gabe will speak on halflife radio

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lol, and alot of threads that are named "NEW INFO FROM LAST NIGHT!!!" and when you open the page it only says "business as usual"
so they still have the guy on that made the fake video, and it seems he's quite the expert on everything...
"it's not even worth talking about, it's not half-life 2" referring to the compiles and getting it to run... the POS fake video sure seemed like it was worth talking about
They have absolutally nothing to talk about and then refuse offerst to start a conversation!
oooh ooh their swearing.. well hey it makes a change from repetative chuntering about fortnight old news
their making out like their against the leaked code (sorry stolen code), and while their doing it their swapping fakes and bits of code info with fakerboy and avoiding mentioning all those links to it on their site.. No wonder Valve didn't want to talk on their radio, hlsource is probably on their list of suspects
maybe I'll make another cool video, and you could have me on again, because no one worthwhile will come and talk on your lame show
Best bit of tonight's "show"

bit where Lewis insulting fakerboy's video without realising the ?creator? was there, and his constant digs at him throughout the night, made all the more funnier that the kid doesn't realise
Originally posted by Stormy151
maybe I'll make another cool video, and you could have me on again, because no one worthwhile will come and talk on your lame show
He really said that?
apart from lewis, I can't tell who's who, they all sound like their just entering pubity
I'd like to keep this thread in the Half-Life 2 Discussion forum instead of having it thrown away into the Deleted Threads forum, as it's an interesting read and a nice piece of the forum's history.
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