Gabe Newell posted on my clan forum

Foxtrot said:
God yes.....I hate you...please go kill yourself NOW.

Let me rephrase that :)

Am I a sinner for wanting CS:S more than HL2 multiplayer?
Shuzer said:
Let me rephrase that :)

Am I a sinner for wanting CS:S more than HL2 multiplayer?

hell yes, you will most likely burn in eternal hell fire!!!
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:

j/k im pysched for CS:S too! But like most people who are frequents on this forum I probably want Half-Life 2 more.
Shuzer said:
Let me rephrase that :)

Am I a sinner for wanting CS:S more than HL2 multiplayer?

i say burnnnnnnnnnnn!
burn him at the stakes!!! :rolleyes:
I feel so unwanted..

/me exits the thread and goes to execute himself
Wake up and smell the fakeness. Being an American, I learned not to trust anyone. This guy could have either faked it by making a acount named "Gabe Newell" or some idiot could have joined and pretended to be the Gabe man. Either way it's most likely fake. Sorry guys!!!
Shuzer said:
I feel so unwanted..

* Shuzer exits the thread and goes to execute himself

did u not detect the sarcasm?!
nooooo Shuzer, don't do it!!!!

/me runs after him

u have CZ right? u will get to play the beta soon enough.. come back now :p
besides, whos gonna control the HL2 hype train if u do silly stuff like that? :p
I don't think it is a fake, but clearly some of you guys are getting to excited here. Everybody needs to remain calm and not live at the whim of every word. Tomorrow something else will say fall again and the same people who are cheering now will be bitching then.
Maybe this slinger guy just faked the whole Gabe's post and you bought it. It wouldn't be the first time...
This is clearly not a fake. The man scanned the user posting under the name Gabe Newell's IP address. The domain happens to be part of Valve's IP range.

IT IS NOT A FAKE. :smoking:
And who is to say the one who "scanned the user" was not the person posting the fake in the first place.
It's possible. I highly doubt it.
Slinger would get a ton of flak for doing something like this.
It it's fake it's bs.

If it's the real Gabe it's bs.

That's my highly cynical viewpoint.
Mr-Fusion said:
It it's fake it's bs.

If it's the real Gabe it's bs.

That's my highly cynical viewpoint.

lol, how i feel, i dont believe anything anymore.
Dadsclan...i remember i was banned from one of their TFC servers for saying, here comes a heavygay... they told me it was swearing :hmph:

holy sh*t, i thought it was the same thing as, wierd...almost the same name and webpage lol...
While it doesn't necessarily mean that it's coming out really soon, it does seem to be confirmation that things are definately moving forwards at VALVe...

Gabe's a bit of a joker, isn't he? Posting news like that on a clan forum... shows you what a good news medium word-of-mouth (or, in this case, word-of-fingers) is ( assuming the "Chinese Whispers" effect doesn't come into play)...
RC or these kind of news dont say much, ill start believing in the release date when i hear from stores they are getting HL2 or when i see the HL2 package itself in the stores :p
RC is the copy that they send to vivendi... so if they send it by the end of this month, then we might see HL2 by august 15th... IF this is not some F***ing fake.
OK yes, it's news, but lets face it, it's highly ambiguous and tis not really telling us anything else we don't know :hmph:
More interesting and perhaps useful info lies in the new posts in the valve info thread...
It tells you everything you need to know about the release date-
HL2 IS virtually done bar the netcode finalisation at least, however it wont go gold until after the beta trial of CS:S. This is because this is the large scale test of the netcode, we already know it will last 1 month from the date it starts. So lets say it starts next week for arguments sake (I don't believe it will either!):

July 12 trial starts(haha asif..)
August 9 beta test ends

Now assuming the netcode was stable, or that any bugs were eliminated during the beta itself your still looking at valve handing over to vivendi in august. Even if the beta doesn't start for another 3 weeks valve still get to hand it over in august (albiet the arse end of august). Either way were looking at september for release at the very EARLIEST. I'm reckoning September 30 or later (I'd like to be optimistic but c'mon this is the real world)
I'm sure the beta starts in 2 weeks and only lasts for another 2 weeks. But yeah, mid-august should be the end of the trial anyhoo. I expect HL2 to go gold in the following week after that (with fingers crossed about no major bug fixes).
andrew_e1 said:
Dadsclan...i remember i was banned from one of their TFC servers for saying, here comes a heavygay... they told me it was swearing :hmph:

holy sh*t, i thought it was the same thing as, wierd...almost the same name and webpage lol...

UGH! yeah, we get a lot of that. Certainly that is not my clan. DAD clan is TFC. DADS clan is HLDM. We are not the same clan....and we hear a lot of flack because of that TFC DAD clan. Until we explain it all to whomever is upset with us.

Frankly, we don't give a shit about swearing and being politiacally correct as the TFC dad clan does. We are just a bunch of older guys [most with kids] who love playing this game. The game itself I would bet has a 'mature audience' label on it. Thus you should be older to play the game and if there is swearing in a server while your playing a mature audience game, why should one be banned for saying a swear word?

Secretly I've been hoping that TFC dad clan would go away to ease the confusiong.
omfg you guys this guy is making it up, he just SAYS thats it leads to valve, this entire thread is based on his words
I'm sure vivendi's been getting drops of hl2 to test all along. But an RC to vivendi at the end of the month... (7/31) gives them 2 weeks to qa test it (8/15), something's screwey, valve gives them another release candidate (8/16), vivendi QA tests for another two weeks, gives gold certification (9/1) .. The gold master gets shipped off for mass production, and could be ready for store shelves on 9/15...

HOWEVER!! CS:Source beta just starts up late summer (9/15), beta tests for 2-4 weeks (10/15), turns out CS:S is pretty far behind and cs community has all sorts of changes for valve (11/15) .. finally CS:S is finished, and HL2 SHIPS!!!!!

Gabe stated in the valve thread that they need to get CS:S into peoples hands, to test the source engine and mp code, BEFORE HL2 ships. So, HL2 may be right around the corner, but CS:S is gonna screw up the release big time.
Seriously, how come no one seems to know about this thread: ?

According to them/Valve the beta starts in two weeks, there's no mention of late summer or anything. And the beta will also last for two weeks.

I would call them pretty believable (they were the first to report the Seoul event) and certainly more believable than any source claiming the beta won't start until the very end of the summer.

The most interesting information in today’s exhibition is that the beta-testing of CS:S is approaching soon. Joon-Kyung Shin, from Stylenetwork, stated that "After two weeks, valve will open the surprising beta test of CS:S to the public.", adding "the beta testing will be over two-week after it begins."
Gabe Newell said:
Shipping a part of CS:Source was the best compromise of a number of factors. Hopefully it will go smoothly, and we'll be that much closer to getting Half-Life 2 out the door. If it doesn't go smoothly, better find out now rather than after we've shipped Half-Life 2.
I guess that's saying HL2 will not be released until the beta testing of CS:S is complete and the appropriate fixes are made.

Oh joy....
The IP he posted in the thread is registered to Electric Lightwave ( - They're a telecom company out of Vancouver, Washington (right across the Columbia river from Portland, Oregon) and they have offices in the Seattle area, specifically one in Bellevue at 1301 120th Ave NE.

It would be easy to see how VALVe may get there telco services from them, but we can't tell from the posted IP, and more importantly, we here would have no way of knowing if the IP there is the one used to post the message, or if we were being tricked.

I'm not trying to discredit slinger or his forum, just pointing out (to Big Fat Duck) that there is some reason not to assume immediately that he's lying. A mod could easily look at Gabe's or Greg's IP address and confirm that at least the part of the IP supplied was accurate.
RoguePsi said:
I'm sure the beta starts in 2 weeks and only lasts for another 2 weeks. But yeah, mid-august should be the end of the trial anyhoo. I expect HL2 to go gold in the following week after that (with fingers crossed about no major bug fixes).

I think Gabe said something about the playtesting taking 3 full days with no bugs, they sit down and play through the game over 72 hours, and when they find a bug, they correct it and the playtest restarts until they get through the full 72 hours without a problem..
slinger said:

I thought it was a scam at first, but an IP check later and it registers to Valve software. The forum post is titled "Pocket Protectors". Read his entire post to see why he posted at the DADS forum in the first place. It's comical

Go see for yourself:

and a quote from Gabe

I'm sure the news ain't new, but it's not everyday someone from Valve posts on your forum....least not for us :D

easy to fake :x
looks like its really coming together. doom3 out in august, gabe saying they'll be ready for publishing in august and now RC final by end of July = playing hl2 in August.
obsidian said:
looks like its really coming together. doom3 out in august, gabe saying they'll be ready for publishing in august and now RC final by end of July = playing hl2 in August.

*D3 and HL2 in August.......oh oh i come .....oh not on my keyboard *
I think im gonna splooge!!

So listen honey, have you ever been worked on by 2 games that are hot for your s**tch thats what im offering here! You walk into a room and then you smell perfume. You lay upon our roundish bed nd you feel a tickling on your head. It's GF with the feather and the french stick LOOK AT HIM BABY HES GOT THE TOOLS! And then you feel something down by your feet it's D3 he dont mind sucking on toes.

duh duh duh duh duh