G-man's teeth?


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not complaining really, but after looking at his eyes, you get the feeling that his teeth are pretty bland.. like they should glint or something like that.
Watch it again, they're pretty poor.
I'm not complaining, at least he's got teeth this time around.
The game isn't finished yet either, so it might change by September.
my god what do you people want? "omg this veins arent showing...hes not detailed enough!!"
I feel your pain Peks.
I have yet to see any game with more detailed and visually stunning models, facial animations, and accuracy in lip synches.
it was just a comment no need to jump down my throat without relating to the thread in any way.

added: if you can't look at things from both sides, then you are more narrowminded than i.
i wasnt jumping down anyone's throat. its just that if you look at the whole picture. hl2's model animations compared to what is out now/coming out soon..it far and away the best.

lets leave the expectations of arm hair and freckles to hl3 eh?
Jesus first its the wooden planks and now its the freagin teeth, There is always something to complain about is there? This is my millionth time saying this " People have no respect for the work people do"
I agree, gamers (wannabe gamers) are getting way to spoiled. they see doom3 and stalker and want everything. "omg.. hl2 is ugly because they dont bumpmap every friggin surface like doom3 does, now the game is going to suck"

sjeesh. fock off!!
And again...


Bunch of bloody wingers. OMG the teeth. THE TEETH *points gun to head and shoots*
your 1337 mspaint skilles make me wonder why I even try to create art. you have done it all!
I agree, gamers (wannabe gamers) are getting way to spoiled. they see doom3 and stalker and want everything. "omg.. hl2 is ugly because they dont bumpmap every friggin surface like doom3 does, now the game is going to suck"

Your an idiot. We should expect new software titles to push the envelope every time, your saying we should accept sloppy sh!t from developers...pfft...your the wannabe gamer.

Why cant they make G-mans teeth shiney like his eyes? Its probably simple. The engine has the capability so there is no reason not to expect/demand it. Why would you pay 50 bucks for some sloppy game. BUT with half-life 2, I could understand them not having time to put it in, they have gone above and beyond with other details. But i think we should still expect to see it, maybe in a patch or something if they dont have time.

Wesisapie, I could not agree with you more bud, Im sure more people are thinking the same thing, even if they dont chime in to say something.
Hey if they did 3D teeth all your leet video cards may struggle. Ever thought of that? Hey? Hey?

Or maybe Valve haven't really considered the bunch of dentist out there that would actually take notice of G-Man's Teeth.
no you are the wannabe gamer, real gamers dont care about the graphix, they ony care about the EXPERIENCE, the fun, the gameplay!

no you are the wannabe gamer, real gamers dont care about the graphix, they ony care about the EXPERIENCE, the fun, the gameplay!

Thats a good one.

Hey, I know, why dont you go join the atari forum and talk about space invaders 2, it has cutting edge 8-bit graphics...pfft...you idiot!

I swear I read somewhere that Valve coded special shaders especially for teeth...
I have to agree with Evil. Graphics isn't everything. You will find out with Doom 3.
This is a game preview from a computer with only 0.9 ghz.
There were set only low detail options.:cool:
Originally posted by anarchy
Thats a good one.

Hey, I know, why dont you go join the atari forum and talk about space invaders 2, it has cutting edge 8-bit graphics...pfft...you idiot!


First of all Anarchy i wouldn't call Evil and idiot....no im not going to say will kill you or anything like that, but i have talked to him before and know he isn't an idiot so your comment is unfounded.

Secondly he was right to say people are being spoilt. Its it odd how many people are complaining (i know wesisapie wasn't complaining in his first post) about a game that hasn't even been released. Yet when you compare the footage to games already out it looks amazing. Better than anything else out there.
Originally posted by Kotik
This is a game preview from a computer with only 0.9 ghz.
There were set only low detail options.:cool:
What!? Are you saying - and you might be right but I doubt it - that Valve are sending out promo media that has come off a computer NOT running at full options? What the HELL would be the point in that?

