G-Man is Freeman


Aug 4, 2003
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my theory is that g-man simply is an older gordon freeman

G standing for gordon.....man.....freeMAN....indeed way out theory but think about it...why never hear gordons voice? i think its an excellent way to introduce this plot twist as gordon ends up sounding exactly like the g-man at the end of say half life 3

i even think he looks a little like gordon if you look closely

i could be wrong BUT this is a theories board afterall :)
I think everyone has come up with this theory at one point or another. :D

We can only speculate, but I think it'd be dumb to put that in the plot.
lol....sorry i don't read these theory and speculation boards much
G-man stands for government man.

The resemblance between them is striking, particularly the eyes. I think valve put this in to show that you 'have something in common' with the gman, making him seem 'closer' to you somehow.

If the Gman is Gordon, why give him the opportunity to die at the end? That would be killing himself. It goes like this:

*Gman offers gordon 'a battle he cannot win' :(
*Gordon Accepts :angel:
*Gordon dies :x
*The gman ceases to exist (because if gordon dies he can never become the gman) :flame:
*Gordon survives (because Gman doesn't kill him) :smoking:
*Gordon becomes Gman :devil:
*Gordon dies :x
*Gman goes poof again :flame:
*Gordon Survives again :smoking:
*etc. etc. :rolling:

The Result of This: The Gman gets fed up, Gordon gets the mother of all headaches, the fabric of the space-time continuum breaks down, resulting in the destruction of the Universe, and Gabe Newells head explodes.

I think I speak for all of us when I say: Great Scott!!
I think the biggest reason for them to be different people is that the G-man talks.
Mechagodzilla said:
I think everyone has come up with this theory at one point or another. :D

We can only speculate, but I think it'd be dumb to put that in the plot.

Ahh, I remember, it was back in NOV 2003, I had the idea that gman is gordon. It does sure bring back memories
Mechagodzilla said:
I think the biggest reason for them to be different people is that the G-man talks.
lol, I totally agree.
...and Gabe Newells head explodes.


Anyway, G-man's voice doesn't suit Gordon, Gordon would kind of speak in a deeper voice, G-man's voice is just too shaky
If you make a photoshop of Gabe's head exploding, I will give you a cookie. Heh, just kidding.

I don't think its that ridiculus of an idea. Haven't any of you seen Boondock Saints? I won't ruin the movie for those who didn't, but one of the characters ends up being related to another character in the middle of the movie, out of the blue.

So its possible, people in entertainment industries do weird things. :)

But if its true, I think I'll never play another video game again. And look like this guy: :farmer:

(Wait, I already do...)
The G man could be Gordon but some how i don't think that thats mark Ladlow's style you know. he is a very creative person and i am sure he is like 30 steps ahead interms of concepts and deep understandings on how the Gman thing will play out.. G man could be this leader of lets say Race X and is playing all sides to get what he wants so like the administrator will be working for the Gman instead the other way around. Plus i think a whole new an civilization will come around cause i remember Doug Lambardii Stating that in HL 1 the aliens where mearly scouts and there is this whole other set of organics coming in this time..

Dumb thread but still worth a laugh at seeing how the peeons speculate about everything under the sun...bring on HL2 and end these peeons misery!!!
zitbug, that avatar gives me the jibblies

i doubt that this theroy is true though, i too had the thought a while back
I've never heard that theory before but it actually seems plausable. The resemblence doesn't really match, but it's still an alright theory.
coudlnt( it be that the g man is some kind of humanized alien from the xen world ? I mean listen to the way he talks, its kind of like he is retarded yet very smart.. thats the contradicting mystery.. if he speaks he sometimes seems to have difficulties keeping up snot or some organic thing he has to keep control of..

like "wake up and smell the ashes" or "the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"....

its like he's saying it all backwards :)
I think the odd speech is there just to make him creepy or mysterious.
There are such things as speech impediments among humans, it's not just aliens/robots/timetravellers that have them... :stare:
The point of Gordon not talking is that the player is supposed to BE Gordon (basically). It's more immersive. So when you turn a corner and get hooked by a barnacle, it's YOU saying "Holy crap!" instead of Gordon saying "Holy crap!".
CreamOfetus said:
pffffftttt.... what a dumb theory. how could gordon be his own father? :LOL:

Ever watch futurama? The episode where they go back in time and are actually the roswell aliens? Hilarious...Anyway, this made me think of Prof. Farnsworth:

Farnsworth said:
Oooh… A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-my-own-grandpa! Let's get the hell out of here already. Screw history!

Good times, i love that show.
Actually, Valve never named the G-Man or Barney, the fans did.

So the "G" for "Gordon" thing is kinda impossible. Sorreh.
how did the fans name them? they had file names in the game cd of barney, g-man etc.
what the fans gave barney his name ? i dont agree with you !! did you play blue-shift ? if yes just remembering the players name ! if not hm it really doesnt matter !!!!
Originally, the generic security guard models (The skinny ones, anyway) were just called "Barnies". The, Blue Shift came along, and the characters were sort of consolidated into one man: Barney Calhoun, who has a (Speaking!) role in HL2.
they where called barney in HL because they kind of resembled Barney Fife, played by don knotts, from the andy griffith show. or something.
Or something...

I remember that resemblance being pointed out, but only in the context of it being a coincidence. You say it was intentional?
i dont know if they did it on purpose, but somebody at Valve noticed so they started calling him barney.