g-man not the same!!

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May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Something has happened to g-man since we last saw him, if you look at the pic of the old him and the new him you can see the old him has blue eyes and the new him has green eyes!!!

(this is what happens when HL2 addiction kicks in) :bounce:
the first one doesn't really look like any particular color, let alone "blue". they just multiplied the details by 1000 for the new game.
i know but im bored an thought i would point it out :cool:
okay, well good job.

i herby dub you "Mr.Detective"

good job Mr. Detective
yesssssss its caught on, congradulations Mr.Detective, youve earned yourslef a supercool nickname hahaha
He got contacts:p

Did you guys notice how Gordon has grown 3 more hairs since the last time we saw him!!!!!!
Originally posted by Kyle
He got contacts:p

Did you guys notice how Gordon has grown 3 more hairs since the last time we saw him!!!!!!

Yes! I hate Valve for being making this low quality filth! The crowbar is missing a scratch too!

you see, being anal and pointing out stupid things gets you a cool nickname...:cheers:
I just noticed this myself. Any word on the reasons as to why they've changed this?
Why didn't those people register?
You can't start flaming people till you register, and attain 500 posts.
Why did you people resurrect a four year old thread? D:
Why didn't those people register?
You can't start flaming people till you register, and attain 500 posts.

They DID register, but since those accounts are four years old, they were pruned due to inactivity (thus why we have only ~9,100 members at the moment despite having nearly 70,000 registrations total).

No thread necro please.
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