Gameplay styles...?


May 14, 2004
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I am just interested to see how other people play HL and soon HL2. I personally go through the game constantly quick saving...if I get in a fight and if I lose more health or use more bullets than I think I should I often quick load back to my last save. I know some people just run thru the game trying to avoid stuff, just to get done it as fast as possible, and I am sure there are many other types...
BigWalnutZ said:
I am just interested to see how other people play HL and soon HL2. I personally go through the game constantly quick saving...if I get in a fight and if I lose more health or use more bullets than I think I should I often quick load back to my last save. I know some people just run thru the game trying to avoid stuff, just to get done it as fast as possible, and I am sure there are many other types...
I play the same way, I used to play console games but I would get so frustrated when I would die and have to basically restart the level so when I first had a chance to quicksave in a PC game I just jumped on the opportunity and now its just a habit.
If I have the option I'll quicksave right before I engage in any combat.
I quicksave all the time...but I've unbound quick load.
With HL, I loved playing the level over just to look at everything. It's like a song you've played a hundred times and then one day you hear something new in the background.
I wish they would do it like FarCry (before the sissy-patch) - no quicksaves.
IX00 said:
With HL, I loved playing the level over just to look at everything. It's like a song you've played a hundred times and then one day you hear something new in the background.
ya I kinda do that with my quick saves, but in a cheating fashion. like having wallhack, and he's right around this corner *boom* (right click shotgun) to the zombies chest
Hopefully the game will be so immersive that I'll forget to quicksave and just keep jugging along, regardless if the HEV is screaming at me to get a medpack. :p
Yellonet said:
I wish they would do it like FarCry (before the sissy-patch) - no quicksaves.
heh far cry kinda bugged me cause i was used to quick saves, but it did make it more interesting in some ways. now just if it wouldn't have been jittering all over on 8x6 ... bah for video cards
my number one goal is to play through the whole game without dying. I`m not saving often either.
I quicksave all the time but I'm getting out of the habit of quickloading if I lose too much health. I usually Quickload if I do something stupid (Like just fire 3 rockets, miss with them and then run out of ammo).
im a quicksaver too. i quicksave after each fight and quickload if i loose enough hp
I quicksave about every 5 minutes or so; I will also do it if I know I'm about to get into some serious fights. I tend to take a stealth approach to first person shooters. In most FPS games my loadout usually consists of a silenced pistol and sniper rifle. Take NOLF (No One Lives Forever) as an example. There was nothing more satisfying than busting a cap at 100 yards and waiting for another guard to check on his fallen comrade before he met the same fate. I'm not afraid to go in guns blazing if the situation calls for it, but I just think it's fun when the NPCs never even realize you're there. :)
kiwii said:
im a quicksaver too. i quicksave after each fight and quickload if i loose enough hp
Yep, when you have the quick-save option you tend to use it. Alot :( I really liked FarCry for the lack of a quick-save function, it's more of a challenge that way and the gameplay isn't ripped apart by constant quick-loading.

When you have a quick-save option you can always use it before you go into a new area, save, run in and see what's there, after you die you just quick-load and when you go in again you know exactly where all the bad guys are and how you will deal with the situation. It's not fun at all.

Basically, a game without quicksaves is a better game.
My style;

Run round a corner, see what's there, see what cover there is (strafing while i go) then duck behind either the cover i saw or where i came from, then i nade it or any other bouncy off wall weapon, then just pop round corner and fire sum rounds and repeat until only a few are left, at which point i circle strafe their asses :D

Love doing that ^ :)

Unreal Tournement i just circle strafe :D
HunterSeeker said:
I quick save a lot! But I only load if I die however...
Same here... if I get to any spot of downtime, I'll quicksave... but I will never load until I die. Sometimes it can be hard if you saved with 1 health at a certain spot, though... :p
Letters said:
Same here... if I get to any spot of downtime, I'll quicksave... but I will never load until I die. Sometimes it can be hard if you saved with 1 health at a certain spot, though... :p
thats why i try to quicksave and cheatingly quickload, if I lost btoo much health, I never know how much health i'll need for the next encounter. so i try to get thru each situation with as much health as possible. i forget though that even on hardest levels HL is not CS. You don't die from being shot 2-3 times. hard to get accustomed can do alot with 40 health in HL
I'm an avid quicksaver too! :D however I only quickload when I'm nearly dead or know that I will die soon.

