Game Titles Released Soon Through Steam


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Valve Software has published a press release at their website stating that Strategy First will be releasing their games, Dangerous Waters and Space Empires IV Deluxe, to a Steam client near you on February 7th, 2006.
S.C.S - Dangerous Waters™ is a groundbreaking naval simulation game, and will be available via Steam for $39.99. Space Empires IV Deluxe, a grand strategy title in the space 4X (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate) genre, will also be available via Steam for just $19.99.
Valve is also making plans to release more Strategy First titles over Steam this year.[br]More information to come in the following weeks.
kewl, steam is really taking off :E

anyone play these games before?
"explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate"

Sounds suspiciously like the Alpha Centauri tagline "Explore. Discover. Build. Conquer."
Yeah, but Space Empires is suppose to be pretty decent, and Dangerous Waters is suppose to be interesting.
Hmm... another random space strategy game? Well, it could be worse. There could be a game about the Navy.


Cool. This expanded use of Steam by 3rd-parties is quite interesting.
The Space Empires series Roxxor J00r boxxors. It's very deep but there nothing like making each ship class in your fleets to your designs (missile spam FTW!)

yay steam
Well these titles have already been released but it's still good to see devs viewing Steam as a distribution point.
From the screenshots I wouldn't pay more than 25$ for this game. I think this might be the first game that doesn't do well over steam, I hope that doesn't deter other good games to distribute over steam. But 40$ for that, wtf? They should have made it into a hl2 mod!
Yeah, reviews would be handy but i wont be getting any of these games... even if Steam took my debit card :p
These games are looking good, but IMO theres too much random games being released on Steam
I think game releases over steam roxxorz j00r boxxorz, but these games do not look very interesting to me and will probably be the two first games offered on steam that I don't buy. Good luck to them, though, I'm sure their games deserve a greater audience.

Most of these games aren't for everyone. They aren't big budget titles meant to be advertised to the masses in every way possible and they should not be considered that way either.

Like Darwinia many won't like these, they are really more like little gaming gems.
are these games made on source ? :( i wouldn't want to have a game in my steam list called "Dangerous Water", i'd be ashamed.

Dodo said:
are these games made on source ? :( i wouldn't want to have a game in my steam list called "Dangerous Water", i'd be ashamed.


As opposed to something as sensible as "Day of Defeat"? Lol.

That said, Strategy First has a long reputation for getting good (but small and poor) game developers then pushing them to release early unfinished products thus hurting the Devs while Strat first gets the cash.
I don't like Strategy games, so I'll buy something if it appeals to my genre of gaming...of which I do not know. I played both the Darwinia and Ragdoll Kung Fu games, and though I was excited at first because of this "revoluition" in game publishing, I guess I'm going to have to find some other games to play until UT2k7 or something.
Brasidus said:
As opposed to something as sensible as "Day of Defeat"? Lol.

That said, Strategy First has a long reputation for getting good (but small and poor) game developers then pushing them to release early unfinished products thus hurting the Devs while Strat first gets the cash.
Take out "release early unfinshed products" and add in "add a stupid sub-title on the end" and you've got a good description of what happend when Strategy First published Introversion's "Uplink"
The downside of all these professional indy devs working with Valve to have their games released over Steam is that Valve now don't have time to come good on their promises to release mods via Steam.....

From the developers wiki:

Source and Steam have been designed with MODs in mind

* The SDK is updated continuously and automatically, including new features (like HDR).
* A powerful (and free!) suite of content-development tools is included.
* Source is simply the most flexible and most powerful engine on the market.
* The Source/Steam platform allows you to have a direct relationship with your players/customers.

Now... about that "continuously" updated SDK.....
I remember some of SF's earlier games getting some fairly shoddy reviews in PCGamer :x - In either case the naval sim one looks pretty interesting save for the price tag. I'm not against VALVe teaming up with new developers for Steam distribution, just the contrary, it's quite a good plan, but I'd reckon they can do a little better. Ah well, I don't plan on purchasing anything other than VALVe games via Steam anyway so I guess I don't really care.
Not my type of games but cool news.
I knew I'd seen the name before, these people distribute Uplink (made by the same people as Darwinia ZOMG CONSPIRACY)... I'd like that on Steam, I really should send money to the devs somehow...

They also distribute Gun Metal which absolutely rocked, very short but totally awesome. Perfect game for Steam, too.
I used to play Space Empires IV with friends. A fun strategy game. I loved being an evil bastard and razing planets from orbit... >:D

Space Empires V is more interesting than this Strategy First re-publish, though. :)
just another indication that Steam is here to stay for the long haul.
i hope retail releases are not completely forgotten as Steam becomes the more popular route for releasing games. :(
ZoFreX said:
I knew I'd seen the name before, these people distribute Uplink (made by the same people as Darwinia ZOMG CONSPIRACY)... I'd like that on Steam, I really should send money to the devs somehow...

They also distribute Gun Metal which absolutely rocked, very short but totally awesome. Perfect game for Steam, too.
If Uplink came to Steam, I'd rather see Introversion put it there; not the bastards at Strategy First
every game i have bought for 40$ or more has been a dissapointment, this excludes doom3 and hl2 cause i got them for much less

does not seem worth it to fork over 40$ for somthing like a naval simulator

hope there are demos
xrikazen said:
I wonder how much valve charges a company to use steam.

I read they take 40%.

Seems a good deal for prominent advertizing and easy delivery to 6 million people. I'm glad something like Darwinia got a second chance. :thumbs:
The Mullinator said:
...Like Darwinia many won't like these, they are really more like little gaming gems.

...People didn't like Darwinia?!
I hope (censored) gets his proposition accepted. :<
doomed - uk said:
I'm glad something like Darwinia got a second chance. :thumbs:
Me too, Darwinia did spectacularly on Steam
Introversion's Website said:
During the first three weeks Darwinia sells more copies through Steam than Introversion have managed from their website since March.
Dangerous Waters is a great sim.

Silent Hunter III has a good deal more atmosphere, but the range and scope of DW is awesome.

I'll be giving my copy to a friend and buying it again through Steam