Gabe Quote: Two Resistance groups at work...


Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
"There are two resistance groups at work. One is wrong but the other is even more wrong. You have to decide which to follow"

There was a quote along these lines made by Gabe Newell in reference to Half-Life 2.

Having beaten HL2 and played through several times I dont see how this fits in.

*Insert X-Files music*
whoa it's almost like it's a comment made way before the game was released
one that's been mentioned many times too
whoa guys!@!@ where's the hydra??!!@
This comment I believe wasnt made that long from the release. Maybe one or two months.
he didn't say anything about it being two resistance groups though. He simply said "there are two sides and they're both wrong", or so I remember (or that's the way it's been quoted around here every now and then). Therefore, it surely means that the Resitance and Combine are the two sides, and both a wrong to a degree. It makes sense doesn't it? The whole ending of HL2 is coloured by the fact that you're not actually sure whether you're doing the right thing for humanity anymore - Breen's methods are certainly barbaric, but isn't his point about humanity's only chance of survival actually quite valid? In the end you're just doing what will help Gordon's friends, but you can't help thinking they're not entirely correct.
Thanks kupoartist. Never really though about that.
We never entirely know what happens when the Dark Fusion reactor is shut down in the process of producing an artifical singularity. Could be bad, could be very bad.
Well if id have to pick, itd have to be the resistance side. After all im human the combines are not....well not entirely, so id fight to survive or die trying.
I can confidently say, if i was in the hl2 world, i would be a metrocop :p
I could totally pwn gordon.
I think the combine are more than they appear to be.

I'm on doctor breens side.
Perhaps it's not the human resistance per say, but he was referring to the G-man's apparent resistance to the Combine. That could be considered one side of the war, and may be the "wrong one".
NJspeed said:
Perhaps it's not the human resistance per say, but he was referring to the G-man's apparent resistance to the Combine. That could be considered one side of the war, and may be the "wrong one".
Maybe you would call the G-Man’s side wrong because it treats people like property but the combine side is very wrong because… well… Stalkers anybody?
Its not the combine who are wrong, the people who are wrong are the resistance, as kupoartist said, because theres a certain degree of "are they doing the right thing?"

The second group that is wrong is breen's Overwatch, which before anyone states is not the combine, its simply several humans upgraded with combine tech (combien soldiers etc) , headed by breen. Breen is wrong because is surrendering to the combine the right thing, is it right that as a species we should be augmented into combine ranks?

The resistance is wrong and its the overwatch that is very wrong.
I think that the resistance is right, but their methods are wrong. Blowing up the reactor was rash, and I think it may cause irreversable damage to the entire planet. I think the Combine are wrong but the resistance is worse, because the resistance is hurting itself, and causing more trouble then it helps (like causing the combine to search houses and arrest anyone even suspected of having ties to the resistance).
Pegcrab said:
I think the Combine are wrong but the resistance is worse, because the resistance is hurting itself, and causing more trouble then it helps (like causing the combine to search houses and arrest anyone even suspected of having ties to the resistance).

They'd do all that in the first place. Breen has an iron grip, and though his goals might *seem* moral (you only see him as an enemy and all his speeches are colored by that) he still rules like a dictator. And let's not forget that Breen was the administrator of Black Mesa, and was probably instrumental in causing the Resonance Cascade. If he really wanted to help out humanity, he wouldn't have allowed that to happen.

One reason the Resistance is floundering about causing damage is the lack of coherent leadership. Gordon doesn't meet anybody or hear of anybody who's really in charge, and I wonder who gave them the idea of blowing up the Citadel in the first place. Mob rule, maybe?

They look up to Gordon, yes. But as a fellow soldier, not as a leader. They follow him into battle, but he doesn't give orders. Eli Vance and Dr. Kleiner have authority, but they're scientists, not leaders. Odessa is a military commander, but he's not calling the shots (he's actually taking orders from the G-Man too). Barney? He's a security guard-turned Resistance spy. His job doesn't give him the chance to lead. Alyx? She's too busy with her dad.
It was "two sides", not two resistences.

he's actually taking orders from the G-Man too

Yeah, Gman probably gave him the RPG to help Gordon out, he's always one step ahead of Gordon.
I think this still applies.

Obviously the one more wrong is Breen siding with the Combine, but the resistance (as I've often noticed) are also wrong. We ARE screwed. We can't just totally eradicate all this. Humanity needs some serious help. We are maybe not necessarily wrong, but not doing things right.
I guess it all comes down to the two sides bickering about the future of humanity - a human civil war - when we should be thinking about how to destroy the combine.
I guess it all comes down to the two sides bickering about the future of humanity - a human civil war - when we should be thinking about how to destroy the combine.

Simply put, and thats what it all boils down too, bloody breen.
hm sounds more and more like 1984 all the time :|

I hope the ending of HL3 doesn't take that turn or it's goin to suck :|