
Apr 10, 2009
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Anyone else excited about the possibilities of this Cloud-based "play games on any computer" service?

If you're living under a rock, it's basically a service which is currently in beta-testing which claims to allow you to play modern games without having a fancy gaming system, by connecting you to a server which renders the game and then giving you a remote link to that server so you can play the game as if it were in a browser.

Ok, I'm skeptical too. But if it does what they claim it does with minimal issues, imagine the possibilities. No more upgrading your PC every 5 minutes at great cost (which for me would be epic).
I'm intrigued.
Sounds like it'd require a helluva internet connection though.
The problem isnt so much with the client connection, and more with their abillity to meet demand, they estimated 1 Server to every 5 people, and your basicly renting it with advertisements, but when you start looking at hundreds and thousands of people wanting to play World of Warcraft at work, or the new Crysis demo, then the quanity of physical servers becomes mind boggling.
I'm not really interested, because I am a ownership-type of person, I never rent games, I hardly never sell games, I never borrow consoles from friends etc, for me a part of my enjoyment of gaming, is ownership, hence I will most likely never have interest for services such as this.
I'd imagine this type of service would be based upon a subscription-type business model, which over time, would cost a significant amount of money without any tangible object in return.
I'd imagine this type of service would be based upon a subscription-type business model, which over time, would cost a significant amount of money without any tangible object in return.
I'm guessing it would work out cheaper than constructing a gaming rig of the same quality and buying all the games at £40 a piece on release.

Wouldn't make business sense otherwise.
There are going to be so many issues with these types of services I've listed them many a time before. At present I don't see them being commercially viable either.