Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

The second episode of Game of Thrones was even better than the first! There was less need for exposition, allowing the characters room to breathe. Prince Joffrey's opening line was PRICELESS. What an asshole! He and Maisie Williams (Arya) stole the episode.
A LOT better than the first. Also, I fist-pumped the air every time Tyrion bitchslapped that prince wanker.
A LOT better than the first. Also, I fist-pumped the air every time Tyrion bitchslapped that prince wanker.
For your viewing pleasure

I'm annoyed they didn't do the dream sequence. That was kinda, you know, important, and they just had Bran wake up without it. I was really hoping they'd show it, though I supposed it would be a really odd perspective given how everything else is being filmed.
I'm annoyed they didn't do the dream sequence. That was kinda, you know, important, and they just had Bran wake up without it. I was really hoping they'd show it, though I supposed it would be a really odd perspective given how everything else is being filmed.

He gets some dream sequenceage in some other episodes. 'Toned down' from the books if I remember what happened in them correctly, probably due to what the effects would cost.
I think you'll get the gist of it spread out over the season. Certainly parts of it are shown by the end of Ep 6.
sure do hate a lot of people in this already, which is great. i love it when writing can really make you love or loathe someone right off the bat.

good episode, was expecting to see more of the wall from last weeks preview clip though but it looks like that's all to come next week.
GRRM says Kong is dead on his blog. A Dance With Dragons is finished, and will be in bookstores on the 12th of July, as he promised.

This pleases me.
Duke Nukem forever, AND A Dance With Dragons, both out within a month of each other.

Like 10% into A Feast for Crows. Don't like the "Prophet" type chapters about characters I don't care about at all. Is the whole book full of them?
So that second episode... did no one else get confused by how suddenly everyone was back in the north after they had left earlier in the episode?
I don't understand. Eddard, Sansa, and Arya headed south, Catelyn and Bran remained at Winterfell, and Jon and Tyrion headed north towards the wall. Pretty straightforward. There was no backtracking of any sort as I recall.
No, not pretty ****ing "straightforward" obviously.

Like everyone except the two that went to the wall were back together at the end.
Hmm, that seems to have been a common misinterpretation. Two of the five people I watched it with thought the same thing, that they were on the road and then suddenly back. I guess it wasn't made clear enough who was actually leaving with the king and who was staying.

Also, Rickon stayed at Winterfell too, but he has hardly been shown at all so far. I bet once he starts becoming a bigger part of the story people will be confused as to where this new sibling appeared from lol.

The greensight does become fairly prominent, but not terribly so, and I suspect its just a lead up to an even bigger use of the concept in the upcoming books.
You probably have legitimate cause, I just can't recollect enough of the exact sequence of locations to understand the confusion. No offense to your intelligence intended. I've read the series, and so any plot holes in the series are automatically filled in with my knowledge from the books.
You probably have legitimate cause, I just can't recollect enough of the exact sequence of locations to understand the confusion. No offense to your intelligence intended. I've read the series, and so any plot holes in the series are automatically filled in with my knowledge from the books.

Yeah, exactly. The three of us who weren't confused had all read the books, so it was a non-issue.
Well, good to know I'm not alone then. Hopefully the next one clears it up a bit.

I have enjoyed it so far otherwise. :P
Sorry Letters, I wasn't confused either, and I hadn't read the books. The show could have had a title of "Inn Such and Such, on the road to King's Landing." that might have cleared things up.
As I've said before, the beginning of Game of Thrones is my least favourite part of the whole series because you have a lot of new characters radically changing locations very quickly with little explanation. This seems to be reflected in people's confusion.
Tonight's episode was a fantastic progression of plot developments and I'm starting to really like a few of the characters now that I'm getting a hang of who's who and who's where. Great acting by this big ensemble cast. In particular, the Stark children are remarkably well-acted and look up to the task for the tough events yet to come.

And what about those sets?! King's Landing and the White Wall contrasted so well in this episode and are wonderful works of world-building. I appreciated seeing the "elevator" ride to the top of the wall and the height at the summit gave me some vertigo.

And that practice sword fight at the end? So foreboding.