And I'm trying - really trying - to think of a more nitpicky thread but I'm having trouble...
wtf is wrong with some of you people. If you're examining the model so thouroughly, of course you'll discover some minor flaws. Jesus christ, give it a brake. Any of you should perhaps try to re-make that model and halfways through you'll probably give up, realizing it's too advanced polygonal modeling for you guys. aaaarrrgrghh!!
mmmmmm his eyes i love his eyes

beutiful eyeeeeeeees

so amazing eyeeeeeees
Personally, I got no problem with his teeth. You know what really irks me about this f*cking model though? Valve spent all this time developing the most realistic characters they could, and they don't go through the trouble to model the snot in his nose. I mean, look up his nose in the video; it's not there. What the f*ck, Valve?!


Seriously, you guys are just going off on every little detail you can find. I'm trying to look at this from the complainers' points of view, but really, I just don't get it.
"His teeth don't shine." Well, boo-f*cking-hoo, people. Lemme ask you a question...do your teeth shine? Go on, look in the mirror. When the light hits your teeth do they dazzle with the brilliance of a finely polished gem? If you say yes, you're probably polishing your teeth with industrial-strength bleach. Maybe the G-Man drinks a lot of coffee; ever think of that? Or perhaps he has no time for hygiene, what with running around and handling alien invasions all the time.

Anarchy, calling HL2 a sloppy game because you can't see the sheen on a character's teeth is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. Now, I'm not without my fair share of criticizing the graphics of games, but by God, something as trivial as putting shaders on teeth!?! By God, man, they're f*cking TEETH! And by the way, Evil is right about gameplay; I'm not saying that people shouldn't want the latest and greatest in games but they're far from everything. I happen to like Space Invaders, and I play Pong as often as I can find time for. You're full of sh*t or are a graphics-dependant wh0re if you can tell me you don't find Pong one of the most engrossing games ever when you've got two players of comparable skill going at it.

The way the community is going is just starting to sicken me. When HL2 was first announced everyone was clamoring over it and talking about how great it will be, and now we've got people downplaying it by comparing it to other game engines and nitpicking about every little thing under the sun about the game. Here's the bottom line: No one's holding your arm behind your back and forcing you to play the game. If you're miffed because a character's teeth don't shine (which, btw, you will never get close enough to someone in the game to tell otherwise), or they don't have realistic stubble or pockmarks or freckles on their faces, and you think that the little white dots in the G-Man's neck are going to so severely impair your ability to play the game, THEN DON'T.
Real gamers have always cared about graphics. Remember Doom? remember why it was such a success at the time? The awesome-for-the-time graphics.

Just because you've been playing CS for a year nonstop doesn't mean you are a hardcore gamer.
And darkside, no-one's forcing you to read his posts, so you shouldn't complain about every little flaw it has.
Actually, on Doom, I didn't give a sh*t, to be honest. And I don't play CS. So that's already two down on your assumptions of me being a "real gamer" and a "CS player."

And I am hardcore, kiddo. What, because someone doesn't care about the graphics they aren't a "real gamer?" What kind of load is that you're trying to spoon-feed people here? Hardcore isn't a measure of whether or not you can dissect the graphics and nitpick. That doesn't make you hardcore; that just makes you a complainer. Hardcore gamers are those that spend their time gaming, actually playing the damn things, instead of bitching about minor things.

Seriously, if that's your definition of a hardcore gamer, then I guess I'm not. But everybody else on here who's been gaming since they were two years old and have dedicated themselves to learning the intricacies of their favorite games (and moddifying them if they so chose), like myself, then in my book you're a hardcore gamer. I guess we're forming two camps here now: Hardcore gamers who bitch and those who don't.
Wesisapie, the whole point of a forum is to discuss things. No one's forcing me to read his posts, no, but on the other side of the coin no one's telling me to get the f*ck out and not read his posts. What, is the teeth argument so paper-thin that once someone has a good argument against it you tell them not to read the "For-shiny-teeth" camp's posts?

EDIT: Now here's some irony! You tell me that I shouldn't criticize his post for every little flaw it has...and yet...you're the one criticizing the game for a little flaw that it has. Wow. I see you only drive down one-way streets, my friend.
My god. These people have too much time on their hands if all they can do is scream and whine and bitch about one little post. Wesisapie points out something and everybody hops in to say absolutely nothing useful at all.

Everybody should just F***ing chill out a bit! Try 2 say something nice.

Edit: That is ironic. LOL. :p

The best thing to do is to just stop posting in the threads.

