Game endings


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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So basically I wanted an excuse to post this alternate ending to Bioshock someone devised.

Tenenbaum manages to reach you on the radio for the first time since you entered Ryan’s office. Having heard about your command phrase, she asks if you would kindly DROP THE GODDAMN RADIO then meet her at her nearby hideout.

Seriously dude, once you’ve found out someone who can violate your mind is on the other end of it, you lose the goddamn wireless. If the Would You Kindly command to pick it up in the first place prevents that, TURN IT OFF. Either way, since Tenenbaum knows about your conditioning, she could order you to do it. This is fridge logic at its worst.

So yeah, discuss endings and stuff.
If Jack hadn't killed Ryan, Fontaine would have Code Yellow'ed Jack to death, I suppose. The conditioning wore off when Jack was asleep in Tenenbaum's safehouse so it would have still caused a quick death. I also don't believe Tenenbaum knew that Jack was in Central Control.

And Jack dropping the radio himself wouldn't have been possible. He still believed in Atlas.
If Jack hadn't killed Ryan, Fontaine would have Code Yellow'ed Jack to death, I suppose. The conditioning wore off when Jack was asleep in Tenenbaum's safehouse so it would have still caused a quick death. I also don't believe Tenenbaum knew that Jack was in Central Control.

And Jack dropping the radio himself wouldn't have been possible. He still believed in Atlas.
You realise this is all supposed to take place after Fontaine reveals himself and you put the access key into the machine for him. At this point you know he's fake and can control you. Also, yes Tenembaum knew you were in Ryan's control room because she sends the Little Sisters to rescue you from there.
You realise this is all supposed to take place after Fontaine reveals himself and you put the access key into the machine for him. At this point you know he's fake and can control you. Also, yes Tenembaum knew you were in Ryan's control room because she sends the Little Sisters to rescue you from there.

That's what happens after 4 hours of sleep last night.

This got me wondering, did Tenenbaum ever realize Fontaine was abusing the conditioning? She had seen Suchong develop it for Jack. Though I'm still unsure about her relationship with Atlas. All I know is that she slept with Fontaine.
Bioshock turned to such complete and utter shit after you killed Ryan.

The whole mood of the game is about the menacing inevitability of the sheer force of the sea. Enormous work went into making every room and every corridor of the whole city scream “THIS PLACE IS GOING TO FREAKING FLOOD!” To make a game about this place which ends without oceanic incident is pretty goddamn absurd.

I could not agree more with this.

I really like his idea for the boss fight too, it's a neat reversal. As well as a much less combination of shitty / happy that the final cutscene was originally comprised of.
Some of the coolest scenes came after Central Control. The whole Proving Grounds level, the Gene Traitor spots, Cohen's apartment, the dead family etc. Although agree the that first half is the stronger because it was supposed to give a crazy first impression (underground forest, Steinman, Cohen), this song just speaks for itself.

But what about one of the most disappointing endings of 2011, Deus Ex HR? How would you have wanted to see it end?
What did people find disappointing about Deus Ex: HR's ending? The format was very similar to the original Deus Ex, where it boils down to talking to a couple of different parties who tell you to do one thing or another, you fight a boss, then choose who you side with.

As an ending it wasn't the greatest, but far from the worst endings to a game (see: Halo 2).
Although I enjoyed BioShock to death, this would have been a much better ending for the game. Becoming a Big Daddy didn't feel significant to the plot at all, but this idea actually gives the transformation some meaning.
Only one that comes to mind that was stupid in superlative degrees was Assassin's Creed 2. Here we are carefully ignoring Desmond for many hours, living a (repetitive but nice) life through Ezio, then bam, ****ing aliens. I was already hard pressed to swallow the millennium-long global conspiracy schlock, but the story just jumped the shark with the Mars bullshit. Oh, and the Adam and Eve being escapees from some alien concentration camp.

Even if that were a good idea for the story, they seriously ****ed up their mystery arc with the timing. Why reveal the big surprise then, of all times? I seriously suspect they wanted to end the series with AC3 and some kind of rocket escape into space to fight the martians, but for one reason or another scrapped that and decided to stretch it out to another 3 games. Nothing happens in Brotherhood other than ENDLESS HOURS faffing in Rome and some Lucy poking, so they were obviously delaying with that one. Haven't played Revelations since I got bored with the premise.
Becoming a Big Daddy didn't feel significant to the plot at all, but this idea actually gives the transformation some meaning.

