G-man's grasp has loosened...


Nov 1, 2004
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Or so i felt when i played through EP1. It is strange, but after re-reading the entire information i had at hand, it made me feel uneasy to know that the G-man is upset. But most of all, i dont wish to see him again. It is the first time that Gordon is acting on his free will (if we can exclude any Vorty pawn manipulating our path). It's a strange feeling, as a player i mean. I have found out that i can't play HL, or even HL2 anymore. To know that the G-man is THERE and that its his will i am doing, makes me feel traped.... exept in EP1.
What are your thoughts of this? Is it important to you that the G-Man has no more control over Gordon, or do you think its simply a power struggle between the Vortys and him?
Opheli@r said:
I have found out that i can't play HL, or even HL2 anymore.
Uhh...you think too much!

Opheli@r said:
Is it important to you that the G-Man has no more control over Gordon, or do you think its simply a power struggle between the Vortys and him?
It was the major plot point revealed in Ep 1, that Vorts took Gordon away from him, and I think we will see the Gman again in future episodes.
Midnight Cowboy said:
I miss the G-man, though I fear his reprisal.
The backhand he delivers with his briefcase will be mighty indeed.

To be honest, it never bothered me while I was actually playing the game (Episode One), but to think about it now I feel disconcerted with the fact that he wasn't there. Granted, Gordon is, for the time being, following his own path, but the G-man is such a familiar face that it's strange for him to no longer be shadowing me. Yes, he was manipulating Gordon from the very start 20 years ago, but everything has turned out for the best, in a way. His influence prepared you, turned you into what you are today; even without him around Gordon Freeman is using the natural talents the G-man brought out in him; his ability, that limitless potential. And it was because of the G-man that you were preserved for that time, saved from the Combine invasion to be unleashed when the time was right. The G-man has bigger plans for Gordon Freeman, and I think without him Gordon's going to be less effective in his goals.
Probably, but i think it is much more rewarding when you achieve these objectives on your own. Now, we will see the true potential of Gordon, without the G-man's ocasional helping hand, or obstacles.
Today, i had a "moment of clarity". Now, i am sure that there will be a big chance that Shepard will return. If the G-man is only, and ONLY blocked to manipulate Gordon, it is likely that he will turn to Shepard to kill or "aprehend" Gordon. It such a logical idea that it may actually become true... but perhaps Mark will astonish us with some awesome, mind-bending, story twist....
Still, i have high hopes for Adrian, his immediate return and unimaginable retaliation.
Today, i had a "moment of clarity". Now, i am sure that there will be a big chance that Shepard will return. If the G-man is only, and ONLY blocked to manipulate Gordon, it is likely that he will turn to Shepard to kill or "aprehend" Gordon. It such a logical idea that it may actually become true... but perhaps Mark will astonish us with some awesome, mind-bending, story twist....

That would be pretty cool if he sent Shepard to kill him. I'd love to be playing as Freeman in a fight with Shepard.

It is the first time that Gordon is acting on his free will (if we can exclude any Vorty pawn manipulating our path).

You're wrong. It's not the first time Gordon has been acting on his own free will. If you remember, he was doing all that stuff in HL1 by himself.
Ever since getting into the HEV suit for the first time Gordon has acted on either orders or simply the need to stay alive. He hasn't exactly had time to take a breather and assess his situation. He only knows as much as the player does, after all. I wouldn't say Gordon has ever really had the opportunity to act on his own free will.

As far as G-man getting him back I imagine that will be part of Episode 2 and much of Episode 3. Seeing Shepard through the eyes of Gordon would be absolutely awsome. Although G-man is smarter than to put his two pawns against one another.
In Episode Two were sopposed to learn a insey-wittle bit about him. 'Nuff said.:p
That would be pretty cool if he sent Shepard to kill him. I'd love to be playing as Freeman in a fight with Shepard.
I disagree - Shepherd was another faceless grunt in Op4. If you bring him back, the only way you'll know it's him is because you'll get told that it's him and that he's coming after you. Meh.

I'm not saying it won't happen, I'm just saying I find it slightly unlikely and that I don't see how it would be much different to fighting any other soldier. I liked Shepherd and Op4, but I just think his time's over and his place in the HL universe isn't integral.
But that's just my opinion.
I'm not saying it won't happen, I'm just saying I find it slightly unlikely and that I don't see how it would be much different to fighting any other soldier. I liked Shepherd and Op4, but I just think his time's over and his place in the HL universe isn't integral.
But that's just my opinion.

Ah, c'mon. It's not like Shepherd is just any other solider. He's pretty much Freeman's equal. A fight with him would be awesome.

It would most likely be a type of puzzle that you have to solve while trying to fight him... and I'm sure they'll give Shepherd some kind of edge so it won't be like any other fight with a solider.