I'm officially hooked.
I agree with Jerry. They've been racing through the chapters, but now it felt to me like they slowed down to focus on character development, which I really liked. Syrio was awesome, and as I keep saying, Maisie Williams was adorably psychotic as Arya. She's one of my favorite characters, and I'm so glad they found a girl who could do her justice. The sets were also great; I was a little suspicious at first of the Mediterranean/North African vibe of the show!capital, but I was really liking it by the end.

Also, Littlefinger in the house.
Indeed an excellent episode, best of the three I think. Like Viper said, now that things are settled down we'll actually be able to learn more about the characters. Its a shame that the first few episodes are such a cluster****, but I can understand why they rushed through the first several chapters. They just needed to get the setup out of the way so they could focus more on the characters rather than the rapid changing of roles each character does in the beginning. The more I think about it, the more I agree with you Viper. GRRM introduced the story and characters in a pretty poor way, mashing in too many things at once.

Dany's side-boob shot was awesome though. Sideboobs are the best. Them and front boobs.
Indeed an excellent episode, best of the three I think. Like Viper said, now that things are settled down we'll actually be able to learn more about the characters. Its a shame that the first few episodes are such a cluster****, but I can understand why they rushed through the first several chapters. They just needed to get the setup out of the way so they could focus more on the characters rather than the rapid changing of roles each character does in the beginning. The more I think about it, the more I agree with you Viper. GRRM introduced the story and characters in a pretty poor way, mashing in too many things at once.

Dany's side-boob shot was awesome though. Sideboobs are the best. Them and front boobs.

I keep on thinking that a prologue introductory sequence ala fellowship of the ring would have helped. it's not too late to insert one somewhere.
She does a lot more frontboobs than sideboobs.

Yeah, the show has a wonderful abundance of both types of boob.

So I just watch this guy's last two episode reviews. Hes awesome at it, he is so into it and excited about everything. Its fun to see the thoughts of someone completely unfamiliar with the series, hes actually pretty good at picking up on the rather small details and nuances of the characters, and his predictions about what will happen are very interesting.

So guys, Syrio Forel: best casting, or best casting?
Most are pretty well cast but particularly Syrio, Bran, Tyrion, Ned and Sam.

So who do you think is the poorest casting?

IMO it's the Knight of Flowers. Sansa isn't quite right either though.
I think Syrio is easily the best casting decision so far. As for worst, Sansa is a pretty good competitor. I didn't like Catelyn at first, because her look is so wrong, but she definitely plays the mother character very well so that more than makes up for it. Have we even seen Loras Tyrell yet? If we're including people who havent shown up in the show yet, then I'll throw out Gregor. I think he'll be the opposite of Catelyn's actor, hes got the look, but hes also a total knob of a person and I think he'll probably be a shit actor. Not that Gregor as a character has much need for acting when all he does and obliterate people with huge weapons.
Yeah Gregor pretty much just needs to loom and whack. He barely even has lines in the books. Anyone big enough and mean-looking should do. He managed ok from what I saw of him, a bit awkward looking but then I'd expect that of the character.
Er, I thought Tyrell appeared by Ep3, my mistake.
Well... I don't know if this counts as "acting"... but I'm really disappointed they couldn't properly coach Nikolaj Coster-Waldau into doing an English accent. Clearly they made the attempt, as he can get some lines right, but there's just certain words he says that make it so obvious he's scandanavian. It's cringeworthy. Yeah, Dinklage's accent isn't that amazing either, but at least it just sounds like one of those fake 'international English' ones.

Waldau's delivery of "It's only for life" is an example I can think of right now. I thought if it were bad they could have just redone his lines by someone else in ADR while they trained him for season 2 but... I guess not. So every time there's a Jaime scene I just grimace the whole time because I know his Danish accent will creep through.
Tyrion's accent comes and goes, but I haven't decided whether that's intentional based on who the character is talking to and his mood.
Eh, everyone has such different accents, even within the supposed families. It doesn't bother me much, because I pretty much expected it. The only time I didn't like someone's accent was when jon called the direwolf pups "poops."
Episode 4:
Lots of awkward exposition for the first half.
Worst was history lesson during bathtub sex
They barely try to disguise it as dialogue.

I think the idea is that they are basically trying to make a second introduction for everyone who came late to the series to catch up one what's going on. Sir Gregor looks like a really mean dude.