the cost of "that cat."

No. You. are. wrong. ..

It's not possible that she's Alyx's mother, that's already been confirmed. Besides, she's about Alyx's age during HL2, even if the timeframe is sketchy, it's not that rough.

She's called Chell. And Alyx's mother isn't. End of story.

And "Eli" in Half-Life one looks exactly like Eli might in Half-Life 1, considering the time difference. My dad didn't look like he did 18 years ago. But he's still the same bloody person. And Half-Life's graphics weren't capable of being any more detailed.
The only connection between the G-Man and Aperture is that Black Mesa and Aperture were rival research labs.

What do you mean by that? As far as I know, G-Man isn't a part of Black Mesa either. And my opinion is that G-Man=Cave Johnson.
What do you mean by that? As far as I know, G-Man isn't a part of Black Mesa either. And my opinion is that G-Man=Cave Johnson.

No, Gman isn't directly "a part" of Black Mesa, but he definitely had a strong hand in it. He was possibly the direct cause of the Resonance Cascade, even if he didn't want it to happen.

And you can't be serious. I'd hope your joking, but at 8 posts, there really isn't any humour in a joke like that. Everyone's just going to take you seriously. Which you don't want.

Because Darkside will reign down his RaceX terror on you.
No, Gman isn't directly "a part" of Black Mesa, but he definitely had a strong hand in it. He was possibly the direct cause of the Resonance Cascade, even if he didn't want it to happen.

And you can't be serious. I'd hope your joking, but at 8 posts, there really isn't any humour in a joke like that. Everyone's just going to take you seriously. Which you don't want.

Because Darkside will reign down his RaceX terror on you.

I'd hope I wouldn't have to say that, but now you're really starting to sound like a nerd and a Half Life freak, which (I think) you don't want. I was serious and Portal, like HL, is just a game. Ok, I don't play HL, and, except for Portal, which I finished, I didn't play any other Valve's games, so I probably don't know as much as you do. So I guess you're right. But you could just say you disagree with my theory. Not act like this. I know you know much more about this, but this kind of reaction just isn't appropriate, and could insult someone. And you could do something else besides playing Half Life. Like get a life.
This topic might be better served in Episode 2 discussion..

I think..
I'd hope I wouldn't have to say that, but now you're really starting to sound like a nerd and a Half Life freak

Thanks :D

which (I think) you don't want.

Quite the contrary.

I was serious and Portal, like HL, is just a game.

So why are you serious, if it's just a game?

Ok, I don't play HL, and, except for Portal, which I finished, I didn't play any other Valve's games

Here's your problem. Why create a theory about a game you haven't played. Just because you've completed Portal, doesn't mean you know everything about it. I can't believe you'd even suggest something about the Gman if you haven't even seen him in game!

so I probably don't know as much as you do. So I guess you're right.

Quite right. But you could have checked a wiki. There are a thousand ways to check your theory.

But you could just say you disagree with my theory. Not act like this.

I honestly thought you were joking. I did disagree.

I know you know much more about this, but this kind of reaction just isn't appropriate, and could insult someone.

I was actually joking. You shouldn't take me seriously. You'll know when I am being.

And you could do something else besides playing Half Life. Like get a life.

I'd appreciate it if you didn't say this to anyone without actually knowing them. "You could insult someone".
Neither have I the obligation to respond with "evidence" that I do have a life. So don't ask for any.
Adrian Shephard...
Where is he?

I can speculate that if there's a Portal sequel, it would involve a raid on Black Mesa, discovering whatever it was that they were working on that got Aperture so upset. Then again, I really need to finish Opposing Force.

On a side note, could Black Mesa's "portal equivalent" really be their dimensional travel research? Perhaps Aperture caught wind of this and misconstrued it. Might explain why the G-Man doesn't appear in the game, in the case that he is NOT Cave Johnson, as there would be no significant development there. The ASHPD doesn't open a link to another world, it opens a link to the other side of the room.