Ever since getting into the HEV suit for the first time Gordon has acted on either orders or simply the need to stay alive. He hasn't exactly had time to take a breather and assess his situation. He only knows as much as the player does, after all. I wouldn't say Gordon has ever really had the opportunity to act on his own free will.

Well, he does have a little free will. He still has a choice. When someone asks him to do something, he can either choose to do it or not (but he always ends up doing it since this is a video game and it wouldn't be fun at all if he chose not to do anything whatsoever). Aside from G-Man forcing him to do stuff or die, Freeman still does what he chooses to do... but in the end, like everything, there's always something else to police the free will of the person (in this case, G-Man).

Ehh... so I guess Freeman isn't really "the one free man" afterall... :p
Actually, I'd like to see Shephard appear in Episode Two or Three. Thrusted directly from stasis into the post-apoc world of the future.

Straight from Black Mesa, still in HECU gear, into Eastern European forests.

And Adrian goes, like, WTF?

Just a random thought.

-- Mikael Grizzly
It would be cool if we could get to see Shepard in EP2 and EP3, both as the G-man's "replacement" of Gordons original role, or as the man to execute or aprehend him. Just mere glances and occasional encounters, but no interaction between the two. Still, it should appear that Adrian is constantly trying to face Gordon, and you are presented with puzzles in wich you would have to prevent this.
It would be cool. Or, a "Extra-Episode", in wich we would play as Adrian again...
It would be cool if we could get to see Shepard in EP2 and EP3, both as the G-man's "replacement" of Gordons original role, or as the man to execute or aprehend him. Just mere glances and occasional encounters, but no interaction between the two. Still, it should appear that Adrian is constantly trying to face Gordon, and you are presented with puzzles in wich you would have to prevent this.
I really like that idea. When playing OpForce, I always felt like I was trying to find (and stop / kill) Freeman. So if G-Man started using Shepard as Gordon's replacement, he'd have to be hostile... surely?
Ah, c'mon. It's not like Shepherd is just any other solider. He's pretty much Freeman's equal. A fight with him would be awesome.

It would most likely be a type of puzzle that you have to solve while trying to fight him... and I'm sure they'll give Shepherd some kind of edge so it won't be like any other fight with a solider.
Boss characters I quite like. But not boss characters that are human(oid) and pretty much exactly the same as the enemies you've been fighting the whole time, just with more health (for no real convincing reason - simply for the purposes of contriving a "challenge"). Alas, I can't think of any specific examples right now, but surely you know what I mean? And so surely you know that they're shit and that it'd be a shame to subject Shepherd to such a fate. Surely!?

I see the idea of the GMan trying to reprimand Freeman by getting other individuals he may have "employed" to track him down and whilst that makes some sense, something about it just doesn't sit right with me. Especially not if it's Shepherd.

Like I say - that's just me.
One thing I loved about the first Half-life was how often you had to run from monsters to escape with your life. You felt so much more vulnerable. In Half-life 2 Gordon is more of a typical action hero, save for a few gameplay segments. Having Shepard as a hunter type character, who the player has to either run from or subdue in scripted sequences, would be absolutely awsome.

I'm reminded of a Gameboy Advance game called Metroid Fusion. In Metroid Fusion Samus encounters a super powerful and super evil version of herself, and in the events that you run into evil Samus it is a frantic and chaotic escape for your life. This atmosphere in which the action hero, usually the hunter of the baddies, is actually being hunted by a baddy adds a layer of tension to the game. It is very effective.

However, I don't think it would be like the G-man to put two very capable human mercenaries against one another unless something that Gordon is doing is absolutely contrary to whatever the G-man's employers want. Perhaps escaping with Alyx has been already.
Actually, given the shrouded nature of G-Man, I doubt Shephard would understand what exactly the G-Man wants. Besides, instructions. "You. Kill Freeman. Now" fit Delta 38, not G-Man.

If Shephard was to be included however, the G-Man might've just dropped him in much like he did Freeman in Point Insertion, orchestrating the events, so that he would ultimately end in a Mexican standoff with Calhoun and Freeman.

-- Mikael Grizzly
G-Man has never really ordered the player character to do anything. In HL2, for example, the most you get as any sort of briefing is him vaguely stating your time has come again. What exactly this entails is never illuminated by G-Man. Instead, he sets you off on a path in which you obtain goals from others (ie. Eli, Alyx, Kleiner), which we can assume coincide with his own.

It's pretty slick, actually. You never actually feel you're under the direction of G-Man, but you are nonetheless. The method ensures that any motivation is felt personally, for strict ordering could be met with resistance.