Especially since they were like "This is a one way ticket. You'll be a big daddy forever now" and then in the ending cutscene you're back to just being human. Yeah, good job morons.
Only one that comes to mind that was stupid in superlative degrees was Assassin's Creed 2. Here we are carefully ignoring Desmond for many hours, living a (repetitive but nice) life through Ezio, then bam, ****ing aliens. I was already hard pressed to swallow the millennium-long global conspiracy schlock, but the story just jumped the shark with the Mars bullshit. Oh, and the Adam and Eve being escapees from some alien concentration camp.

Even if that were a good idea for the story, they seriously ****ed up their mystery arc with the timing. Why reveal the big surprise then, of all times? I seriously suspect they wanted to end the series with AC3 and some kind of rocket escape into space to fight the martians, but for one reason or another scrapped that and decided to stretch it out to another 3 games. Nothing happens in Brotherhood other than ENDLESS HOURS faffing in Rome and some Lucy poking, so they were obviously delaying with that one. Haven't played Revelations since I got bored with the premise.
This sums up pretty much exactly how I feel. The story is one of the most retarded things I've seen in a game recently.
I raise you Resistance 3. You fight through a whole army of Chimera and do all this retarded free falling shit in the final part of the gameplay and the concluding cut scene is approximately 1 minute's worth of anti-climax:

I've been contemplating on whether or not I should continue the Resistance series with Resistance 2, but I definitely didn't get an auspicious impression from the ending of the first game. Actually, I felt the game as a whole was shit. From Stylo's summary, it looks to me that the third game is also an incorrigible mess, but what about the second? I wonder if that's worth playing.
I raise you Resistance 3. You fight through a whole army of Chimera and do all this retarded free falling shit in the final part of the gameplay and the concluding cut scene is approximately 1 minute's worth of anti-climax:

I'm not quite sure I understand what your beef is here. Are you just mad they did the bit where you see your wife and kid at the end? That's not really an anti-climax so much as an epilogue.
I've never understood why the Resistance series gets so much positive press, it looks terribly boring. I almost feel like it's purpose was to be "That AAA Playstation Exclusive FPS" and nothing more.
I raise you Resistance 3. You fight through a whole army of Chimera and do all this retarded free falling shit in the final part of the gameplay and the concluding cut scene is approximately 1 minute's worth of anti-climax:

Played Resistance 3 co-op with my roommate and ended up getting to the train level before the game stopped working. That was a better ending then what you just posted.

Also, a lot of people here played LA Noire, how'd you feel about the ending to that? I felt that the level was sort of out of place but the ending was rather saddening.
Especially since they were like "This is a one way ticket. You'll be a big daddy forever now" and then in the ending cutscene you're back to just being human. Yeah, good job morons.

I think she said it because the surgery performed on Jack was permanent. So he sounded like a Big Daddy for the rest of his life.
I'm not quite sure I understand what your beef is here. Are you just mad they did the bit where you see your wife and kid at the end? That's not really an anti-climax so much as an epilogue.
Uh. Not even close. Resistance 3's ending is shitty for so many reasons other than that.

Retribution revealed the Cloven, a powerful faction apart from the Chimera. The true form of the Chimera, the ORIGINAL species of Chimera, was teased at and actually shown though somewhat obscured in 2. With 3 there could have been potential. Especially from the whole Chimera-Feral infighting. What did we get? You blew up a tower and sealed up a portal that as far as I'm concerned did not have any actual use besides everything being cold as **** for the Chimera to be better suited to the environment. You see your wife and kid again. What's that? Credits oh. Well hey at least there's some audio in the credits. Everyone is suddenly fighting back and winning against the Chimera all around the world despite having their asses kicked for the last several years and being severely outmatched and underpopulated from being eradicated? Makes no sense. They don't even give any kind of hint towards a sequel. Capelli blows up a god damned tower and lives happily ever after with his family despite the fact that a species more powerful than the Chimera seen in the game are still a thing and another faction against the Chimera AND humanity have yet to have any big part in the story. And the game ends with no hint to any kind of sequel. Not that it would matter, since the sequel would be pretty shit probably. That was how I felt about 3 anyway. They did some things right and took more steps backwards.

Wonderful. Also I apologize if everything in that spoiler tag seems like I may be jumping at you a bit. I get worked up over stuff a little easy.
What did people find disappointing about Deus Ex: HR's ending? The format was very similar to the original Deus Ex, where it boils down to talking to a couple of different parties who tell you to do one thing or another, you fight a boss, then choose who you side with.
Well in fairness the format wasn't terribly great in the original Deus Ex either. I hoped for some improvements in certain areas. If the combat had been as bad as the original game it would have been a joke. But even that said, it was still a major step backwards from how the original game handled it. At least in Deus Ex you had to go and do three separate tasks to get the three endings. In HR it's just press button, receive ending.
I'm not quite sure I understand what your beef is here. Are you just mad they did the bit where you see your wife and kid at the end? That's not really an anti-climax so much as an epilogue.

