G-Man Theory.



Excuse me, but I was wondering something about one of the characters in Half Life, known mostly as the G-Man.

Was influence gained for the creation of G-Man from a book released in 1938 called G-Man on Lightning Island?


The synopsis of the book is as follows:

The story takes place in a shadowy, spooky mansion on an isolated island. A diamond is stolen and the G-man, who is visiting the island, solves the mystery.

The similarities are rather prevalent, both have a similar facial structure, (similar curvature of the lips, blue eyes, chin structure and slightly sagged cheeks) both wear suits and perhaps the most obvious thing that connects these facts is that they?re both known as G-Man.

I'm almost convinced that Half Life 2's G-Man is directly modelled from this old character. I'm not calling them on it or anything, I just find it very interesting.

From what little I can gather, G-Man on Lightning Island is an Investigator, whether he?s a psychopathic, master manipulating deity like Half Life's G-Man, is beyond me.


Anyone have any ideas?​
I very much doubt it. G-man isn't even the official name of the character (in Half Life) but a nickname. G-man is derived from government man and to be honest all incarnations of G-men that I have ever seen share a similar facial structure and posture. (Square jawed, blue eyes, suits, serious expressions.) There again I have never read the novel so I can't truly make an adequate judgement. :)
I very much doubt it. G-man isn't even the official name of the character (in Half Life) but a nickname. G-man is derived from government man and to be honest all incarnations of G-men that I have ever seen share a similar facial structure and posture. (Square jawed, blue eyes, suits, serious expressions.) There again I have never read the novel so I can't truly make an adequate judgement. :)

That was helpful actually thank you, if it was the actual reference to the character in Half Life I'd be 100% convinced. But as far as I know he's only known as 'a mutual friend' in what I've played so far, I think I love the Orange Box.

Maybe it was a childhood book that one of the developers took a shining to the character and integrated it with their ideas, who's to know.
That was helpful actually thank you, if it was the actual reference to the character in Half Life I'd be 100% convinced. But as far as I know he's only known as 'a mutual friend' in what I've played so far, I think I love the Orange Box.

Maybe it was a childhood book that one of the developers took a shining to the character and integrated it with their ideas, who's to know.

Anytime. :)

It would be a possibility that one of the writers may have read the book, I am sure many of them are avid readers, but the point of G-men is they all look the same (No matter what media they are in.). The "mutual friend" reference, I believe, is the closest thing we're ever going to get towards a name throughout the entire series. I doubt we'll ever find out his exact name... Just his motives. ;)
Anytime. :)

It would be a possibility that one of the writers may have read the book, I am sure many of them are avid readers, but the point of G-men is they all look the same (No matter what media they are in.). The "mutual friend" reference, I believe, is the closest thing we're ever going to get towards a name throughout the entire series. I doubt we'll ever find out his exact name... Just his motives. ;)

I think the more mystery that surrounds him the more intriguing he becomes, enough for me to make a thread about him anyway, lol. :|

And as quickly as I've arrived I must depart, take care Citadel.
The G-Man reminds me very much of 'Q' from Star Trek: TNG. His powers are more limited, however, and not entirely by choice (the 'restrictions' he has agreed to abide by, lest he suffer some consequence).

His ability to bend time and spirit you away (for stasis, or his little 'heart to heart' chats) are not infallible, though... the Vorts are evidently able to interrupt his influence over you.
What a weird theory ahahah.

But seriously, the smoking man from the x-files reminds me of g-man. I think some of his character was derived from him.
The G-Man was modeled after a man named Frank Sheldon. I've been in contact with Mr. Sheldon, and he's offered to send me some shots of himself to use a reference on a page I am working on. About the only useable ones on the net (which are hard to find at that) are from Raising the Bar and the rights are owned by Valve.

This picture is property of Mr. Sheldon. Please do not redistribute without permission.

Frank Sheldon is going to be upset with you
What a weird theory ahahah.

But seriously, the smoking man from the x-files reminds me of g-man. I think some of his character was derived from him.

Quite a bit about HL reminds me of the X-Files, actually. We can only hope Valve actually answers the mysteries they created, unlike the X-Files...
G-man means Government man, it's used in hundreds of books and movies, nothing special, just a name VALVe gave the model so they could do an easy search and find it amongst all the other hundreds of models XD
*reads title*


Edit: Damn this lack of moderation powers!
I think I've solved it, for real this time.

I think he's based on a character called G-Man from this series called Half Life.
G-man means Government man, it's used in hundreds of books and movies, nothing special, just a name VALVe gave the model so they could do an easy search and find it amongst all the other hundreds of models XD

Maybe, but, when the therm "G-Man" became public, I'm sure they figured out some sort of explanation for it. Did they? DID THEY?? HUHH???

Ok, I need my pills once again.
gman was the name of the model. The Gman's name is unknown. My guess is that with the success of HL, valve stuck with referring to him as GMan.
G-man is the codename of the character. No name was placed, and this guy doesn't want to smile and so on. He is nearly always calm.
