G-moddin' (image heavy)


Nov 7, 2007
Reaction score
Aye so I've been playing around a little on G-mod. I'de love to play with ep 2/portal/TF2 things but I am not ready yet to fork out a measily ?10 for a mod.

But I'll probably do it anyway *grumble* (scottish money meizing kicks in).


I envisioned a combine horror scene ages ago. I came up with a heap of combine in Breen's office. Go figure.


Posing wise I don't think this was the hardest, but a fun quick little scene to throw together.


Kleiner and "hedy" gotta lay low until Gordon comes saves them. Poor poor them.


Does Lemmar make him nervous, how so?.


G-man makes some friends.


My first ever scene, nothing too special.



Stands for inCompetent Police.

Care to explain where they go then?. I could show you some genuine art (if were gonna get technical) but since its not HL related it would be rather pointless, apart from whoring my skillz to folk who may not care. :p

Sorry if I don't have many idolizing animu (typo intentional) drawings of everyones favorite fetishized HL characters, I just don't do fan art often. :(

Sorry for the image dump if HL2.net does not welcome gmod and screenshots.
We welcome them. If they're good. In which case they're not- I think you need to work on creativity or something.
Care to explain where they go then?. I could show you some genuine art (if were gonna get technical) but since its not HL related it would be rather pointless, apart from whoring my skillz to folk who may not care. :p

Sorry if I don't have many idolizing animu (typo intentional) drawings of everyones favorite fetishized HL characters, I just don't do fan art often. :(

Sorry for the image dump if HL2.net does not welcome gmod and screenshots.
This art section isn't just for HL2 related art.
Sorry if I don't have many idolizing animu (typo intentional) drawings of everyones favorite fetishized HL characters, I just don't do fan art often. :(

these pictures are... uh, kinda random.

And since when does making HL fan art mean I have to do "fetished" HL characters?
Love G-Man and the Headcrabs. :E

Don't worry about the others, man.
Funny that I believe "studying human anatomy" might also work here. Might not necessarily help you draw the characters better... as they're all in proportion, but I do think some of them aren't... um... natural.

I do like some of the ideas, and they do come off well.
Cheers for the responses, criticism and praise.

Thats okay, I know now Gmod poses probably aren't welcome here in general so I'll refrain from posting in future. But a worthwhile intro post here. Some studio forums are very arty and stuff, others are merely screenie dumping grounds, I think I under-estimated this studio forum, I figured, hey, its a forum full of HL junkies, they're probably posting screenshots. My bad.

*Grovels for forgiveness*

I'm so happy all you famous art critics who have spent years studying art at the most glamorous and famed art schools with years of a career in commenting on fine art could take the time to comment on my meager little contribution to the world of selling worthless shite for millions to wealthy folk with more $ then sense. :P

Funny that I believe "studying human anatomy" might also work here. Might not necessarily help you draw the characters better... as they're all in proportion, but I do think some of them aren't... um... natural.

Ragdolls I am afraid, sometimes they just don't wanna co-operate with fine physics gun modelling.

Love G-Man and the Headcrabs.

Don't worry about the others, man.

Thankyou. :)

They didn't understand Picasso, either. Rock on, Nurizeko.

I'll take it, sarcasm aside. :P

We welcome them. If they're good. In which case they're not- I think you need to work on creativity or something.

Hmm, perhaps, care to give your insightful and helpful input on these arts to?...



Never got round to finishing this.


As you can see I tried my hand at a scene of an asteroid base in a dusty nebula, shite but I think its important to try new things.


A "ship-tan" based off of the super-acolyte from Homeworld Cataclysm.


An incomplete martian sunset.


Silly and pointless, and inside joke really.


Paint-chat FTW?.


Simple, but fun.


I try at a hand.


AWMAGWAWD teh animee'z!


Experimenting, experimenting...


Half lifes and I didn't know I dun it!


Legs are off I think, oh well.


Studio theme of the day thread + LOTR the night before = INSPIRATION!.


Random sketch, weeeeeeeeeeee.


Less random.


I had an elf phase.


Fiery personality!.


Again, shit, but I fancied trying my hand at pastels.


waaaaaaa! chooo kakkoi da!, honto wa!!! , lol.


Darkened because the scan was too light. An elf. Feet are off I think.


I did this after getting Rome total war. Good times.


An elf face oooOOooo.


A mech, stump, stump stump!.


A Japanese pirate.


...Aaaand a quickie. It lives I tells ya!.

And this is just what I had on Photobucket.

And that folks is an extremely image heavy art dump, just so that those who don't appreciate Gmod have something else to look at.
Posing needs work. Here's a tip: phys_timescale .1 when you're trying to get precision poses!
Thanks for the advice!.

And XvillianX, if you wanna buy it for me. :laugh:
The headcrab zombie birthday made me lol, but the anime roman made me >:[
Bwuhahahahahaha! animu ruining everything you love since the 1970's! :borg:

If it makes you feel better thats an old piece, I've made the conscious effort to move away from my Anime roots.

Cept for the ship-tan, but that was fitting.