Gabe Email about HL3


Jun 25, 2004
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Gabe's Email about Half Life 3

Gabe Newell to me
Jul 14

We haven't tallied it up lately. The answer to your first question is
"An awful lot." The answer to your second question is "Hopefully more
than the answer to the first."

We had to think about Half-Life 3 in terms of story in order to finish
Half-Life 2, so in that sense we are already started. Half-Life 3 won't
be another five year project, or the team will kill me.

Looks like half life 3 will happen soon! 2006? lol
KinGadY said:
Gabe Newell to me
Jul 14

We haven't tallied it up lately. The answer to your first question is
"An awful lot." The answer to your second question is "Hopefully more
than the answer to the first."

We had to think about Half-Life 3 in terms of story in order to finish
Half-Life 2, so in that sense we are already started. Half-Life 3 won't
be another five year project, or the team will kill me.

Looks like half life 3 will happen soon! 2006? lol

Yeah they will use the same engine, so now they won't use a lot of time on building a new engine :p only upgrading.
Looking a little bit too much into the future are we?

lol..hopefully it'll come out by 2006..
Awsome, 2006 is going to be an exciting year.
It's been known for a long time that HL3 will come out a lot sooner after HL2 than HL2 did after HL. It's logical, considering that the vast majority of the past years has been spent making Source rather than the actual game that runs on it.
Gorgon said:
Awsome, 2006 is going to be an exciting year.

Not to mention this year. This year is I think is going to be dubbed the most technologically advanced years in the history of computers...

If you think about it, take a look at a lot of the games from 2002, then look at this year. In just 2 years, gfx improved 120%..
I just thought the same thing when I read that. Goooood times up ahead! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *HL2-hype up and rolling at full speed again!!!*
I say 2007 is more likely, 'cause the team will be taking a looooooooong vacation..
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Not to mention this year. This year is I think is going to be dubbed the most technologically advanced years in the history of computers...

If you think about it, take a look at a lot of the games from 2002, then look at this year. In just 2 years, gfx improved 120%..
Well I heard someone say that if space travel had evolved has quickly as computers after 1969, we would be driving electric Volvos to the moon.
So either this is the year computer take the next big leap in evolution, or it's the 1969 of computer technology.
AJ Rimmer said:
Well I heard someone say that if space travel had evolved has quickly as computers after 1969, we would be driving electric Volvos to the moon.

Unfortunately, they would crash in deep space, losing atmosphere to the hungering void as the heat is sucked from your body by the chilling emptiness.

That was originally going to be about Windows and crashing - but it turned stupid. Sorry. :(
Maui said:
Unfortunately, they would crash in deep space, losing atmosphere to the hungering void as the heat is sucked from your body by the chilling emptiness.

That was originally going to be about Windows and crashing - but it turned stupid. Sorry. :(
It's supposed to be "symbolism"
what do u think will be the major enhancements in terms of gfx and physics in the next game? I think they will probably add some kind of unified lighting system (like Doom3) and use normal mapping more extensively :naughty:
Hmmm HL2 is still being made and you're asking them about HL3? I don't see where this is going : |
first things first

HL2 isn,t even gone gold and now you sent the man a mail over a game thats not even in development yet, focus on HL2 thats why this whole forum and website is allife jezus.
mcojunk said:
HL2 isn,t even gone gold and now you sent the man a mail over a game thats not even in development yet, focus on HL2 thats why this whole forum and website is allife jezus.

Is english your first language? And is insulting people part of your culture? :stare:
HL3? Pfft, whres HL4, or even, like.. 10?

Lets just get HL2 out the door first.
HL2 isn't out yet and you dorks are already talking about HL3. Pathetic.
Gmeister said:
HL2 isn't out yet and you dorks are already talking about HL3. Pathetic.

Dude, you realize, YOU ARE ON A GAMING FORUM TOO. So thus you are in the "dork" territory too. :rolleyes:
number 2 ain't even out and ur worried about number 3? :p
get a hold of urself :E
DiSTuRbEd said:
Dude, you realize, YOU ARE ON A GAMING FORUM TOO. So thus you are in the "dork" territory too. :rolleyes:
Yes, you've realized something profound.

The point is to become dorky in a room of dorks is to post something about HL3. HL2 isn't out yet and they're speculating on it. That is uber dorky.
Gmeister said:
Yes, you've realized something profound.

The point is to become dorky in a room of dorks is to post something about HL3. HL2 isn't out yet and they're speculating on it. That is uber dorky.

So?? What else are we suppose to do but speculate???? I mean we are just not waiting for HL2 to be in our hands. VALVe can't do much more, they are giving us a free CS:S beta trial(which is awesome btw) and this is rounding off to the release of HL2.

No English is not my first langauge and No i didnt had the intention to insult anybody.

Sorry for what i said.
DiSTuRbEd said:
So?? What else are we suppose to do but speculate???? I mean we are just not waiting for HL2 to be in our hands. VALVe can't do much more, they are giving us a free CS:S beta trial(which is awesome btw) and this is rounding off to the release of HL2.
You're not supposed to do anything. I just thought it was interesting, but dorky to see people speculating on HL3. You've gotta admit it's really dorky. Kind of like talking about Spidenman 4 when part 3 hasn't come out yet.
i only asked when they planned on starting it? whats wrong with that? omfg...
doesnt matter if hl2 is released or not, im asking Gabe about VALVe's future...
HL3 - I think lighting could be improved, character animations made smoother, and implement per pixel hit detection, rather than hitboxes.
I dont care about HL3 at the moment...I WANT HL2 OUT NOW!
KinGadY said:
i only asked when they planned on starting it? whats wrong with that? omfg...
doesnt matter if hl2 is released or not, im asking Gabe about VALVe's future...

i was kidding.. yeeeesh! :p
did u not see the smilies in my post?
man.. pple can't even take a joke around here.. :rolleyes:
I bet it won't be hard to make, since they already have the source engine. Just touch it up a little bit, add in ps 3.0, dx10, and they are good to go. :)
I think vivendi were plain stupid to buy the rites to

We would do a FAR better job of advertising HL3 and it would cost them Nothing.

Stupid businessmen! :rolleyes:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I think vivendi were plain stupid to buy the rites to

We would do a FAR better job of advertising HL3 and it would cost them Nothing.

Stupid businessmen! :rolleyes:

well now we'll have to buy from them for 1,000,000,0403903940389043090 gazillion dollars :eek:

not so stupid those stupid businessmen :flame:

marcelohl said:
well now we'll have to buy from them for 1,000,000,0403903940389043090 gazillion dollars :eek:

not so stupid those stupid businessmen :flame:

lol, but they must know that thats never gona happen...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
lol, but they must know that thats never gona happen...

hahaha they'll put in HL2's EULA you have to give them a hundred bucks so they can give back... then we'll storm Vivendi's office armed with crowbars and make those bastards PAY :flame:

or maybe not. :rolleyes: