Game concepts you'd like to see realized?

A real-time game set in a space of 24-hours where you're racing from one part of an open-ended city to another thwarting a murderer / terrorist plot or whatever. The game doesn't end if you miss objectives: like any decent serial television show, the narrative evolves with your character's successes and failures. You can lose the game and still complete it, rewarded with a 'bad' ending as satisfactory as the 'happy' ending.

So err... basically 24: The Game but better.

Play Sid Meier's Covert Action.
A game you play as the bad guys. Could be fps or something else.

The bad guys would actually be bad, not just table knocking hillbillies. The story could go either way, the good guys win or you win. Each side would have the sort of ultimate hero, villian, which you would not be able to play. Your role would be to play the ordinary cannon fodder. Of course the cannon fodder folks are squishy as hell so you'd die a lot. Dying on the other hand wouldn't stop the progress, you would just transfer to another henchmen. The story would change on the basis of how well you had been able to push the good guys back etc.
Fallout 3 style First-person Pokemon MMO where you actually have to aim and toss the pokeballs yourself jaklsdfjsajflsdjflsak GOD!

GTA 4 but with Saints Row 2 ridiculousness
The game World War II Online except not a piece of shit.

My roommate and I have epic conversations about how such a thing should be done when we get baked and talk. He and I are both not only huge FPS nerds but WWII buffs as well. We've probably spent 6-7 hours of discussion on this particular subject.

I would like any sort of good MMOFPS.
My roommate and I have epic conversations about how such a thing should be done when we get baked and talk. He and I are both not only huge FPS nerds but WWII buffs as well. We've probably spent 6-7 hours of discussion on this particular subject.

I would like any sort of good MMOFPS.

You should get the new Hearts of Iron game. It is by far the most grognardic WWII experience ever. When I played Hearts of Iron 2, I could recite the high command staff of each major nation as well as key provinces, cabinet ministers, major battleships, and all the important pacts, treaties, and dates.
Dream Game: A Star Wars adventure title in the vein of the classic LucasArts adventure games. I don't ask for much. :p
I have always envisioned a game where the protagonist is an ex-navy seal or something and he gets sent back through time with an arsenal of weapons in order to change history. The perfect example would be a battle just about to take place in which one side is storming a castle and the other is desperately trying to protect get control of the player at this point on top of the wall with a mini gun and you mow down thousands of people. Then you start with the mortar and explosives.

Ultimately you change the course of history and the world is no longer on the brink of destruction. The game ends with the player on his death bed in the present much like the ending of bioshock (if you didn't rape the little sisters).
I have never played a MMO I liked. So that whould be intressting.
Just a really good RPG, like fallout 1 with first person or 3rd, done with lots of custom animation etc. More side quest, and a good main quest that's not set in stone. And a karma system that doesn't suck.
Grand theft auto except in a war setting. The Sabateur is something similiar where you play a french resistance "sabateur" in an open world occupied france teeming with nazis. I'd like this sorta of thing in a sci-fi setting or military setting. dont just make me a guy in a small team or a lone commando. I want to chose what role I play in a larger conflict. For example imagine a game around D-Day; play a paratropper or assualt the beach, be a commando and scale the cliffs or hell play as a german fighting off the allied invasion.
Grand theft auto except in a war setting.
Yeah, that was what I thought was the idea behind MoH: Airborne, but man was I disappointed.

This is also why I am excited for the upcoming Red Dead Redemption because you take the GTA gameplay mechanics and just slap on a different setting and you are golden. They need to do sci-fi next, then one of the World Wars and they will always seem fresh.
Yeah, that was what I thought was the idea behind MoH: Airborne, but man was I disappointed.

This is also why I am excited for the upcoming Red Dead Redemption because you take the GTA gameplay mechanics and just slap on a different setting and you are golden. They need to do sci-fi next, then one of the World Wars and they will always seem fresh.

I too was disappointed with MoH Airborne as it sounded promising. I'm looking forward to Red Dead Redemption although I'm trying not to get my hopes up high as I'm a fan of spaghetti westerns or early John Ford,/Joh Houston films so there's a hell of a lot to live up to in that particular genre. it is rockstar so the cahnces are better than most that it will be good
An open world dinosaur hunting sim. It would be a cross between Carnivores 2 and STALKER. You could traverse prehistoric landscapes and track down (or be tracked by) every species of dinosaur cataloged by SCIENCE while surviving off the world. Could even have an "Observation Mode" like Carnivores did where you can just walk around the world and see the dinosaurs hunt, fight, and live their lives out. So many different ideas for a game like this.

I would convert to Christianity and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior if a game like this were developed.

