Game Console Controller Family Tree


There is no logic in that tree. He seems to be going on a trend of connecting controllers that have a similar look, but yet he connects the Revolution controller to the Gamecube's. Why would he do that? Shouldn't the Revolution controller be a new breed?

I don't think he put much thought into this. Just kinda did what he thought felt right. These trees should be based on gathered facts, not "oh this controller looks like that one..."
I think he's just split the controllers by company/time to show how they all steal ideas from each other.
The revolution controller should still be a new breed of it's own. Because I'm sure there will be newer versions, and even different companies making consoles that use controllers like that.
Agreed - except I don't find it comfy and think the analogue sticks/buttons are unresponsive and lack precision. Oh, the d-pad isn't very good either. Other than that it's great ;)
CyberPitz said:

the best controllor EVER IMHO.

Lol, even the xbox controller was better.

No controller beats the n64 one. :smoking: