G-man's eyes and The Goonies.


Jul 8, 2003
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The models in Half-Life 2 are simply jaw droping, the only problem is the slanted eyes which makes him look kinda odd and decreases how convincing he is. Look at this comparison shot then rewatch the videos to see what I mean. It's not that easy to see in this screeny, but when he moves in 3d its very apparent.


I really hope they realign his eyes correctly. Unless he's supposed to look like that because he's an alien or something. (???)
Then either he's alien, or he got it from his father.
LOL that's just how the human face is designed, my friend. Look at a close-up of your mug or look in the mirror and you'll see that your eyes are like that too ;)
My eyes are perfectly aligned. I just checked. I also drew a line from one pupil to the other on G-man and they are diagnol.
its not a mistake or anything, you cant make mistakes like that on modeling. hes meant to be that way.
Ok, I can see people arent taking a serious look at my point. I don't understand how you can complain about 2d teeth and white dots, when none of these things deter from the overall perception of his realism, and yet something as akward as slanted misaligned eyes gets completely overlooked and ignored.
In the mirror or in a good eyes-open picture? Because your eyes won't catch it as well through a mirror, but if you look closely in a photo of yourself, or even look closely at another person, the eyes will appear slightly off balance. I suspect the G-man's eyes *may* have been set off a little too far, but that is how the human face looks. After checking in the mirror and in a photo, I have slightly off-balance eyes as well as the G-man :-P Just slightly though. It's difficult to notice it unless you've got the right angle and a good close up.
also, stop saying slanted eyes. I'm 1/10th chinese and it upsets me.
" you cant make mistakes like that on modeling."

If I open up my version of XSI right now, and start modeling a face, I won't be able to make a mistake in aligning the eyes?

Anyways, I already got the point that he was purposfully made to look that way, enough repeating it please. Thats why I said he's either an alien or its inherited genes from his father. I didn't mean that sacasticaly when I mentioned that before.
You people need to realize not everyone is a perfect little human being.
People have imperfections, that's what makes us unique.
Why make a creepy character who has good looks and a perfect face?
Yes, it's possible to make a mistake with the alignment of his eyes, but consider that they spent a huge amount of time looking at his face while they were busy animating it. Don't you think if something was out of place they would've noticed it? I do too. Point made.
Eyesore, im sorry that you misunderstood, but you assumed I meant slanted as in eye to nose, im talking about Sloth from goonies kind. Which is a completely different case than what you assumed.
My god I'm trying to be as sane as I can on these boards. TAKE A LOOK T THE WORLD AROUND YOU! People are not perfect, His eyes were purposely modeled this way to make him more believable believe it or not, haha pun. IT is fact that some people have slightly shorter arms then their other arm, same goes with legs, EYES. take a freaking look in the mirror. Maybe your blessed with perfectly aligned eyes but it is a known fact that the majority of people have slight alterations in their face or body parts. My eyes for instance are like the G-mans, just barley slanted but I'm not retarded like sloth.

Maybe you would be more pleased if G-man was given a perfectly symmetry texture on his face that didn't make him look real.
cyborgguineapig, calm down, once again, I got that point way back when I mentioned him getting it probably from his genes. I find it annoying when people come into a thread screaming about a point that was already discussed and agreed with. Relax buddy, I understood already.
Say guys: Isnt the G-man Looks like the Hero of DOOM III ?

just thinking..
Hmmm.... yes there is a tad bit of resemblence. Very minor though.
I find it much more friendly than a perfectly formed face with no flaws. Makes him look more human and huggable.

That's right, huggable. He's a big soft teddy bear and you know it.
I'd also like to point out that his head isn't pointing straight up the whole time....he kinda cocks his head to the side just slightly throughout the vid.
It's easier to make a completely symmetrical face than to spend some time and add some imperfections to it. And this is the G-man we are talking about, he is supposed to look somewhat creepy. Here is someone with even more unbalanced eyes than the G-man btw: :p


The unblanced eyes of G-man looks disturbing

Exactly. G-Man is supposed to be a rather disturbing character.

Unless he's supposed to look like that because he's an alien or something.

Does that mean the lady in the picture above is an alien?
Not everybody has aligned eyes, and most of the time designers put imperfections like that on "the bad guy" or the "evil character" because it looks creepier.

Well spotted though, I hadn't noticed.
look at ur own face in the mirror, people don't have a perfectly symmetrical face, as people grown older, the difference will be greater.
So, in conclusion, people who have non-symetric eyes are evil.

Threads here are getting smarter by the day.
Agree with :>~ here. So am I evil and creepy to? Amazing, how Hollywood dictates our life now.
If you were in a movie, you would likely be best as either a realistic or evil character. Its just one of those thruths of Hollywood.
that is shannon doherty offa 91210 and scare tactics, her eyes are offest, mine are too, and in a relaxed state one of my eyes is larger then the other slightly, but alot of people have misaligned eyes, if youve never noticed that in real life then you spend way to much damn time looking at that gman video and not enuf looking at real people bud
Shannon doherty isn't human though, like the g-man, they made them both with imperfections to fool us, a perfect face looks alot more fake then a messed up one oftentimes, like look at her teeth, they scream FAKE FAKE!.. I can't stand people with fake teeth like that, its like her inscisors are the same length and width as her molar's, it looks like someone put chiclets in her gums, and honestly look how long some of those teeth are comparitive to others, their all the same, its unnatural.. ALIENS ALIENS ARE HERE!
He' a freak! OK? now leave him alone! I'm sure he was called names alot in school...its so sad...:(

I don't know if this was already mentioned but Valve said they made the eyes like that ON PURPOSE, to make a more realistic character. It's in like 90% of the previews.