In the case of Shepard, assuming his eventual return, I very much doubt G-Man would lay something out as simple as "Kill Freeman". After all, why would Shepard care? He crashed in Black Mesa before his extermination orders were given and he would see right away that there are bigger fish to fry (ie. the Combine). Freeman is simply a name to him, holding little significance. That's why I doubt he'd be employed as an antagonist.
Boss characters I quite like. But not boss characters that are human(oid) and pretty much exactly the same as the enemies you've been fighting the whole time, just with more health (for no real convincing reason - simply for the purposes of contriving a "challenge"). Alas, I can't think of any specific examples right now, but surely you know what I mean? And so surely you know that they're shit and that it'd be a shame to subject Shepherd to such a fate. Surely!?

I see the idea of the GMan trying to reprimand Freeman by getting other individuals he may have "employed" to track him down and whilst that makes some sense, something about it just doesn't sit right with me. Especially not if it's Shepherd.

Like I say - that's just me.

I see what you mean... but what I wanted for the boss battle was for them not to just pad him with more health and send him after you. I was thinking more along the lines of some kind of enviroment puzzle (i.e. Dr. Breen) or something that Shepherd has that just forces you to use your wits to beat him instead of your guns.
And of course, Shepherd doesn't have to die in the boss battle. Maybe forced to back off so Freeman can make a hasty escape?
In the case of Shepard, assuming his eventual return, I very much doubt G-Man would lay something out as simple as "Kill Freeman". After all, why would Shepard care? He crashed in Black Mesa before his extermination orders were given and he would see right away that there are bigger fish to fry (ie. the Combine). Freeman is simply a name to him, holding little significance. That's why I doubt he'd be employed as an antagonist.

Freeman (and the other scientist's) where the whole IDEA of Shepard's assignement. If you remember correctly, he was sent to "silence" the witnesses and clean up the facility. Gordon was "the one that got away". If the G-man would employ him, he would suggest that in exchange for saving his life, and keeping him safe, he MUST retrieve or execute Gordon. Shepard would pehaps question this, no doubt. But its one of his loose ends.
And why, would he care about the combine? He does not know them, he has not seen their cruelty. In fact, i guess the best place for him to be "inserted" is the Citadel, before its destruction. Altered with combine implants, he would become the antagonist once again. Not working for or under the combine, but
following the G-mans orders... or hints, if you like.
Freeman (and the other scientist's) where the whole IDEA of Shepard's assignement. If you remember correctly, he was sent to "silence" the witnesses and clean up the facility.

Play through OpFor again. Your osprey crashes before you are even given your orders.

He would care about the Combine I assume for the same reasons Gordon Freeman does. They are an oppressive, violent, stifling force on humanity. You only need to be exposed to them for a short time until seeing what they're all about.

And bah to the idea of Combine augmentations on the player character. I already played Quake 4, and I didn't like it.
Ironic. I played through Op4 yesterday. I had forgoten that he actually didnt knew his objectives... Still, i killed every scientist and guard i could find.
And, about the implants, i meant that he should be a Combine, and therefore, a pure antagonist. With, or without implants, but not under their control....
I personally don't want a retread. Shepard could be used in a more interesting fashion instead of playing opposite of Freeman.
Well, one way or another, LETS hope that VALVe uses Shepard again...
He is way to connected with HL to just scrap him. If Barney came back, he also can in future installments.....
It didnt feel the same in the end. Im used to seeing his bright happy face talking to me and having trouble breathing ;(
I'd like to see or hear of Adrian Shepherd in ep2 a few times, maybe through some glass or a via a radio or something... then in a later episode you get to play him and the situation is reversed... like in HL1 and OpFor.
Hm... i dont remember hearing or seeing Adrian in the first HL. Was the script for Op4 written at the same time as HL, or after?
Hm... i dont remember hearing or seeing Adrian in the first HL. Was the script for Op4 written at the same time as HL, or after?

Well you don't see Adrain in HL1 but they tried to intermix the stories. I think they used a radio communication in HL1 where they mentioned Shepherds name, and you come upon that as Shepherd himself in opfor. And you see gordon being dragged along by the black ops people etc. But it would be cool if they thought ahead for ep2/3 and added bits where you see adrian or whatever.
Give me one good reason why the G-man would kill freeman. Revenge? I dont think so, thats not G-Man's style and it wouldnt help anything.

Besides, Gordon didnt do anything, its the Vorty's who have been bad.
I agree with Absinthe here - Shepherd would not give two tugs of a dead dog's cock about Freeman. Hell, I'm not sure he was ever that bothered in OpFor. If Shepherd does appear, he had better turn up as a neutral or friendly character, without his gasmask, and similar to Kyle Reese in the first Terminator (rugged, scared, a professional in an unfamiliar world).
The one thing that strikes me as, well...interesting in the Ep1 intro is that for the first time ever, the G-Man isn't carrying his briefcase. Perhaps Freeman's soul IS in the briefcase after all. ;)

(Certainly this has been mentioned on the board already, but I couldn't find a reference to it with the search.)