Game Performance



For all you guys who purchased the game, I just wanted to know what kind of system your using and how the bloodlines is performing for you.

My computer is this:

AMD Athlon XP 2800+
ATI 9600XT
WinXP SP 2

I'm getting pretty long load times and slow frame rates in the city hubs even with all the settings turned down. Especially in the downtown area.

Depite this, I think Bloodlines is an awesome game so far. :D
OMFG you scared me ,i have:

P4 1,8GHz
ATI 9600XT 256 Bit 256 RAM
WinXP SP 1
and i am just praying that when i'll get the game it will run fine.Like Hl2 does.
Havoc77 said:
I'm getting pretty long load times and slow frame rates in the city hubs even with all the settings turned down. Especially in the downtown area.

Depite this, I think Bloodlines is an awesome game so far. :D

Does "all settings turned down" include sound settings? If all video settings are turned down the 9600 can't be the problem. That leaves either sound or AI and general stuff as cause for the slowdowns.
I have 2.6GHz Athlon XP, 512Mb RAM, Radeon 9600 pro.
With the resolution at 800x600, with ALL options set to their lowest and with all the latest drivers the game is unplayable.
Its really choppy, seconds worth of rendering is completely skipped out.

The official response from activision:

I’m having performance problems such as poor framerate and/or choppy video. Is there anything I can do to increase the performance?

Make sure that you meet the minimum system requirements.

Make sure you have the latest video and sound card drivers from the manufacturers' websites.

Set your desktop to a resolution of 800x600, 32 bit True Color.
1) Right-click on your desktop and select Properties.
2) Click the Settings tab.
3) Set your screen area to 800x600.
4) Set the colors to 32 Bit (True Color). Under Windows NT this will be listed as 65554 colors.
5) Click Apply and OK.

All background applications must be shutdown prior to running the game.


Change the desktop resolution? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sounds like total BS to me.

EDIT - I should point out that not everyone is having the same problem
I'm running the game on a p4 3.0 ghz, 1024 RAM and radeon 9800 pro. I use the resolution 1024x768 because in 800x600 the screen is a bit off and my "screen wheel" is broken. =)

The game really puts a lot of preassure on the computer. I have all the latest drivers and have also lowered some graphics and it's still messy/choppy on big maps. I dont really know what the developers think nowadays with HL2, Doom 3 and not VmB. It's not like everybody can afford all the latest hardware to make the game run proper. I mean you shouldn't need to tweak the graphics with the system I got. Despite this I have to say that I really enjoy the game!
Wow, i feel lucky about my preformance.

My specs:
128mb geforce 5300 fx (junk)
512 ram

My crappy card seems to handle the source engine rather well. I run both hl2 and Bloodlines at 1024, detail settings on high and get fairly good fps. Although i still get stuttering in both games which pisses me off tremendously.
My performance is GREAT unless there's zombies around.....then I get a nice slide-show.
Tried every setting and tweak I can think of. It's just poorly optimised, IMO.
HL2 runs smooth as glass in comparison, at ALL times.
Both games are being run at 1024x768 with all options maxxed.

AMD XP 2100+
1GB PC 3200
Geforce FX 5600 Turbo 256mb
Creative SB Live 5.1 Platinum
IIRC they have a older version of the source,Bloodlines was gold by the expected HL2 release date,but HL2 got delayed again,BL's was already sent to be ready for shipping and Troika was left sitting on its hands becouse Activision didnt want to pay them anymore money

but valve could spend all the time optimizing,fixing the engine

So thats why HL2 runs like silk and BL runs like cotton
I think 1 GB of ram is handy. I can't really tell as I just got a new PC.

Make sure enviromental effects are off, like rain and shadows.
a GB of memory is really necessary these days, especially if you play a lof of MMORPGs ;)