It really agitates me when I watch someone playing a really good game and they just leg it through, not killing all the monsters or taking time to take in the 'goodness'
I get bored of not being an unstoppable killing machine so I bind mouse3 (scroll button) to impulse 101, and pwn their faces with the shotgun. Yes, I'm impatient, and yes, I cheat. Makes things easier.
psh, most games the enemy knows where you are and you don't even have to tip them off to your pressence, so running into a room to see where the guys are, then quickloading is evening the playing field.
Quicksave alot, quickload alot. ;)

I hate it when you quicksave and then the next instant you die. And you can't get out of it.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Quicksave alot, quickload alot. ;)

I hate it when you quicksave and then the next instant you die. And you can't get out of it.
haha that is the worst...then ya have to go back to last real save
This asks for a quicksave poll :)

Whenever there's a quicksave option, I use it as often as possible, but I don't quickload for every little mistake I make.
First I found it a bit dull that Far Cry didn't have a quicksave option, but after a while you get used to it. But I prefer the quicksave option though.
Jakeic said:
psh, most games the enemy knows where you are and you don't even have to tip them off to your pressence, so running into a room to see where the guys are, then quickloading is evening the playing field.
Not all games have enemies that are expecting you, good example is splintercell.

I hope Gordon washes as AI can be alerted by smell in the source engine.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Quicksave alot, quickload alot. ;)

I hate it when you quicksave and then the next instant you die. And you can't get out of it.

I think the most memorable one of these for me was when I was jumping over a ravine and didn't make it. I went to hit quickload, but I accidentally quick saved instead. So everytime the map loaded, I would immediately fall to my death. :)
switch said:
Not all games have enemies that are expecting you, good example is splintercell.

I hope Gordon washes as AI can be alerted by smell in the source engine.
Taken from the Half-Life (1) manual: ...and don't forget to watch your back, as some monsters can follow you by your scent.
i used to quicksave a lot, but now i just like to get extremely damaged and waste my ammo to get through situations in worse conditions... to me that's more fun and immersive
Am I the only person here who does not and has never used quicksave.... lol

I like to play as long as possible without saving at all. I like to build up the tension. Makes me play better. :)

Oh and generally speaking I like to mix my actual in game tactics. I start off with stealth.... which I usually abandon when I feel I am in a good position and just waste everything :) Then I go back and search every nook and cranny for goodies. :p
I quicksaved after killing a single enemy and if there seren't any enemies around I quicksave once very 10:th second.
i keep my finger on the quicksave button and press it as many times as i can until something happens in the game. When something does start to happen, i switch my finger to the quickload button, and load as soon as i take a hit or use any ammo.
BigJack said:
i keep my finger on the quicksave button and press it as many times as i can until something happens in the game. When something does start to happen, i switch my finger to the quickload button, and load as soon as i take a hit or use any ammo.

That is halarious...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Am I the only person here who does not and has never used quicksave.... lol

I like to play as long as possible without saving at all. I like to build up the tension. Makes me play better. :)

Oh and generally speaking I like to mix my actual in game tactics. I start off with stealth.... which I usually abandon when I feel I am in a good position and just waste everything :) Then I go back and search every nook and cranny for goodies. :p

I always forget about the quicksave button and end up replaying whole levels.
I quicksave like mad while I've got, say over 60% health. Once it drops below that level, I stop saving until I get my health back or until I die, whereupon I restart at a point with enough energy to fight on. Rather than reload with 5 health and a shitload of bad guys to despatch :rolling:
BigWalnutZ said:
I personally go through the game constantly quick saving...if I get in a fight and if I lose more health or use more bullets than I think I should I often quick load back to my last save.
Me too. Im usually really stealthy and try to save ammo. Also i tend to pick a couple of weapons and not use much else, and if i get a really big weapon like a rocket launcher i dont really use it because i usually assume that i will need it for something specific later in the game. But usually thats not the case and i end up finishing the game with a shitload of weapons and ammo left that i couldve used :angry:
BigWalnutZ said:
I am just interested to see how other people play HL and soon HL2. I personally go through the game constantly quick saving...if I get in a fight and if I lose more health or use more bullets than I think I should I often quick load back to my last save. I know some people just run thru the game trying to avoid stuff, just to get done it as fast as possible, and I am sure there are many other types...

I play the same. It just feel I can do better and not lose so much health or bullets! So I reload the quicksave. A good example of that is me and Splinter's Cell. :)
affen said:
This asks for a quicksave poll :)

Whenever there's a quicksave option, I use it as often as possible, but I don't quickload for every little mistake I make.
First I found it a bit dull that Far Cry didn't have a quicksave option, but after a while you get used to it. But I prefer the quicksave option though.
Far Cry's AI sucked, they always ran right to me. All u had to do was shot a bullet and all 4 guys would line up 1 by 1 and run do their death.
i almost never quicksaved, simply because it saved for me every new chapter, and I felt like that was enough for me, although if I had to go somewhere then I would quicksave and then exit of course.