Gabe Newell ...High Bidder ?

Yeah, he first bid 100 dollars, then was outbid. So I guess he bid again..

But I wonder if that is really Gabe...
But still how can this auction be legal ? perhaps i will do the same lol.
Gabe probably seen this In the other thread and felt sorry for the guy, bid some cash to allow him to beef his system up. what a cool guy, anybody want to try outbid the man responsible for the best game ever? $$$$$ :naughty:
It's the real Gabe. Gabe is really into knives and that's what most of those transactions are.
Lol@this, the guy should be a politician, he sells something really stupid, but he does get people bidding !
lol, I laughed harcore at the "SE" edition jokes. lol, his sound card must be a soundblaster of the SE edition lmfao..well, either way, I laughed :p
Gabe is probably trying to get the screenshot, so no one else may get it
The sad thing is unless he hits a grand or so, he's not going to be able to do all that much...
and you know he's got the money to win it, too...we should all go on and bid until he counterbids high enough to buy the guy a new PC...or we could not do that, as it is a silly idea, now that i think about it.
adamkelt said:
The sad thing is unless he hits a grand or so, he's not going to be able to do all that much...

He could build a nice computer with $500 U.S., and with the money he has now, he could atleast by more RAM or buy a new Video Card, but with his processor...
He just needs to scrap his entire computer and start from scratch.

EDIT: The auction is up to $300, so he could build a decent computer with that.
I would love for Gabe to hook this guy up. Just to show that innovative thought can work out for you.

Hell, I wonder if he'll get an interview out of it when he graduates!
Maxxpower said:
He could build a nice computer with $500 U.S., and with the money he has now, he could atleast by more RAM or buy a new Video Card, but with his processor...
He just needs to scrap his entire computer and start from scratch.

That's what I meant - with $500, he could get a decent video card, but that P3 700 needs to go. That means:

new cpu - $100
new mobo - $100 ish
new ram - say, about $75 or so
new video card - $200 or so? What's a Radeon 9800 Pro go for these days?

and maybe new hd.

Know what? Maybe he COULD pull it off...
At least he's not faking cancer to try to get a better system :flame:
im sure if he just put a donate button on his bidding (if thats allowed) then he would be getting some paypal donations from the people that cant afford to give $300+ away, i would donate 10 bucks or so for his cuase.
ahem, why is Gabe so important. Other people are bidding on this item as well... are they not just as important?

I like Gabe but I don't see why you give him more credit over others...
lol!!! omg i cant believe it! thats hilarious! I worked and earned my computer, and this guy has some hilarious auction going on thats making him tons of money. Omg this guy's a genious. Why didn't I think of that...
probably because you have an ounce of self-respect
Thats nice of Gabe, but me personally Id never ask someone to buy me a anything like that, id feel very low if i did, but thats just me.
It's an incredibly uniuqe and innovative idea :D
If he does get some money in the end, I'm hoping that he does actually want it for a PC, and not hooker + pot + beer. It would be a betrayel of the trust that Gabe has (seemingly) put in. Thats the only issue I *may* have about the auction.

lol go Gabe !!! :D

Gabe can afford it... but the other people.. wtf they up to?
Hey Gabe, if you're reading I could really do with replacing my old Athlon 1400 with something faster. £60 should cover it. How about it?

Gabe you there? Gabe!!11!....
Raziaar said:
At least he's not faking cancer to try to get a better system :flame:

Why? You know someone who's faking cancer to get a better rig?
Thats insane i feel bad for that guy.
Gabe bid up 200 bucks today, and the auction's received 20,000 views! INSANE! Its not hovering at 350, and there's a shitload of additions to the end of the auction.

Also seems to have put this one up:

9.99 buy it now to help contribute in small amounts, only 100 people have to help the guy out for him to get a grand. That'd be a pretty decent computer. I think I'm going to help him out in the mornin, I can spare 10 bucks for him.
gabe has to be the coolest guy on earth... taking random phonecalls, basically GIVING money to a needy gamer.

thats why he's my god :D
Thadius Dean said:
gabe has to be the coolest guy on earth... taking random phonecalls, basically GIVING money to a needy gamer.

thats why he's my god :D

Lol, yeah. :D
Has anyone taken into consideration that maybe this guy is just a greedy person who has a pretty good computer, but wants too have a really good computer? I mean come on, theres people starving to death in other countrys.
Gabe: Class Act.
Gabe is, however, no longer the high bidder. Now somebody named Matrix_DX is with $355. I wonder if these people think they're getting a pre-release screenshot. Hope not. If he gets that $355 and spends it wisely, he may get a decent HL2 rig out of it.
You'll get the screenshot in 2005!

He even says that! It's hilarious that he'll buy the game, get the screenshot after he's played it, and then send it to you in 2005, and somebody's paying over $300 for this.
LordQiller said:
He even says that! It's hilarious that he'll buy the game, get the screenshot after he's played it, and then send it to you in 2005, and somebody's paying over $300 for this.
They're either confused or very generous.
Goes to show that there are still some decent people out there that have a heart :)

And Gabe is one of them :)... I mean not only does he make us the most awesome game, but he also helps us play it...

Its a good thing, when you see a community who is only drawn together by a single thing helping each other out....that's impressive....maybe the human race has its good parts too.
As Kragoth said, shows there are people out there whom are generous enough, have heart, and good will. I only wish the whole world was like this.