G-Man Organisation ?


Apr 30, 2004
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Alyx and Eli Vance ?
Not connected to the G-Man ?
Maybe they are .....

Okay, while most of you have been viewing Half-Life, you probably noticed the G-Man's briefcase, right ? Take a VERY close look at the symbol on the briefcase, and memorise it. Now, play the tunnels video, and take note of the insignia on Alyx's shirt.

It's the same.
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, I'm new to the forums. :)
That's the symbol of the Black Mesa Research Facility, where the first Half-Life took place. G-Man has it on his briefcase because he worked as some sort of liaison to the Administrator.

Alyx just wears the shirt because her father (and presumably her mother, as well) used to work there.

So you're right, they are the same, but they're not in the same organization.
Well, maybe she's had owned it for ten years, since she lived at BMRF as a kid? Maybe it was her dead mother's work clothes at BMRF and she wears it to remember...plenty of possibilities. No mystery there.
Yep, it's the black mesa symbol, a circle with a stylised hill in it.
Neo_Kuja said:
But where would she get a 10-year old shirt from ?
Well it's just a shirt, I assume it's just to put emphasis on her links to BMRF.

As for the actual topic, it's a good question. I have a feeling that the BMRF returnees aren't on the side of the G-Man at the start, wehereas Freeman would be. But it's an interesting question, and there's no way it'll be cut-and-dry. I'm also interested in how other characters will refer to the G-Man. Minor point, but will they call him "The G-Man" or what? Will they even be aware of him?

Finally, this Dr. Breen (who many are assuming to be The Administrator) - and not to want to ruin the ambience or mystery of him at this point - wouldn't you say he looks like Dr. Evil?
"Gordon... *pssht* I... am your father!"

"No!! Really?!"

"No. Not really. I can't back that up."

"Oh. Right."


I think Black Mesa will be City 17's Vietnam, in a convoluted and vague way, if only in the sense in that was a pointless conflict in the past which has caused no end of hurt. Thing is, will people other than the Mesa survivors remember or know of the disaster? Apparently they've seen Gordon before...
Edcrab said:
Thing is, will people other than the Mesa survivors remember or know of the disaster? Apparently they've seen Gordon before...
I was going to start a thread on this, but well - here's my worries here instead:
People have seen/know of Gordon Freeman. Why is this?
Here's the really stupid theory-that-I-don't-actually-believe bit: In the tech demo vid. there are the different rotating panels showing how various shader effects will work. One was a stained glass window portrait of Gordon. I am now very scared by the prospect implied here. Plus, you work with a monk (less of a clue, of course, but nevertheless...)
If Valve have done with the story what's potentially happening with those tiny shards of half-facts, I'm going to be somewhat disappointed with the story-line in a silly Matrix sequels way. I think Valve and Marc Laidlaw have more sense that the Wachowski brothers, but I'm still a little worried.
I can see what you're getting at (in fact, I'm sure the two of us particpated in a thread going a little too far into that techdemo's stained glass window), and I'm hoping like hell Gordon will be a heroic scientist, not some sort of saviour or messiah.

There's a difference between apreciation and worship...

*crosses fingers and hopes like hell they keep the story's characters partially in the realm of the believable*
I'd like to know what standing the G-Man has in the game.. Is he with the Combine or with the resistance? I mean, Gordon is working for him or something.
Well, I very much doubt he's working WITH the resistance - I miagine at some point Gordon's alliegencies change. Is he working with the Combine? Hmm, good question. But the drift of the game seems to be repelling them and so I have a feeling you wouldn't switch sides so quickly, and I'm positivethey wouldn't have you kill members of a side you later join... But maybe that's part of Gordon's character growth. I doubt it however.
Maybe Gordon works for the G-Man at the very start of the game, finds out what's going on in City 17, and kills the G-Man so he can join the resistance....
I'd imagine something along those lines. Except for the killing G-Man bit. I seriously doubt you'd ever be able to kill him.
Maybe he starts to trust Gordon (esp if they've been working together for 10 years) and lets his guard down...then Gordon finds some terrible secret that G-Man kept from him..bang. It'd be a great shock-start to HL2!
On the other hand, maybe the G-Man and the other human leader (forget his name) are on the same side, Gordon is working for them, and at some point breaks off from them, and then they hunt him down. Yes...that would make more sense!
Idle speculation I admit...
i would love to be able to blow the crap out of g-man in the game. he's creepy.
I reckon the G-Man is a bit like Lord Vetinari from the Discworld books, for anyone who's read them...

Not necessarily a nice person if you regard him personally, but he knows where all the switches are, and does his best to see that things work as they should... maybe he does care about people, except on a global scale, not as individuals...

Or maybe he's just another bastard with a briefcase...
G-Man rocks.dont think u can kill him, gabe said that
Finally, this Dr. Breen (who many are assuming to be The Administrator) - and not to want to ruin the ambience or mystery of him at this point - wouldn't you say he looks like Dr. Evil?

Besides that, don't you think those combine suits look kind of hot and stuffy? I want to get those guys a glass of water just for wearing it.

Anyways, about the part of how people know Gordon. I'm assuming everyone in the world knows about Black Mesa and how thats where the alien invasion started, so most likely they heard about Gordon from that since it was like the starting point of all the bad stuff. Or mabye it's because he's wearing a hazard suit with black mesa symbols on it? :p
You're a charitable fellow. Maybe you'll be able to get them a glass of water with the manipulator.
Or alternatively you could stove their skulls in with a crowbar.
Or I could just poison the water. :X
Hmmm... Seems too subtle. Go with the crowbar.
Gordon's actions speak louder than words, after all.
Ok, ok, fine. I poison them, then beat them to death with the crowbar just to make sure.
If you like. Personally I'll just give them cake. The poor dears run around subduing those resistance bastards all day long with nary a slice to lift their spirits.
Eli Vance is in city 17 right, he saw everything happen at the blackmesa facility

In one of the mags they said that the combine are controlling everyone in city17 (like the nazi's) so I dont expect everyone to have much faith in them, so I think Eli has done some chatting with the population and everything went word to word about the story of gordon at BM, so that might be why everyone thinks of him as thier savier to get rid of the combine forces.
Alyx must have a pretty futuristic washing machine to clean that shirt.
It was *spotless* when she was wearing it.

Although, I wonder if we'll see "I completed Half-Life and all I got was this stupid T-Shirt" printed on the back :D
"I lived through the BMRF incedent and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."