Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

yeah saw that, was great. really getting excited for season two now i can see it's fully in the works.

not a huge fan of how they've made stannis, though. i envisioned wholly bald with perhaps a evil little trimming of a beard/goatee (not too sure why for the facial hair, maybe i'm just envisioning the stereotype of satan look?), whereas he's looking pretty gaunt and haggard here, quite worn around the edges and i kind of find that look respectful in some cases i.e. ned starks look, only i shouldn't be feeling that way about stannis. i thought the guy in this video who has now turned out to be stannis was davos.
A friend of mine works/worked as a cameraman on the series. He says the nudey scenes can be pretty awkwaaaaaard
perhaps gaunt and tired aren't the right words, i think i had him in my head as a little bit... stiff, sneering perhaps. not seen enough of him to properly judge, mind you, so it's not really my place to say right now.

because i don't find him all that great of a character, but then he's constantly conflicted against davos, who i think is a cracking character, so sizing the two up against each other is going to be one sided for me. i've still not finished the series of books, though. i'm in the middle of a feast for crows.
Stannis basically IS an even more strict and less joyful version of Ned, who was already quite strict and not very joyful. Stannis just takes duty and rights so seriously that he's unlikable for it, whereas Ned cared about those things too but had actually compassionate reasons for it.
There's a rumour that Asha (Theon's sister for those who haven't read the books) has been renamed to Yara for the show for fear that people would mix up Osha and Asha. Could be total bullshit.
That rumour has been around for a long time, I don't see why they wouldn't.
Makes sense, but it will confuse me, and probably lots of other people who read the books as well as watch the show.

Three horn blasts. :o

Also, new season tagline: Stannis is coming.
Where in Batman is he?

He's the little kid that Batman gives his fiber optic scope to while he's surveying the abandoned apartment Dr. Crane (Scarecrow) is storing the drug bears in. Also Rachel picks him up and carries him around during the street riots after the gas attack happens.


looks amazing. i just finished watching the season through again and i had almost forgotten just how incredible a job HBO had done with it. super good times on the re-run, and having just finished a dance with dragons i am actually sorely quite sad about not having anything else to do with the books for my bed time reading anymore, so this is going to fill the gap nicely for ten or so weeks :D
That does indeed look to be incredible.

I'm only about 300 pages into A Clash of Kings but I can already tell that it's going to destroy the first season.
Preview of the comic:


Can't say I really love the style.
So psyched. Re-reading the books currently, am on A Dance With Dragons now.
Really. Funny though.
That does indeed look to be incredible.

I'm only about 300 pages into A Clash of Kings but I can already tell that it's going to destroy the first season.
I don't know, found A Clash of Kings to be quite a let-down. Dany's story in particular was a real sleeping pill. But I'm 450 pages into A Storm of Swords, and it's really fantastic, Dany's plot too.

That being said, knowing HBO, they will make something great out of A Clash of Kings too, even if the novel wasn't particularly great.
A Storm of Swords
A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Dance With Dragons
A Feast For Crows

^My personal order of quality. ACOK and ASOS will be excellent, and the second half of ASOS should be a rollercoaster, with a game-changing twist every single episode.

AFFC and ADWD on the other hand... combined, they should make a solid season... if you throw in a dozen or so chapters from The Winds of Winter...
I still am floundering halfway through A Feast For Crows. I read the first three and a half volumes in the space of about 3 or 4 weeks and ground to a halt midway through AFFC... that was about six months ago. Gonna start over AFFC entirely and try to slog through it and ADWD before Season 2 begins.

They said they'll split A Storm of Swords into two seasons... that's what I'm really excited about. Seasons 3 and 4 gonna be off the hook yo. I couldn't care less if they cancel the series after that tbh.
They are a change of pace and style (for the better, imo). AFfC got the most ire because there was a heavy focus on unknown/disliked POV characters.

