G-man's real name

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Apr 29, 2005
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Another expansion about to hit the shelves, this most recent release about to focus a bit on the Gman (Is that Gman or G-man?) loosing his control over Gordon's employment contract. Even if the answer doesn't pop up 'till the next episode, so be it. I think it'd be good fun to see what people think the Gman's real name is, or should be.

Gregory, anyone? :p
G-Man is not his real name. It was originaly just his model name, but then it kinda caught on. Also, G-Man does look like a "Government Man".
He doesn't have a real name. That would be too...human-like. Perhaps a title, such as "Overlord", or something.
"This is Fuzzy the Bear presenting your orentation video for the SUPER FUN MERCENARY CAMP! Please, obey all the rules and listen to my super-best friend...mr. black...I hope you have a super-fun time learning to be a good little mercenary under the gentle SUPERvision of...mr. black...good luck!"
His name should be either Terry Benedict or Andy Garcia (watch Oceans 11 if you dont know what im talking about!)
The joke amoung the Half-Life fan fiction community (Long before Gabe came up with the idea of making Breen the admin of Black Mesa rather than a totally new character) was that the Gman, being the logical choice for the Administrator at the time, had signed Gordon's admittance papers (The part about the "Office of the Administrator) with the initials LM. I forgot who it was (I think it was a guy named Lt. Ryguy) decided they should stand for Lyle Manly. The name stuck for awhile until that community fizzled out. We got a few good laughs out of it though. Then again, I was like 14 or 15 at the time.
UndeadScottsman said:
Long before Gabe came up with the idea of making Breen the admin of Black Mesa rather than a totally new character

I'm glad Breen wasn't a totally new character, his dialouge in the Citadel wouldn't have had the profound affect it did on the player if he hadn't been the Admin of Black Mesa.
Gentlemen! Gaze, a grim geriatric, gaunt and green-eyed, garbed in suit and tie.

A galling genarian, given to gratuitous gesticulation and grandiose gab, goading gamers with glimpses of a grand and golden goal, guiling the gallant for his own gain. Guide to Freeman and gaoler to Shephard, a glacis between resistance and combine, granting Gordon for the greatest gifts. Genuflection, or glory? No Gallahad, granted, but a Gibraltar in the gale for our genus.

The gentry grieves his given name; well, we'll see about that.

In greeting, you may call him G.
Since he is G. Freeman's mother then I'll say his name is Maddona Freeman
Samon said:
I'm glad Breen wasn't a totally new character, his dialouge in the Citadel wouldn't have had the profound affect it did on the player if he hadn't been the Admin of Black Mesa.

Oooooooo-kay.. Not sure what that had to do with this discussion, but thanks for commenting.
Darkside55 said:
Gentlemen! Gaze, a grim geriatric, gaunt and green-eyed, garbed in suit and tie.

A galling genarian, given to gratuitous gesticulation and grandiose gab, goading gamers with glimpses of a grand and golden goal, guiling the gallant for his own gain. Guide to Freeman and gaoler to Shephard, a glacis between resistance and combine, granting Gordon for the greatest gifts. Genuflection, or glory? No Gallahad, granted, but a Gibraltar in the gale for our genus.

The gentry grieves his given name; well, we'll see about that.

In greeting, you may call him G.

You won. I guess it was only a matter of time before somewhat made that connection... :rolleyes:
Darkside55 said:
Gentlemen! Gaze, a grim geriatric, gaunt and green-eyed, garbed in suit and tie.

A galling genarian, given to gratuitous gesticulation and grandiose gab, goading gamers with glimpses of a grand and golden goal, guiling the gallant for his own gain. Guide to Freeman and gaoler to Shephard, a glacis between resistance and combine, granting Gordon for the greatest gifts. Genuflection, or glory? No Gallahad, granted, but a Gibraltar in the gale for our genus.

The gentry grieves his given name; well, we'll see about that.

In greeting, you may call him G.
You remind me of this.
Max35 said:
He doesn't have a real name. That would be too...human-like. Perhaps a title, such as "Overlord", or something.
Him having a name would be only surpassed in shitness by him being Gordon. Which is not going to happen.
I doubt Valve will tell us, or he even has a name you could write down with the alphabet
RainMan said:
His real name is Bond...James Bond.

No you got it all wrong his name is Man... G-Man. End of discussion
I got it
Mr. Soy,
Soy Choy,

I think i will stick with Vicks-noff, his name would have to be something you would never guess, like Vicks-noff!!!!!!1

His name should be multi cultural... like Jose Chinghow!
His name is Corporal May Tay :frog: :bounce:
I thought they just called the model gman because of the government man thing. And even if he/it has a real name, how the hell would they introduce it?

"Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman... Rise and sh--*"
"Hey Gman! Who the hell are you talking to? It's the middle of the night for god's sake!"

Lets paint him green and call him Gumby.
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