It's 1 minute of "look, everything's okay now, bye." - No scenes about what happens to the Chimera afterward, no scenes of the aftermath, nothing.

My reaction was "Oh, that's it then, game over? Okay." I'd rather be left feeling with a sense of great accomplishment like "Oh shit, son! I just finished the game and what an awesome ride it was! Look at what I have caused" instead of "I did this whole game and saved humanity and I don't even get to see the result, just 1 minute of the main character meeting back up with his wife and child."
I really enjoyed the Deus Ex:HR endings. The one I furst chose actually almost brought me to tears, they were put together really well. Haters gon hate. Other than that, I can't think of many memorable game endings...the cutscenes for Twisted Metal 2 were always good
It's 1 minute of "look, everything's okay now, bye." - No scenes about what happens to the Chimera afterward, no scenes of the aftermath, nothing.

My reaction was "Oh, that's it then, game over? Okay." I'd rather be left feeling with a sense of great accomplishment like "Oh shit, son! I just finished the game and what an awesome ride it was! Look at what I have caused" instead of "I did this whole game and saved humanity and I don't even get to see the result, just 1 minute of the main character meeting back up with his wife and child."

Okay, I just didn't understand what the big actiony stuff I saw meant within the context of the game. I assumed it was some sort of finishing blow to the Chimera or atleast the Chimera so far is it concerns the character and his community specifically. Still though, I'm not sure anti-climactic is the right word. That big boomy thing is the climax, anything you see afterward wouldn't really be climactic, even though I'll concede it was almost definitely important and of interest and should've been in.
FarCry 2's ending - I'm a cold blooded, battle hardended mercenary who has commited more than his fair share of war crimes and then, suddenly, I want to help the civilians escape the unnamed african country, fight my friends and destroy the factions that have kept me in business for all this time. Now, I wouldn't have minded if this were an option, like either going to defend the church full of civies or stand with your buddies at the bar. But honestly - why couldn't I shoot the jackal, grab the diamonds and make my escape to the airfield and leave the country and its populus to its fate?
Okay, I just didn't understand what the big actiony stuff I saw meant within the context of the game. I assumed it was some sort of finishing blow to the Chimera or atleast the Chimera so far is it concerns the character and his community specifically. Still though, I'm not sure anti-climactic is the right word. That big boomy thing is the climax, anything you see afterward wouldn't really be climactic, even though I'll concede it was almost definitely important and of interest and should've been in.

I dunno, perhaps it's just me. The ending actiony stuff scene is the last part of the gameplay. You blow up their Terraformer that's freezing the planet because it will kill off the parts of humanity they haven't already manually exterminated and they thrive in the cold so it's perfect conditions for them.

I guess I didn't find the one minute of the family re-uniting all that rewarding considering the rest of the game. None of the other characters' prologues are shown and you only know that Humanity starts to win the war against the Chimera after the Terraformer's destruction if you sit through the credits as radio reports and stuff play while they're rolling that suggest it and then some brief images of things like The Statue of Liberty being rebuilt.

It could have done with a bit more visual storytelling IMO. Being as the point of the game wasn't to keep you in the dark, we know that Humanity wins after the main character's actions but the only cinematic after the final gameplay is that small clip of him going back to his wife and child and even that's not that epic of a reunion.

It's not the worst thing I've seen but it was a little unrewarding, for me anyways.
I absolutely loved the ending to AC2. The way it just unloaded all this information at the end was very exciting for me, plus the fact I love the idea of all we know about our history as the human race all being scrapped and it is in fact much more mystical. That's just an opinion though, don't be hating.
FarCry 2's ending - I'm a cold blooded, battle hardended mercenary who has commited more than his fair share of war crimes and then, suddenly, I want to help the civilians escape the unnamed african country, fight my friends and destroy the factions that have kept me in business for all this time. Now, I wouldn't have minded if this were an option, like either going to defend the church full of civies or stand with your buddies at the bar. But honestly - why couldn't I shoot the jackal, grab the diamonds and make my escape to the airfield and leave the country and its populus to its fate?

Yep. Hated that ****ing ending so much. Even though I wasn't terribly invested in the plot, it was still a kick to the nuts. The one consistent narrative thread they had through the entire game - getting the Jackal - and they throw it away without so much as giving you a choice.

Oh, I'm sorry, he was the good guy all along? YEAH SURE I'LL BUY THAT SHIT.