ADWD certainly isn't dull, it's just a lot of what happens we already know/heard about second-hand in AFfC, so it isn't much other than seeing the events unfold first-hand. The plot doesn't really advance into new territory until halfway through.
ennui, i was exactly the same with a feast for crows. it really picks up towards the end, though, and the jaime/cersei chapters get super interesting.

i've heard a lot of bad press about a dance with dragons but i super enjoyed it. pretty depressed i've nothing left to read now and i'm going to have to wait ages for the next book.
I found the Cersei chapters difficult to get through. She's such an uninteresting egotistical fool, you're just waiting to /facepalm at her next lunatic scheme.
I found the Cersei chapters difficult to get through. She's such an uninteresting egotistical fool, you're just waiting to /facepalm at her next lunatic scheme.

exactly, that's the draw. she's such a ****ing idiot that waiting for comeuppance is what gets me through them.

the end of a feast for crows is very satisfying, for example. her walk through kings landing in a dance with dragons is pretty lolworthy, too. in a sick sort of way, i'm really looking forward to more of her stuff because in an attempt to unleash hell it's probably going to keep on backfiring. also, robert strong.
That's fine, but I'd rather see that stuff happen from outside of her head :)

I wonder how the show will manage hints for things like R+L=J. They've skipped most in the first season but they surely have fit those in somehow.
How do you guys think they'll divvy up the seasons? Here's my incredibly rough and dirty speculation.

For the love of all that is holy, do not open if you have not read the ENTIRE SERIES.

Season 2: ACOK
Season Finale: Blackwater (Tyrion, star of the show, has a big role), Jon's expedition beyond the wall, Theon taking Winterfell (Reek has not been cast), Arya out of Harrenhall, Dany leaves Qarth, Jaime loses his hand (to give NCW something to do this season).

Season 3: ASOS I
Season Finale: Red Wedding (yeah, I went there), Ramsay betrays Theon and burns Winterfell, Battle of Castle Black, Dany conquers Meereen

Season 4: ASOS II and pieces of AFFC and ADWD
Season Finale: Ending of ASOS: Tyrion and Arya leaves Westeros, LF kills Lysa, Jon Lord Commandering, Dany Queen of Mereen, AFFC Iron Islands chapter + Theon/Reek takes Moat Caitlin

Season 5 AFFC II + ADWD II + a bit of TWOW
Season Finale: Battles of Mereen and Winterfell (the beginning of TWOW) + Regular ending of ADWD for Jon, Jaime, Arya and Cersei.
i believe the battle for the blackwater is episode 9, so i'm guessing episode 10 (the finale) will be tyrion waking up missing a good chunk of his nose, and so forth. for production values sake it'll work well with him waking up in the final episode to learn of renly's ghost and loras fighting back stannis, and we won't need to see it because if i recall there is no POV that shows the end of the battle, but i might be mistaken.
There are entire chapters through Cersei's perspective? That's incredibly hard to even fathom at this point for me. Almost finished with ACOK
Lads a bit too much book talk I think. If ye want to discuss AFFC and ADWD I'd prefer if ye made a new thread.
they were spoiler tagged, thunderclap even stressed not to open them. will happily have a song of ice and fire: the book thread, though.
they were spoiler tagged, thunderclap even stressed not to open them. will happily have a song of ice and fire: the book thread, though.
The entire original point of this thread was to keep book spoilers separate from the show spoilers because there was a huge thread filled with book spoilers.

The other thread is full of spoilers. Let's keep that one for people who have read A Song of Ice and Fire.
That thread died though.
yeah, i got that

but they were spoiled tagged, and titled as book spoilers beforehand
Still makes this place unfriendly to show only people. "Oh I'll go look in the Game of Thrones thread there are new posts! Oh right, it's just an entire page of spoiler tagged comments, how fun."

Thanks to Eejit for making a new thread. Also I would kind of consider even pointing out who dies and who survives each book a spoiler for this series and the last page gives away that Cersei survives up till AFFC.
i guess the people who might of figured cersei wouldn't be around later are probably the same kind of people who thought ned's handling of the game of thrones was smart. she's destined to live for quite a while and it's established pretty early on by her cunning and deceiving.
Guys, it's spoiler just saying who has POW chapters in future novels, because it reveals who's still alive. So thanks a bunch, plonkers.