**** yeah...that would be awesome!

edit: my dream game would probably be a super remake of the Xcom series.
i'd so love a game where tactical combat would be SWAT 4 like, geospace combat like some more arcadeish flight sim (Xcom interceptor but on earth) and strategical managment more complex.
there's a new Xcom in the making...but i'm not gonna buy, it's probably gonna be uber shit, like most games today. they'll totally focus on action and forget the subtle intricacies of base management. mark my words!

edit#2: oh...well...i just found out that the company making the new x com (2K) is actually the developer of SWAT 4.
i'll be quiet for now :eek:
I'd like a Mario 64 platform/adventure on a ridiculously large scale. Same mechanics and a with traditional Mario setting, but with a game world that stretches off far into the horizon. You wouldn't select a Bowser Castle level, for example. You'd see it in the distance, surrounded by volcanoes and storm clouds, and decide to set off on a journey to get there - the route you take being entirely up to you - while collecting stars and coins on the way. I'd be happy with no story - exploring simply to see what's over the hill.

But not broken.

With less box stacking/knocking down puzzles.
Any ****ing game that doesn't have to be patched to play it. Srsly.

I'm not too difficult to please, all I ask for these days is a game that's not half-way finished. Especially console and/or poorly ported games.

I'm sick of people making up lame excuses for developers like,"but the sandbox game-world is so big, something is bound to brake" or, "it's a technological limitation, it's not their fault!"

Any excuse, even good excuses, aren't worth my $40-$60 bucks per-game.
A game that effectively simulates multinational politics, economy, and warfare. Kinda like HOI3 and Superpower 2 combined, but much better and accurate. So complete that the policymakers of nations play this game to try and prepare for the consequences.
A game thats a cross between Rat Race, Cannonball Run, Superbad, Amelie, Blues Brothers and GTA4

You enter a race across the US and you gain points by crossing checkpoints at predetermined points (slowly losing points the longer you make it to the checkpoint). But hears the catch; you gain a lot more points if you help others and do good deeds and there is proof, example would be helping a elderly women across a busy street (Frogger style) in plain view of you buddy who is recorded the deed on camera.

Off course the police do get involved (afterall you are going at high speed) so becomes a game of cat and mouse. There is unconventional ways of losing them though. Drive through a corn field for example, or converting the car into a parade float, which in turn also becomes a good deed (You are helping out in a parade)

You can set different times of year as well, which gives you different set of challenges (if you to do them).

The game would either be meta (Points are reviewed on a league table) but capable of being a MMO or limited internet play, which is played out over several days.
Aside from generally more polished games, one concept I'd like to see is a game where you can play God. Kind of like Black & White/Demi-God meets Bruce Almighty, but much more detailed and set in current times. You know, have a fully-featured modern world and influence it directly, but instead of just a top-down strategy game, have the character in a free-roam sandbox city with the ability to do just about anything. Or a hybrid of both to influence the world on a larger scale in a much shorter timeframe. (but realistically, only the city is explorable while the world can be influenced indirectly from you actions)

One of the main powers would have tonnes of scripts and a text interface similar to the old PC adventure games where you type in a action, hit enter and then watch as hilarity ensues.


You see a random guy on street, use this particular power by clicking on him and the action stops temporarily while you type in his immediate fate: "You've now got diarrhea and need to take a huge dump right now." hit enter and watch as the dude shits his pants among hundreds of pedestrians. Alternately, you could do something more violent like send a single meteorite on top of his head, splattering him on the pavement or send swarms of locusts or make a monkey emerge from his ass.

On top of this, real-time (as in game time) political events occur on television such as presidential union-state addresses where you could do the same thing. Or make him sound completely stupid by typing in random words and destroy his political status.

You could use your powers to better the world and create a utopia or turn it into a chaotic mess as you destroy human society one mere mortal at a time.

EDIT>Scratch the typing command idea. Just have a menu with hundreds of different actions instead.
Yyou type in his immediate fate: "You've now got diarrhea and need to take a huge dump right now." hit enter and watch as the dude shits his pants among hundreds of pedestrians.

Typing commands died out of games for a reason - it was awful.
Typing commands died out of games for a reason - it was awful.
Well then how about a tons of different actions on a more "intuitive" GUI menu interface with pretty icons? :p Keep in mind this was just commands for a single power. Moving about would be WASD keyboard/mouse based and other powers would be simple "point and click".

The idea was sound though. A game like that would be so much fun. I so much want to be a very naughty demi-god and make people's lives miserable. Although there would still be the option to go the "good" route and better mankind instead.

EDIT> Nevermind. I forgot a game like this already exists and it's called, "TheSims". :(

...but even TheSims isn't as detailed as I'm talking and doesn't really play on the emphasis of godhood.