Game Cube


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
What, in your own opinion are the best games for game cube.

i've tried

Starwars: Rogue Leader
MGS: Twin snakes
Mario Sunshine

rogue leader is def my fav so far.

i got one for a few weeks and im loving it. what other games do you guys recomend i try...
Metroid Prime, Pikmin 1 or 2, Resident Evil: Remake, Viewtiful Joe, Super Smash Bros Melee, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Eternal Darkness, and Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker.
Zelda The Wind Waker is really good. And Resident Evil 0 and the Remake.

Btw Nice Quote... :D

Edit: oops forgot the best game of them all, Metroid Prime :bounce:
Ikaruga, Viewtiful Joe, Timesplitters 2, REmake, Soul Calibur 2.

and soon:
Resident Evil 4, ALien Hominid, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and Metroid Prime 2
kiwii said:
Btw Nice Quote... :D

Yeah it made me laugh. quite a bit actually. once somthing funnier comes up itll be gone. but not allot so far :D

mario kart looks fun. good two player anyways.

nintendo have quite a few exclusives that look like real fun. there arnt anything like them on other consoles.
Geno said:
Ikaruga, Viewtiful Joe, Timesplitters 2, REmake, Soul Calibur 2.

and soon:
Resident Evil 4, ALien Hominid, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and Metroid Prime 2

Yargh, Ikaruga, one bastard of a shooter. I don't understand how some people can just complete the game without dying. And RE4 had to get delayed until next year. :\
You cannot own/rent a GameCube and not try Metroid Prime and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Simple as that.
I have not played it yet, but I have been hearing a lot of people saying that Tales of Symphonia is very, very good.

Oh yeah, Skies of Arcadia and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life are also supposedly good. Haven't played those either, though (man I need some money).
I've got Zelda: Wind Waker and Metroid Prime

Zelda was awesome
Metroid Prime has been really boring and tedious (just got the ball boost thing)
Resident Evil 4 is great. Much better than the others in terms of gameplay and graphics. Played a demo at ECTS.

Anyway, as for games that are actually out I'd recoomend Eternal Darkness and Spider-Man 2.
Zelda: Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil
Resident Evil Zero

The GameCube doesn't have many good games.
Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2
Metroid Prime
Mario Golf
Viewtiful Joe
Tales of Symphonia

are all great.

The new Zelda, Metroid Prime and RE4 all look amazing too :)

There's also plenty of good, solid titles out there aswell - maybe try renting a few?
Other exclusives worth considering:

F-Zero GX
Pikmin 1 & 2
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II
Star Fox Adventures
OCybrManO said:
Other exclusives worth considering:

F-Zero GX
Pikmin 1 & 2
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II
Star Fox Adventures

I hear that - especially F-Zero and Wave Race :) (although, I did think Star Fox was rather crappy :/)

If you haven't played Prince of Persia it's definately worth getting on the GC. After playing it on the XBox, PC and GC I can safely say PoP on the GC is the definitive version :) (mainly because of the joypad, and the colours being more bright and vibrant than on other formats. Top game :) )
Yup! F-Zero and Wave Race are top :thumbs:

And Mario Golf is great, too.....
soul calibur 2 by far, buts thats a multiplatform game though
My games i own for the GC:

metal gear solid: TS
Super mario kart DD
Soulcalibur 2
skies of arcadia
Metroid prime
Zelda:the wind waker
Super smash bros. melee
burnout 2
Super mario sunshine

the ones in bold are my favorites.
but to be honest, their all my favorites... as i only buy games that i know i will like.
I can't wait for Mario Tennis and the less cartoony Legend of Zelda.
OCybrManO said:
I can't wait for Mario Tennis and the less cartoony Legend of Zelda.

the new zelda looks class :D

/me chants "we want link" over and over untill your head explodes
Warbie said:
I hear that - especially F-Zero and Wave Race :) (although, I did think Star Fox was rather crappy :/)

If you haven't played Prince of Persia it's definately worth getting on the GC. After playing it on the XBox, PC and GC I can safely say PoP on the GC is the definitive version :) (mainly because of the joypad, and the colours being more bright and vibrant than on other formats. Top game :) )

Gotta be careful with F-Zero; it will cause insane rage due to its high difficulty.
ha i have enough rage with rouge leader...

im gonna go rent some more today i'll see what i pick up :D

thatks for the imput :thumbs:
burnzie said:
What, in your own opinion are the best games for game cube.

i've tried

Starwars: Rogue Leader
MGS: Twin snakes
Mario Sunshine

rogue leader is def my fav so far.

i got one for a few weeks and im loving it. what other games do you guys recomend i try...


  • Windwaker
  • Super Smash Bros Melee
  • Mario Kart: DD!!
  • Soul Calibur II
  • Legend of Zelda: Four Swords
  • Tales of Symphonia
  • Metroid Prime
Yargh, Ikaruga, one bastard of a shooter. I don't understand how some people can just complete the game without dying

Pattern memorization boyo, pattern memorization.
Ikaruga, Super Monkey Ball, Pikmin, Viewtiful Joe, FZero GX, Mario Golf and Metroid Prime.

Mario kart : Double dash was my most awaited game for the GC. To be honeset I was bitterly disappointed with the end product, I like the racing and everything but one of the main reasons I buy Mario Kart games is for the battle mode. IMO the battle mode in MK:DD was lame, mainly due to the crappy maps. Why oh why couldn't they just have given me an updated block fort(map from the N64 version). The only decent thing I can say about the battle mode was that the new gameplay types were quite fun. Had the maps been better I might have enjoyed them even more. I've played MarioKart 64 with my friends for well over 7 years. I bought it back in the day when N64 games cost like £50-60 some even more than that. But IMO it was £60 well spent for over 7 years of entertainment.

Zelda is much the same for me although not as much. It's not that I don't like the cartoony style(in fact it kind of grew on me after a while), but just that some of the game is just so tedious it's unbelievable(triforce hunting part in the latter stages of the game). Also I found that some of the bosses were very samey. Some of them were almost exactly the same as bosses in OoT(especially the way you defeat them). Like the boss in the temple of the gods or whatever it was called, it was almost like fighting the Shadow temple boss from OoT all over again. The boss thing I can deal with, but the sailing part just frustrated me to no end. In the end I'd say it's a good game. That said I'm still looking forward to the next Zelda game immensely( I always do). I hope there aren't as many tedious back and forth moments in it and that there is some variety with the bosses as well. Some may argue that OoT(and other Zelda games) had similar backtracking moments, but I just think it was so much better riding the horse, and it never felt like a chore doing those parts in the other games(at least no to me anyway). I guess I just didn't like the whole sailing thing.