Gabe posts more @ Fallout about performance


Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
I thought this was kind of interesting...

Gabe Newell
I thought this was interesting for people who ask me how their machine will run Half-Life 2:

One thing we did was made all the level developers use the same PC hardware:

AMD Duron 2.0 GHz
GeForce 4 Ti 4600

This was a bit draconian, but it did have its intended effect of ensuring the game runs well on a wide variety of systems. These machines had to achieve 1024 x 768 at 30 Hz running with the DX8 rendering feature set.

If a Level Developer were really really good, we'd let them see their level on a DX9 card. Insert your own emote here.


Gabe Newell
Yes, it runs on those specs (see some other thread for minimum specs).

Lots of people run on DX9 hardware or next gen hardware with thought provoking bells and whistles, but it's the level designers more than anyone who control the performance of the game, hence they were the ones with the balls and chains tied to their ankles.

EDIT: I should probably give props:
Awsome, its one thing I care about in HL2, the performance
Yay... my Ti 4200 WILL PWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 :)
is a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 better than a GeForce FX 5200? i have a FX 5200 and i want to play hl2 in DX9.. but if it runs not well, can i get a nice fps using dx8?
Good stuff...if it was one thing I loved about HL1 was that it was customized perfectly!
InSaNe TuBaíNa said:
is a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 better than a GeForce FX 5200? i have a FX 5200 and i want to play hl2 in DX9.. but if it runs not well, can i get a nice fps using dx8?
Yah, 4600 is better than the 5200.
Lol i dont live in a english speaking country and i didn't understand the all msg... buy hey i can u are all happy :X and yet i do have a Geforce 4Ti 4200 so im happy too XD did he said that those specs gonna run the game perfectly fine???

edit :\:
well... here are my specs... can u plz tell me if the game will run ok? cuz im quite sure it won't :(
256 RAM STICK :\

can u plz tell me? cuz im worried :( i want to buy a radeon but the price in israel for it is 3000+ NIS and i got no money :|.
InSaNe TuBaíNa said:
is a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 better than a GeForce FX 5200? i have a FX 5200 and i want to play hl2 in DX9.. but if it runs not well, can i get a nice fps using dx8?

In the HL2C member's questions he asked Gabe, page 3 or 4 of the thread, he said that he wouldn't recommend running in DX9 for the FX series of cards as they don't run that well. He said he recommended DX8 for those cards.
Nice, "official" words from the man himself...again
well... i have to play the game, so i´ll know if i´ll run it in dx8 or 9 mode... if it´s totally impossible to play using dx9 (i mean, very low frames per second), than i´ll change to dx8.

i wanted to see the game with all it´s effects... when i play the game i´ll see if i buy a new video card... what´s better? 9800 XT or pro? is there a newer video card?
theres no such thing as an amd duron 2.0ghz so i wounder if hes..hes...lying :O :O!!!!
XT is faster, but carries a pricetag of $100 more than the Pro
Shuzer said:
XT is faster, but carries a pricetag of $100 more than the Pro

humm... i understand.. so, if i buy a new video card, what do u recommend?

9800 pro? this is the one valve is using isn´t it?
Yeah i think gabe or someone said they used the 9800 pro card in the e3 demos, which is the card i use :D So im not worried about this game running bad. Plus i can paly far cry on a res of 1600x1200 with high settings and it runs fine plus it was cheap at only $250
InSaNe TuBaíNa said:
is a GeForce 4 Ti 4600 better than a GeForce FX 5200? i have a FX 5200 and i want to play hl2 in DX9.. but if it runs not well, can i get a nice fps using dx8?
Yes, in fact a Ti 4200 is faster than a 5200 using DX8.. I would disagree with Gabe that the choice of graphics card represents a wide range of systems.

Using a Duron to test was smart; and for level designers, it may be good that the concern is emphasized on CPU performance rather than graphics performance.

There are a couple things that concern me about Gabe's posts. As far as I can remember, the Duron was never offered at 2.0 GHz. The highest clocked model was 1.8 GHz, I thought. His usage of "Hz" is also abnormal. Usually FPS is given a unit of, well, FPS, to keep it distinct from the monitor refresh rate, but they essentially mean the same thing so it's not a big deal, just odd.
kungfucheez said:
They did? You sure they used the x800?

i dont think so.. i read somewhere they used a radeon 9800.. i just cant find it.. im looking for it.. if i find i post here
dam.. i was wrong...
quote from hl2fallout...

"One thing I forgot: I asked Gary McTaggart if my Geforce FX 5900 (non ultra) would run HL2 well. He said it was borderline on weather or not it could run the game in Directx 9 mode, and that it would run way better in directx 8 mode. He said that the Geforce FX cards just aren't very good dx9 cards, but the new Geforce (I think it's the 6800) works well. I asked what he was running in his computer - a ATi X800 (or whatever their new one is).

Also, there was a staggering amount of hardware just sitting around the office. Gary's room had several video cards sitting on desks, one of the rooms had a crapload of RAM lying around. Amazing stuff. My impression of Valve as a company is EX-PEN-SIVE."

but there´s another site, where someonde says that is using a 9800 pro.. i have to find it.. wait a minute
This is good news and kinda reassuring. And please no more will my toaster run HL2 threads ;)
Letters said:
They must have been referring to 2003's show.

yeah it can be... do u think the x800 price will be reduced until the hl2 release?

or it´s better buy a 9800 pro?
Yes, the 9800 Pro was used at the 2k3 e3 presentation, and an x800 Pro at the 2k4 presentation. The 9800 Pro will still run it fine, though.
I wish the would release the game so I could try it on my computer :p
Just thought I'd add that, the 9800XT was used when the members of the press got to playtest HL2. They said it was silky smooth, so I can't see a 9800 Pro not running the game extremely well

I'm a LITTLE worried about the performance on my OCed 9700 though, we'll see
Well anyone know whats ettings they used or what RES? I like palying games on a 16x12 res but im not too worried
kungfucheez said:
Well anyone know whats ettings they used or what RES? I like palying games on a 16x12 res but im not too worried
At the e3 2k4 presentation, it was something like 13xx*xxx - that's what Gabe said, it was on a widescreen monitor. But it's a high resolution, and you can see the game coped fine.
they were the ones with their balls and chains tied to their ankles.

OMg! That Most HUert!!!!.. Their Balls attached in witTh the Chains on teh ankgles!!!!!111111
CB | Para said:
This is good news and kinda reassuring. And please no more will my toaster run HL2 threads ;)

hey i really enjoyed that toaster thread!! :p
one of the more light hearted threads ever in the HL2 General Discussion section :)

Shuzer said:
Just thought I'd add that, the 9800XT was used when the members of the press got to playtest HL2. They said it was silky smooth, so I can't see a 9800 Pro not running the game extremely well

I'm a LITTLE worried about the performance on my OCed 9700 though, we'll see

i am more worried about performance of the game with PC's having 2.0ghz or lower.. i know u and few others have said that the game should run perfected on Athlon XP 2500+ CPU's but i dunno.. especially playing MP.. i feel it will be demanding. :(

oh well.. we'll see...
Someone mentioned this before but the Duron never made it past 1.3 GHZ.
No, 1.8 GHz was the last one. I mentioned it in my post on page 2...