Gabe Newell Interview

Mr Bond

May 26, 2003
Reaction score
HalfLife2.Net has interviewed Valve's Main Man, Gabe Newell. With talk of the SDK, MODs and SKUs there's enough abbreviations for the whole family to enjoy. There's also a few community submitted questions at the end.
HL2.Net: The detail apparent in urban scenes from "City 17" is especially impressive. What amount of work goes into creating an environment like this? Can mod developers hope to imitate this level of realism?

Gabe Newell: We were concerned about this as well. Part of what we will deliver to MOD authors are a bunch of snap-together level geometry which will allow them to focus more on building interesting gameplay and less on figuring out which lintel goes with which baseboard.
Take a look at the rest of the interview here. Many thanks to Gabe for taking the time to answer our questions. Unfortunately the status is still "no comment" on anything to do with multiplayer. Oh the intrigue!
Aw my q is not in, I'm truly cursed;(

Stay away from me!;(
I'm shocked to see that you never brought up the "release date". The most important question of all.

We already know what the release date is, why waste a question on it? :)
Why? I'll tell you why. So we don't have to suffer anymore. :)

With all the rumors and confusion between stores, it would be nice to get an update from Valve to let us know if we can get our hands on this puppy at the end of the month or not (Wow, that seems like a long sentence).

Just about every member of valve now have said a number of times - 30th of September. Until they say otherwise that's what it is.
I agree that more questions would've been nice. But we didn't want to swamp the guy the guy. "Okay Gabe, could you answer a few questions, Question 1 (out of 47)..."
Is it only me that is thinking on putting a feather, a table with footholders, a big bright surgical light, together with Gabe and asking a single question: What is HL2 MP!?


(and yes I do realise how kinky that sound, thank you very much. Try figuring out a better idea)
Stop being abusive or you will be kicked off these forums.

Regarding the questions picked from the community I know there wasn’t a lot picked. This was due to a large number of reasons. Firstly, we did not want to send Gabe 400 dreary questions that were either been answered before or were a waste of time. We needed new interesting, unique questions that many people would like to read. A lot of questions on there wouldn’t get an answer anyway since Gabe does not wish to speak a lot of the game. If you have a problem with this take it up on IRC or send me a private message.
Good interview , I get the feeling that Valve did not know what they were getting themselves into when they were developing HL2. I can only imagine how exhausted they are. The time and effort spent on HL2 is extremely noticeable. cant wait....
Originally posted by zangief
Stop being abusive or you will be kicked off these forums.

Regarding the questions picked from the community I know there wasn’t a lot picked. This was due to a large number of reasons. Firstly, we did not want to send Gabe 400 dreary questions that were either been answered before or were a waste of time. We needed new interesting, unique questions that many people would like to read. A lot of questions on there wouldn’t get an answer anyway since Gabe does not wish to speak a lot of the game. If you have a problem with this take it up on IRC or send me a private message.

Abusive? me? in what way? the only one that is abusive on this thread is you!!

as to What you wrote in my last post (eventhough i do not agree that there "only" was 3 questions from teh community worth answering) it is a answer nontheless that i will have to live with and an asnwer was the only thing i wanted with my post, i was not trolling or doing anything else except wenting my dissapointment in the poor choice of questions you chosed to include.

Next time try to confront critisims instead of deleting posts and finally threatening to ban the critik if he dont stop posting his opinion. That is abusing you admin power and beeing disrespektfull towards the forum members.

I am rather sure more ppl then I agree in what i wrote that there where more than 3 good questions in that 20+ pages thread,so deal with it!
y do people call this site, when is owned by sierra ?
I have no problem with constructive criticism. I do however have a problem with people posting abusive messages to us and not bothering to talk about things in a civilized manner. You appear to have forgotten what it is you posted in your posts, 3 times after we’ve edited/deleted them. Comments such as “You guys ****ing suck” are not acceptable.
Originally posted by simmo
y do people call this site, when is owned by sierra ?

Because half-life-two-dot-net is a bit of a mouthful to have written every single time.
I'm kinda sad that we only got 3 of 'our' questions answered, but none the less, its better than nothing :)

good work guys.
Originally posted by Munro
I have no problem with constructive criticism. I do however have a problem with people posting abusive messages to us and not bothering to talk about things in a civilized manner. You appear to have forgotten what it is you posted in your posts, 3 times after we’ve edited/deleted them. Comments such as “You guys ****ing suck” are not acceptable.

well saying you guys ****ing suck might have been alittle to much i agree on that and i should have taken a deep breath before posting my thoughts. But i do think you did a extremely sucky thing by only having 3 questions from the 20+ thread.

And i do think that i have point in what i wrote and by your actions in deleting my post and threatening to ban me just proves me right, when i wrote that you screwed the forum members over by gettin their hopes up and then just having 3 questions from them. Or am i wrong? i guess there are alot of ppl that think that there where more than 3 questions worth asking.

I also DONT think asking gabe a 30sept confirmation question would be stupid either since there are so many rumours going around and untill today i have thought that where a good source for accurate information.

