Game of Thrones thread with lots of books spoilers inside spoiler tags

... or at least, i'm looking forward to him being around for at least an episode or so. episode four for the asassination, perhaps?
I havent watched the third episode yet, but...
Clash of Kings spoiler:
I dont see him living past the fourth episode.
GRRM is going to be doing a webchat with Empire on their site next Monday, 1pm BST. Must question thems!
Now with added link!
As season two of Game Of Thrones picks up steam on Sky Atlantic, we have a very special visit from George RR Martin, the man who created the world of Westeros in the first place. The bestselling author is going to be taking your questions in an Empire webchat, so come along and see what you can learn about the most talked-about show on TV and the books that inspired them (or indeed any of his other work as well). Webchat Is Coming. To be precise, it's happening on MONDAY APRIL 23 at 1PM (BST) so be there, or be sent to the Wall to take the black.
Can't wait for tonight's episode.

Finally finished up A Feast For Crows and blazed through A Dance With Dragons. AFFC was better than I initially wanted to give it credit for and I quite liked ADWD even if it spent most of its length occupying the same time period already covered in AFFC.
Rorge is where he should be, he just has his nose. It'd be a pain for the makeup team I imagine.
I agree with ZT as far as the sex scenes and general nudity go, otherwise loving the series though (after watching every episode out in two nights).
fantastic new episode, if just for the arya and gendry stuff. really enjoyed it, looking forward to a rewatch later.

episode made me slightly queasy, too.
you guys ****ing suck to talk about things over with post-episode

''yay new episode tonight!''

six days later

''yay new episode tomorrow!''

come on guys this was a mental good episode :(
I dont see the episodes until the Thursday after they air so... :(
Still only seen the first episode of this season. They should be recorded on the Sky box at home, but I'm in college all day and night studying right now.
I like how Joffrey is actually afraid of Tyrion. Wasn't Danny's "horde" a little bigger than that in the books?
Ranking of episodes so far:
Ep. 1 - 8/10
Ep. 2 - 7/10 (would've been 8 if not for Littlefinger wiping of the cum from the whore's mouth)
Ep. 3 . 9/10
Ep. 4 - 8/10

Strong season so far, but the introduction of Stannis & Davos could have been a lot better. Many of my non-reader friends have trouble keeping track of who they are or what their purpose is. Renly, Margaery and Brienne were good though. Brienne seems perfectly cast. The Iron Islands scenes have been the highlights of the season, especially the ones in season 3. Alfie Allen as Theon is really giving a terrific job. Balon is great too.

The past two episodes they have been focusing on only part of the cast, which I think is a great move as it allows for a bigger depth in the storytelling of each episode. Hope they keep it up.

More non-book scenes this season, but they've handled it fairly well. How Ros can continue to exist on the show is beyond me, though.

So looking forward to Tywin and Arya interacting next episode. It wasn't in the book, but those two are among my favourite characters, and actors, so I don't think I will be disappointed.
you guys ****ing suck to talk about things over with post-episode

''yay new episode tonight!''

six days later

''yay new episode tomorrow!''

come on guys this was a mental good episode :(
A few great lines. The best was undoubtedly Bronn referencing Joffrey: "There's no cure for being a ****."

I also laughed out loud at the scene where Stannis and Renlys meet to parlay and Melisandre says Stannis has been chosen to be R'hillor's champion because he was "born amidst salt and smoke" and Renlys responds, "What is he, a ham?"

Really liked our first look at Xaro and Qarth as well.
So about this episode
Shadow vagina monster didn't really look like I expected
The Al Gore / Eddard Stark thing about both of them "always going on about climate change" made me choke on my coke.

Krynn: I immediately thought of Hexxus, the pollution monster from Fern Gully :D
Whatever you do, don't imagine it singing Toxic Love with Tim Curry's voice.

So apparently GRRM has barely even started writing the next ASOIAF book (TWOW) which bugs me to no end. Sure, work on the TV show, but who cares about book signings and tours and stuff, just WRITE ffs.
It's good that he's still bringing out books, the more content the better! Especially when it comes to re-reading...
Don't know which came first, but here's an alternate for the last picture. ;)


And today is Game of Thrones day!
Episode 5: 7/10

Bit slow episode, no real stand-out moments, but solid pacing.
No real stand-out moments?? The first 5 minutes didn't stand out?
No real stand-out moments?? The first 5 minutes didn't stand out?
I suppose reading the books destroyed that moment for me, as I thought it could have been done so much scarier.

But on my second rewatch I liked it a lot better, so I'll probably raise it to an 8.
Aw man, they've compressed things so that we'll get no awesome moment of "How many, how many, how many, how many, how many, how many? Is there gold in the village?".

And half the list will be missing.

Gorrammit. :mad:

No crowning moment of awesome for Arya.
I was going to argue too, that the first five minutes were quite stand out. Except

They really weren't at all. It happened far too abruptly, and then Renly was pretty much tossed aside. A pretty piss poor send off for what I felt was a major character

The rest of the episode felt like standard plot progression, nothing especially great. Nonetheless, an average episode of Game of Thrones is still ridiculously entertaining.
I was so sure we'd get some more Whores Of Exposition after Dany telling her maid to get her slut on.
^ This is actually the first episode in the series without any form of nudity or sex.
Yeah, careless of HBO. They really slipped up there about slipping it up there.
Really enjoyed the change in pace this episode offered, was a perfect mid-season episode which builds up for the crescendo of awesomeness we will hopefully experience in the last four episodes.
I think my main issue with this show is that I just read the books too recently. So many changes are unnecessary and the characters are drawn out so much less subtly and are so much more one dimensional because of it. I probably wouldn't have nearly so many issues with it if I didn't already have such a clear conception of everything.
from the previews, this is looking to be the episode i've been looking forward to the most, or at least that's what i say every week when i see the preview anyway. every episode looks like absolute gold and - for the most part - turns out to be.
Holy crap that episode was freaking amazing! Everything was just so great, can't wait for the last few episodes now :D
they've changed an absolute shit ton in the last episode but i don't mind so much, it's all executed pretty damn well

har har. but seriously, yeah good episode. lots of shit went down and it feels like this episode was the real shift from one end of the book to the other - all the negotiations with renly are over, tyrion has finished making his presence known at king's landing and now it's all kicking off, theon is released out into the world for that arc and arya is no longer simply on the run but providing some of the best scenes of dialogue between tywin that i have seen in a long time and jon is finally away doing what he's always wanted to do - ranging. dany still isn't all that exciting to me but that's largely because i don't care much for the production design or setting of her environment, nor was i that fussed for her in season 1. jorah is the only compelling part of her plot, for me at least.

book spoilers for those of you who have finished ALL the books:

i do eventually come to like dany's narrative, i especially liked her pov stuff in a dance with dragons.
Great, great episode. The beginning at Winterfell was harrowing stuff. Alfie Allen is magnificent as Theon, and Isaac Hempstead-Wright as Bran is proving just what 12 year-old actor is capable of. Impressive stuff.

Dany's parts are a drag, they they were in the book too, at least they're spicing things up with this dragon theft subplot.

The riot in King's Landing was superbly executed, really harrowing near-rape scene with Sansa.

The Harrenhall stuff was great as always, but I wonder how they will develop Littlefinger (apparently) knowing of Arya's whereabouts.