That Adrian Shephard article's hilarious. With all that "ASHPD" crap. Oh know, they're also letters of my name :O

And I bet Valve highlighted those letters after someone mentioned Adrian Shephard might be in it :p

Edit: Or, taking out the letters A, S, H, P and D, you're left with ERIN. *shrugs* just a thought.

That Adrian Shephard article's hilarious. With all that "ASHPD" crap. Oh know, they're also letters of my name :O

And I bet Valve highlighted those letters after someone mentioned Adrian Shephard might be in it :p

Edit: Or, taking out the letters A, S, H, P and D, you're left with ERIN. *shrugs* just a thought.

LOL You're such a clever bastard :p
I can speculate that if there's a Portal sequel, it would involve a raid on Black Mesa, discovering whatever it was that they were working on that got Aperture so upset. Then again, I really need to finish Opposing Force.

you know what got Aperture so upset. Black Mesa was killing them in government contracts.. Watch the slide presentations as you wander through the back stage area.

That Adrian Shephard article's hilarious. With all that "ASHPD" crap. Oh know, they're also letters of my name :O

Yeah seriously though, that stuff's pissing me off. It's like the G MAN = Gordon FreeMAN theory.
I'd hope I wouldn't have to say that, but now you're really starting to sound like a nerd and a Half Life freak, which (I think) you don't want. I was serious and Portal, like HL, is just a game. Ok, I don't play HL, and, except for Portal, which I finished, I didn't play any other Valve's games, so I probably don't know as much as you do. So I guess you're right. But you could just say you disagree with my theory. Not act like this. I know you know much more about this, but this kind of reaction just isn't appropriate, and could insult someone. And you could do something else besides playing Half Life. Like get a life.

"It's just a game."
"Get a life."
Wait, why the hell are you even posting here? Aren't you supposed to go live your "life"? I mean..
We're all only here because we have no lives, we all got headcrabbed years ago.
i say that the gman is probably on the flashing screen when you kill gladis
i cant tell because portal is screwed up but if i could i'd look.
'Ok Class, now in physics today we are going to be learn about Aperture Science and what happens if you add certain chemicals to it...'

*Organises equipment*

'Now, as you can see, I have some Gman here, and let me show you what happens, when you apply him to the Aperture Science solution I made earlier...'


I would think that if the Gman had a stake in AS/Chell he would have appeared at the end of Portal to "offer" Chell a "job."
G-Man is obviously a Time Lord and his briefcase is a TARDIS. Perhaps even the Master or the Thirteenth Doctor. There, just as sensible explanation as any other presented on this board. :cool:
Anyone notice that when G-Man says the line "I'm not one to squander my investments" the image in the background is rebel soldiers who were looking for the Borealis being shot. Perhaps he assisted aperture the same way he assisted Black Mesa.
I can speculate that if there's a Portal sequel, it would involve a raid on Black Mesa, discovering whatever it was that they were working on that got Aperture so upset. Then again, I really need to finish Opposing Force.

On a side note, could Black Mesa's "portal equivalent" really be their dimensional travel research? Perhaps Aperture caught wind of this and misconstrued it. Might explain why the G-Man doesn't appear in the game, in the case that he is NOT Cave Johnson, as there would be no significant development there. The ASHPD doesn't open a link to another world, it opens a link to the other side of the room.[/QUOTE]

I think you need to finish Opposing Force before making those comments about Chell making a raid on Black Mesa.

Because at the end of Opposing Force, G-Man detonates a nuclear bomb in the underground parking structure in Black Mesa.... wiping the whole place off the face of the earth.[/spoiler}

What do you mean by that? As far as I know, G-Man isn't a part of Black Mesa either. And my opinion is that G-Man=Cave Johnson.

Considering G-Man's briefcase in HL1 had a Black Mesa logo on it, and he was roaming the facility freely and even gave Eli the Xen crystal... he more than likely had some pull around the facility.

btw... and Cave Johnson is more likely to be Chell's father. There is zero evidence that he is the g-man.