<edit> btw Munro you should really look up constructive critisism.</edit>
<edit> my punktuation sucks, sorry.</edit>
Back on topic, thank you guys for including my question! Gabe didn't exactly answer with what I wanted him to answer with, but he did provide some valuable information. Thanks guys, thanks Gabe!
Yes there are many rumors about the release date. That’s what they are, rumors. They are not true. What is true is valve stating the release date as 30th September. We don’t need to waste another valuable question asking something we already knew.

We did want to include a few more questions from the community. If they had been satisfactory and if we could ask more questions we may have included them. I don’t think I’ve “screwed” the forum members at all. We have said that only a few questions will be asked so we haven’t misled anyone in any way.
zangief, you think we don't want to know for certain all the details of release dates and multiplayer? You don't think we would get the answers to all the questions if we could?

And of course, everyone would like their question answered but it's just not possible. Gabe has a little thing called Half-Life 2 he would like to release in between answering hundreds of community questions. What's more, this wasn't a community round-table, it was a website interview with a few community questions thrown in (as was said in the thread, "We'd like to get the community involved by asking a few community-submitted questions").
Nice interview..short though.
Understandable since Gabe is very busy at the moment!!
Thanks Guys.........
wow i really opened up a can of worms here.

Mr bond: you have gotten it all wrong regarding the release date question thing surely i would like to get answers to all my questions but its not about that. there is a thing called peace of mind and eventhoug i am sure that the release date is unchanged i would like to hear that from gabe directly. I think alot of ppl would feel alot better if they could get a "release date unchanged" qoute from a reliable source as

And you might have said "We'd like to get the community involved by asking a FEW community-submitted questions" in the thread but you saw the immense feedback you got in that thread. so what you should have asked yourselves when compiling the questions for the interview was: Should we please the comunity and get an even better reputation or should we ask questions we care about and prolly dissapoint the comunity we have built?.

It was up to you guys what you wanted to do with the interview but the comunity is allowed to post their dissapointment.
I can't wait to play sp but when it comes to mp all I can think of is having to play the game with the likes of people on this forum. It's sad but the only way I am going to enjoy mp will be to get into a clan with the few decent people around and then have nothing to do with the community and let the leader sort everything out. This place is just sickening the people are just abusive and immature it seems like there are only a few decent people apart from the admins. Admins you should ban more people from posting.

We wanted the community involved and the whole interview was made for the community. If Gabe could answer some more questions and if we had some better questions from the community then we might have been able to use them.

You are still ignoring the fact Gabe has already said the date is unchanged. How many times do you need him to say it before you get it through your head?

In regards to people being abusive - we are trying to take new measures but due to the fact banning is pretty much useless and we don't have a lot of Americans on the team to cover the forums at a different time zone, threads can downgrade quickly.
Originally posted by zangief
wow i really opened up a can of worms here.
More like you dumped a can of worms over your face and now you're wondering why you're all dirty.

i would like to hear that from gabe directly. I think alot of ppl would feel alot better if they could get a "release date unchanged" qoute from a reliable source as
Because the confirmation from the countless emails, interviews and annoucements is going to be suddenly rock solid after an answer in a website interview?

And you might have said "We'd like to get the community involved by asking a FEW community-submitted questions" in the thread but you saw the immense feedback you got in that thread. blah blah
Wake up and smell the internet. We do our best to make this the best HL2 community website and we respect our members. But in the words of my illustrious avatar, I'm not here to fulfill your every freakin' whim. If you can't deal with the way the site is run, leave.

It was up to you guys what you wanted to do with the interview but the comunity is allowed to post their dissapointment.
Yes, but you crossed the line of "reasonable feedback" into "nonsensical troll" when you started cussing and jabbering about big-brother conspiracy theories. Once again, yes we all want to know about CONCRETE RELEASE DATE, MULTIPLAYER, STORYLINE but the simple answer is Gabe is not willing to say anything new about these areas at this stage.
Zangief, theres a little known saying "quality over quantity" and it most definately applies here.

you have to realize the staff here obviously wanted to ask more genuine questions, informative questions, and although they would have like to include more questions from the community, it comes down to the simple fact of not wanting to swamp poor Gabe Im sure.

as for your concerns on the release date, Gabe has been quoted numerous times that he has never stated any other date than the 30th of September, the only reason there is doubt in anyone's mind is because people choose to believe otherwise. It comes down to being Pessimistic or Optimistic take your pick.
with september 30th being so close whats the harm in waiting a week or two?
you have to realize too that Gabe has been asked the Release date question at least 700 times.. would you not get a little frustrated if you were asked that question OVER AND OVER AND OVER, yes you would.

I say, thats one of the coolest interviews I have seen recently, I commend for formulating it, and they included some community questions (which they did not need to do) to boot.
good stuff keep it coming ;)

by the way, Zangief its all very well and good to try and berate the good staff here at and call them on their "lack of community support" and throwing the "community's interests to the wind", may I ask how long have you been a member of this community that you have the authority and the power to speak for the people here?

september... oh I see
well you know what they say about first impressions right?
Very nice interview.. And as for people who didn't get their question included, you can search the "info from valve only" thread, or send your own email to valve. they do answer most of the time you know :)
I cant see any reason what so ever to be was good interview...if you feel so sad, why dont you just mail the man himself? :)
Darn, it's gotten whiny in here. Relax, this is just twiddling your thumbs in agonized anticipation. No need to start bashing away for Gabe not having to answer questions already answered. Im surprised he even does it at this late point.