Gameplay differences in multi-player after the release of HL2


Jul 13, 2003
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"CS2" will definitely utilize the Source engine. But to what degree? The gameplay of CS is what drives its players to continue fragging day after day. The feel and flow of the game are a huge part of the reason it's so popular. In the Source engine, how do you think the new physics, lighting, and AI interaction will play a part in multi-player games like CS? Will such features be heavily implemented in our maps, or will they remain relatively non-interactive, leaving the gameplay core in the sheer entertainment of using teamwork to accomplish something? Opinions?
Boobytraps using physics and destructible objects are going to add a whole new layer...
The source engine will be used to the same degree that the HL1 engine was. Which ever developer mods with the engine - Valve, CS-Team (Now run by Valve Software), Natural Selection, Sven Co-Op, Firearms and the DOD team are going to want to do everything they couldn't do with the original engine. This will surely include physics (ragdoll and real-world interactivity), DX9 and developer unique pixel shaders, high polygon and emotinal player models etc.

And naturally, if the developers have any sence, which we know most of them have, their key aspect of each respective sequel/new game will keep the gameplay to the same high standard we've seen with many many other mods.
I think the new wave of mods will be great. But what kinds of things do you think you could add to mods that are already hugely successful?
Something I think would be cool would be EMP type grenades for CT's to knock out all the lights in a certain area, and also not allow terrorists to obtain night vision goggles. I know this would be possible with the HL1 engine, but since it seems like lighting plays a much larger role in the Source engine than the HL1 engine, if implemented right I could image having alot of fun with that.
I am looking forward to completely dark areas in CS, so you can only see people when you have night vision goggles, or they shoot.

It would add a real essence of stealth to the game...

mmm stealth....
Originally posted by southparksam
I am looking forward to completely dark areas in CS, so you can only see people when you have night vision goggles, or they shoot.

It would add a real essence of stealth to the game...

mmm stealth....

That would rule! :cheers: MOD will incorporate stealth. You'll probably want to be the ninja or predator class...

(preliminary abbreviated descriptions)

Ninja: Ninjas increase primarily in speed, jumping capability, and health. Secondary skills include silent footsteps, and invisibility. Ninja’s movement capabilities make it a difficult target.
Predator: Predators increase primarily in invisibility, climbing, and sniper accuracy. Secondary skills include silent footsteps, speed, and jumping. Predators specialize in stalking and eliminating their prey.

...or maybe the sniper...

Sniper: Snipers primarily increase in sniper accuracy camouflage, and quiet footsteps. Secondary skills include health and armor.
i remember a really cool mod for Quake 2 that would be awesome in HL2.

Every level was completely black. No light at all. Each human player had a yellow flashlight that worked like a flashlight, but it also lit the ground around them. One player, a hunter got an alien-ish player model and blue flashlight that didn't light him up, so he could shine it on things without exposing himself. The whole game consisted of the hunted players trying to kill the hunter without leaving their lights on for too long (and thus exposing themselves to attack) while the hunter tried to evade the flashlight beams and kill as many unsuspecting humans as possible.

there were some moments of sheer terror where you'd have three or four characters unloading their weapons and shining their lights all around while all you saw was a patch of blue light sweeping the room... you knew the hunter was there, but you had to find

it was really amazing gameplay.

i hope we'll see stuff that inventive in Source.

anyone remember what the mod was called?
The ability to destroy the boxes people camp behind will be a big thing for me :cheese:
Originally posted by Spiffae
i remember a really cool mod for Quake 2 that would be awesome in HL2.

Every level was completely black. No light at all. Each human player had a yellow flashlight that worked like a flashlight, but it also lit the ground around them. One player, a hunter got an alien-ish player model and blue flashlight that didn't light him up, so he could shine it on things without exposing himself. The whole game consisted of the hunted players trying to kill the hunter without leaving their lights on for too long (and thus exposing themselves to attack) while the hunter tried to evade the flashlight beams and kill as many unsuspecting humans as possible.

there were some moments of sheer terror where you'd have three or four characters unloading their weapons and shining their lights all around while all you saw was a patch of blue light sweeping the room... you knew the hunter was there, but you had to find

it was really amazing gameplay.

i hope we'll see stuff that inventive in Source.

anyone remember what the mod was called?

