Gabe Newell once again says **** You PS3...

Dec 2, 2004
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In an interiew with EDGE Magazine, Valve co-founder Gabe Newell has trashed Sony's PlayStation 3 again:

I think [PS3 is] a waste of everybody?s time. Investing in the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There?s nothing there that you?re going to apply to anything else. You?re not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they?ve created. I don?t think they?re going to make money off their box. I don?t think it?s a good solution.

This is not the first time that the founder and managing director of Valve Software has criticized the PS3. Back in January, Newell told Game Informer magazine that "the PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It?s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted

He is right, but then gain, I'm buying ps3 next year anyway...
Aye. We must follow where the good games go, even if they do end up on a george foreman dust magnet.
When the next 'Ico' arrives gaming forums all over the new will be full of bitter gamers all pretending they don't care. Little Big Planet, Time Crysis 4, MGS? The games will come.
He is right though. You have to put an insane amount of time into the cell processor, and you don't get a whole lot in return. For people like valve or epic who are trying to build a giant unified code base, having to spend 5 times as much to develop on the cell has to be frustrating especially since that code isn't going to be useful on other things.

This doesn't really hurt first party developers so much though, so I wouldn't say the system itself is a total waste. There are a lot of developers there who wouldn't dream of developing on anything but a playstation, and I doubt the complexity of cell bothers them to much as they will be playing with it until playstation 4 comes out.
He's a developer for mainly PC's. It's natural that he does not like the PS3.
Okay, another website posted as a news piece that Gabe said the PS3 is shit... how the hell is that news worthy?

I don't see why everybody hates the PS3, I've played Resistance at my friend's house and we had a blast with the multiplayer.
He speaks the trust but unfortunately the ps3 does have some games i want so i do have it.
It wasn't actualy an attempt at a vs. war, just pointing out that Gabe doesn't hate consoles.
I know, but a PS3/360 debate tends to happen when one is mentioned immediately after the other :P
The only people who hate the PS3 are people who don't own it. I only own 3 games for the PS3, and all 3 of them have more entertainment in them then pretty much anything that's out for the Wii or 360 right now. Resistance destroys the entire halo series in gameplay, graphics, and story. Ninja Gaiden is what, a 5th remake? And it's a shit load more fun then most hack and slashes out there (and more challenging.) Hell IGN said Ninja Gaiden is a reason alone to own a ps3. Not to mention, wait until 2008 hits and the line up hits the shelves. PS3 got off to a rough start, but it's going to tear the console industry a new asshole next year. Yes, this was a fanboy rant, flame ON bitches. =D
The only people who hate the PS3 are people who don't own it. I only own 3 games for the PS3, and all 3 of them have more entertainment in them then pretty much anything that's out for the Wii or 360 right now. Resistance destroys the entire halo series in gameplay, graphics, and story. Ninja Gaiden is what, a 5th remake? And it's a shit load more fun then most hack and slashes out there (and more challenging.) Hell IGN said Ninja Gaiden is a reason alone to own a ps3. Not to mention, wait until 2008 hits and the line up hits the shelves. PS3 got off to a rough start, but it's going to tear the console industry a new asshole next year. Yes, this was a fanboy rant, flame ON bitches. =D

And tell me, did you or your family pay for it?
Consoles were made for 4 player games and top down RPGs.
arghh, why can't the xbox 360 have a mouse and keyboard support..
And tell me, did you or your family pay for it?

In the long run you'd spend more money on an Xbox Live Gold subscription than the entire cost of a PS3. Just something to think about. Assuming you want MP and well without MP you're only getting 25-50% of most games.
Sure, but Xbox Live is awesome, and well worth the price. I'd gladly pay that amount for the PSN to offer a similar service.

The PS3 is stuggling at the moment, there's no two ways about it. Exclusives disappearing, hyped games turning out to be poor. Capcom (long terme bed partners with Sony) have announced their focus has now shifted to the Wii. The last game I played was Heavenly Sword, which took 7 hours to beat, and before then I hadn't touched the PS3 with intent to game (it's an awesome Blu-ray player) for months. I want the PS3 to do well and can see good/great games on the way, but we could really do with some now.
You're just looking for it now. This hasn't degenerated into a slagging contest yet.
And tell me, did you or your family pay for it?

Has to do with nothing. And for the record, I paid for it. I'm 20 years old, and almost completely independent. I'd never ask my parents to pay for something as unimportant as a game console. If you can't shell out $500 for a ps3, but can spend 10 bucks a month to play halo 3 online, your shooting urself in the foot.
I just spent $60 on a N64, four controllers, and a couple dozen amazing games.

That's almost a tenth of the price of a PS3 - and more like 1/20th or higher given the difference in how much games and controllers cost - and I get tons of fun out of it.
IIRC if you adjust for inflation the N64 cost relatively more over the psx, then the ps3 does over the 360.

Also I really do not see the advantage of Live. As far as i know he only thing you pay for is to play online, the rest is free. But Microsoft does not host any servers, you have to host yourself. So basically you pay them to host your own game. While for example resistance has dedicated servers, which is one of the reasons you can play with up to 40 players.

Also I heard many people complain about lagg on live, especially for gears of war, but those same folks said PSN was shit. So I do not know what to believe.

As far as gabe's words, I believe they mirror those of most developers. And from what i know of cell I have to agree with him. It's just not a good system to develop for.
The only people who hate the PS3 are people who don't own it.

Hahah, thats like saying the only people who are atheists are people who dont believe in god.

EDIT: Oh sorry...

Bleep Blorp Error Critical Error
The problem with the PS3 is that in its architecture, it was sort of focused with scientists in mind as well, and is sort of a confusing architecture to work with. 360 is a straight-forward multi-core system with game developers in mind. It's hard enough for developers to learn how to program multi-core, let alone complicate that with the Cell processor too.

On top of that, PS3 has a crappy amount of memory, and also for each feature you want to take advantage of, that is less memory for your game to use. IIRC, to utilize the Friends List in-game for the PS3, it requires 16mb of memory. For developers to let users to play their own music in-game, that requires another 12mb. It all just keeps adding up, and that's why you don't see a lot of PS3 developers utilizing those features. They are there, but they consume so much memory that can have better uses for the textures and what-not... The one thing the 360 got amazingly right is that it uses 32mb for EVERYTHING (the slide-in dash, friends list, on-screen keyboard, streaming music, etc). That is just so awesome to be able to say "Okay, we have 480mb of memory to use for our game. Let's get cracking." In PS3 land, it's more like "Okay, we need to decide what features we're going to have first, so then we can figure out how much memory we're going to have. And you know what, we get the most memory by doing nothing, so let's do that!" Sony is indeed improving the memory management with each SDK release, but it will never be able to compare to the 360 in terms of memory.
It's an interesting read and I'd say Gabe has some very valid arguments.
all i have to ass to this tid bit guys, is looking at simply on what my friends and i like to play on: the 360. You can stream so much from PC thru to the xbox its amazing! the xbox live options are fantastic.. and the controllers feel good in my hands. Ive played a PS3 before.. aliked it... but was wondering what all the hype was about. It seemed like a ps2 on steroids.
I dont blame gabe newell fo what he had to say... lolz


Has to do with nothing. And for the record, I paid for it. I'm 20 years old, and almost completely independent. I'd never ask my parents to pay for something as unimportant as a game console. If you can't shell out $500 for a ps3, but can spend 10 bucks a month to play halo 3 online, your shooting urself in the foot.

1) I don't have xbox live
2) I don't have halo 3
3) TBH, there is a difference between paying a tenner a month, and $500 straight out of your pocket.