Gabe:"The PS3 is a disaster on so many levels."

1.) You mean, bad tools/hard to develop for as one thing? Well who cares? Developing games is never easy.
Yes and Sony went and made it even harder. I mean if it's already hard, why the hell would you go and make it even harder?

Who Cares? The developers. If the developers have a hard time with it, games will take more $$ to produce, games will take more time to produce, games will probably be worse(if a developer can't figure out X bug or X feature). Then some developers might not even come out on the Ps3 due to it being hard to program for.

If it affects the developer, it affects the product, causing it to affect the consumer.

2.) It's a bargain.
Not in my perspective.

3.) Blu-Ray can and does have porn, but it's Japanese so it's disgusting.
Yeah your not up to date on Blu-Ray. Sony is not allowing ANY XXX RATED CONTENT on Blu-Ray. Sony did the same thing with betamax. This why HD-DVD will win and Blu-ray will fail. Not because of "Porn"(though that will have something in general), but because Sony will be controlling the content that can be seen.

This is what John actually said about the PS3. Basically, not encouraging, from a master programmer and ubernerd.
Not really, you can buy a monitor that supports hdtv (over here it'll cost you about 200 more or less) then buy a converter. I already have a monitor that supports hdtv, So all I would need is DVI-HDMI converter. Only problem is I would have to keep unplugging my pc mointor. Which means I can't be on say a gaming site and play on a next gen console at the same time.

Id rather enjoy playing a ps3 on an actual tv, not a monitor...
Lol @ "bandwagon jumping". The 360 owns the Ps3, period. 2nd only to the PC.
Lol @ "bandwagon jumping". The 360 owns the Ps3, period. 2nd only to the PC.
Err woah now, the 360 may "own" the ps3 as for what to buy, but your statement may be interpreted as "360 owns ps3 in power" which is not really true.
Technically, the PS3 is ahead of the 360. Realistically however, they're equal.
When I think of PS3 all I care about is the unholy awesome physics, and the PS3 does indeed have more power in that.

After all, I think physics is the biggest way to show off power these days, graphics have become a bit less important now that they already look stunning.
Graphics should become less important. If it's pretty to look at, cool; if the gameplay is horrible, though, then it's a deal breaker. I can deal with bad graphics (up to a point).
Gabe said:
the wiimote is nothing more than a glorified nintendo blaster that DOES NOT RUN ON DYNAMICS AT ALL.
Not to mention that Nintendo are re-releaing all there old games as they usually do.
Not that the PS3 is any good either.
Err woah now, the 360 may "own" the ps3 as for what to buy, but your statement may be interpreted as "360 owns ps3 in power" which is not really true.
Go ask a cross-platform game dev about console power and get back to me. No offense to you personally, but as crazy as it sounds I think the 360 has better hardware. GPU, CPU. The only thing the Cell can do better is physics (and it can function as a graphics processor, but that got kinda bunked up in the design of the console so the RSX does the heavy lifting instead). The 360 CPU can to better AI, and the GPU is faster, with more RAM for textures. I can't think of anything else that affects the technical quality of a game.
"Own" usually means completely decimated in terms of comparison.
This is ridiculous, he sounds like an angry Nintendo fanboy. Sad. And to think he looked like a civilized person.
he sounds like an angry Nintendo fanboy.
He does? How? He's not exactly angry, and is far from a "fanboy" of any sorts.

His comment on Nintendo was more than likely an educated evaluation of the market as it is now.