DAMN! That makes me want to reinstall Quake II (err... I never did install it ever, actually.) Sounds like a fun mod.
I'm thinking it will be interesting to have large buildings and structures like bridges and such be destructable. Or to even build things like cars, boats, planes and helicopters in specific ways so they actually break up on certain impacts.
I love to see everything can be fraged.

imagin a building explode with all the CT are inside. WEEEEE fun in it!!:cheese: :bounce:
yeah, it was night hunters.... what a great lan party mod.
looks like someone made night hunters 2003 for UT2K3. check it out

I just got off of CS, I need atleast another year of work so I can get into uni, then I can get addicted to CS2! YAY more good fragging fun!

hopefully in CS2 u wont be able to get hurt by grens blowing up on the other side of the wall.

Also is anyone looking to make night hunters for HL2 mod, it looks interesting....
Originally posted by Fafnir
The ability to destroy the boxes people camp behind will be a big thing for me :cheese:

HAHAH yeahh:cheers: :bounce: :cheers:
I was just thinking that it would be pretty cool if you could have shadows as enemies :devil:

Just think about it... you're walking cautiously down a torch-lit hallway. Shadows flicker about the floor and walls as you pass through. From out of nowhere, a shape swirls down the side of a wall onto the floor and heads straight toward you at a blinding pace. You start to run, and just before it reaches you, it shoots up from the floor and forms into a fully dimensioned and massive shadow-beast with a taste for your blood in its eyes. The last thing that passes through your mind is, "I'm so screwed."
vehicles, HUGE, i mean, REALLY REALLY HUUUUUUUGE maps so we can justify the use of vehicles (vehicles to transport troops and all), servers that can take 100 players or more *drools*, strategic points can be destructible (everything destructible would suck), traps with spikes *drools* i'll say more if i remember

of course, the really really HUUUUUUGE maps would also completely justify the use of snipers, hell, with huge maps we would even have to make real strategies!!! more on the making

role huge rocks down a mountain over the oponents base and consequentely destroyng a big part of it (risk of killing hostages also, if any) having the chance to destroy the enemies respaw point

damn people, help me, ideias runing out!!

catapult enemies bodies for psicological war... (bad english, yeah i know)

can't think of anything else, except for HUGE MAPS FOREST STYLE so we can commando style kill the enemy

*Edited by Fenric* moved all the many posts into one and removed all your multiple postings: Do NOT spam to get a higher post count here, learn to post properly or don't post atall.
Here's an idea, mate: Use a single post next time.

Otherwise, how about actual sized nukes?
sorry the ideas came one at a time and i didn't want to edit, next time ill do that..
Dude, that idea for a ragdoll catapault is actually pretty sweet! I'd love to chuck burning bodies at my enemies maybe in some kind of midieval mod. I remember reading somewhere from a valve e-mail that one of the valve employees made a ragdoll catapault for his own personal use... bastard... :-p
Probably a large scale WW2 mod (plenty of them out there already, tho'), that makes use of vehicles and infantries. Along the lines of BF1942, except that the gameplay is less arcady. And making the use of the engine, graphics wise and the physics engine too. Imagine a battlefield with those neat explosions and snipers will actually be really useful in large maps. And players taking the bullets and ragdoll :eek:. And planes catching on fire, with a trail of smoke as it zooms past. The graphics and physics will add a whole new experience to the mod.
the proof that WW2 games aren't spent is Call of Duty
Machine gun-armed dune buggy+terrorists=bullet holes+spent casings+tire tracks on dead terrorists
vehicles with spikes everywere, people sticked in the spikes, ragdoll effect while the vehicle moves in the people sticked in the spikes
That's just sadistic, Tarkus! Seriously, folks... let's get some more detailed idea descriptions in here :)

Also, Tarkus, a better word for "sticked" would be "stuck."