Heh...looks like this threads is becoming pretty damn ironic eh?
Originally posted by Wesisapie
Real gamers have always cared about graphics. Remember Doom? remember why it was such a success at the time? The awesome-for-the-time graphics.

Just because you've been playing CS for a year nonstop doesn't mean you are a hardcore gamer.

Oh. My. God.

I am in total agreement with Darkside on this one. So far I have just been browsing these forums, but this one deserved a reply.

Graphics are NOT what makes games. It is all about gameplay, (re)playability, funfactor and more. Graphics comes far down on the list.

Who cares if Doom has fancy graphics? Its' great graphics at the time could not keep me from getting that "Get the red key for the red door, then get the blue key, then get the yellow key......aaaaaaAAAAAA" That stuff got old fast.

[Edit:] I agree with Wes on one point, one of the only reasons for the success of Doom was indeed graphics, and definetly NOT gameplay. [/Edit]

I would rather play Scorched earth with some of my friends, or dig up some brilliant old Amiga games, or C64 and so on.

Gameplay is everything.

I hate games that try to make up for everything else being shitty by smacking on "great graphics" that even somethimes makes the game harder to play if implemented wrong. I can immediately tell if I am going to like a game or not, even though there might be a ooh and a wow because of the graphics.

Don't get me wrong, I love good graphics and I know they will only get better, but without gameplay, you will not get my money.

On this one I am definetly on the Dark Side.

We have already found out Graphics aren't everything from Quake3, UT2k3/U2, etc.... I know people who spent $300 because they "HAD TO UPGRADE FOR QUAKE3 AND ITS AMAZING GRAPHICS". Too bad it SUCKED. As far as I'm concerned Q3 was just a tech demo for the engine itself so they could sell it out to other companies. I expect Doom3 will only be slightly better. I mean cmon... in the age of online gaming ID software decides to release a singleplayer-"mostly" game and expects it to have lasting power? Of course not. They just want game devs to licence the engine. Even then, why would you? You can't have large online games... The engine can't handle more than 4 or 5 people on the screen at once. So what you're stuck with is a game that looks pretty, but plays like games made 10 years ago. I think ID totally went in the wrong direction here. I am *not* impressed by Quake1 gameplay with better graphics. Small indoor enviroments with a small number of enemies at any given time... How is that DOOM?! I remember hordes of enemies in Doom.

Sorry ID, I don't think we need a prettier version of a 8 year old game. We already have one of those: http://tenebrae.sourceforge.net/ :p

They are making game to show off the power of the Doom3 engine but are overlooking capabilities that other developers need to use in order to make a solid game. The Q3 engine was a pretty solid and successful engine for licensing, but I'm having my doubts now about the Doom3 engine :(
You tell me how many times you would see G-mans teeth GLINT!!!! How many times have you seen your OWN teeth glint?!!
oh yeah, that's the subject, huh. teeth on computer rendered images very often look dull and odd. I think it has to do with the way light reflects off of real teeth, or maybe we are comparing them to the teeth on TV and ad images (thereby unrealistically white). Plenty of work has gone into the G-Man, so it is probably a 'design decision' and not a 'technical limitation'. Or maybe, like most people here, no-one card enough to change it. Please don't use me to validate your arguments. I have no problems arguing about wood OR teeth. Sure it doesn't really matter, but little we read (or write) here does...

Haha, nice!

But about the subject. I dont care at all about his teeth, they look a lot better than other videogame characters teeth or lack thereof. The game is going to be graphically awesome, with or without bump mapped, high resolution, individually 3D modeled teeth. But it would be funny going through the files.

Originally posted by anarchy
Your an idiot. We should expect new software titles to push the envelope every time, your saying we should accept sloppy sh!t from developers...pfft...your the wannabe gamer.

Why cant they make G-mans teeth shiney like his eyes? Its probably simple. The engine has the capability so there is no reason not to expect/demand it. Why would you pay 50 bucks for some sloppy game. BUT with half-life 2, I could understand them not having time to put it in, they have gone above and beyond with other details. But i think we should still expect to see it, maybe in a patch or something if they dont have time.

Wesisapie, I could not agree with you more bud, Im sure more people are thinking the same thing, even if they dont chime in to say something.

couldn't agree more....well said:cheers:
There's nothing wrong with seeing room for improvement... leave Wesisapie alone, he wasn't being disrespectful.