Gameplay thougts...


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
You know guys I was thinking, while waiting impatiently for the video, about vehicles. In some interview, mail, review, Gabe said: "It possible to define physical joints etc." My imagination went havok, :cool: what about mech suits, as in alien, matrix reloaded, where you jump in as a driver. With moving legs, arms, everything physicly simulated with source, an mod idea?
Or why not a Orca attack aircraft, taken directly from the old C&C, with simulated jet engines on each side. Damn, its like a total geek playground they are offering us. =) Cant wait to see a "Warthog jump"-movie made with the HL2 engine. (Warthog jump is a stunt movie done with halo, a must see. Search the net for "Warthog jump halo")

PS, time to catch some sun and some scantily clad blondes, the first mentioned is rare here in Stockholm. :cheese:
Originally posted by Iced_Eagle
i would love the exo suit from Aliens... sweet :D

Oh. Yes. Yes. That's probably my favourite scene from the movie.
say, in teh wathog jump movie:
whats the name of the song that begins at 01:53?
hl2 engine will mainly own all others apart from doom3 which is abit iffy, and fra cry which we dont have enough infor about
Far Cry doesn't have any amazing. Just good graphics, and HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE enviornments. Also the ability to see for milies and miles. Don't get me wrong, it looks FANTASTIC, and it's the 2nd game I'm most looking forward to besides HL2. I don't think it has any physics features or anything. Allegedly real time day and night shit and dynamic lighting/shadows. Far Cry's setting, the island, looks absolutely AMAZING.
Originally posted by Iced_Eagle
i would love the exo suit from Aliens... sweet :D
Wasn't there a similar loader device being used along the route of the tram at the start of HL? Would at least indicate that the designers think it's cool enough to include, and now the Source engine should make it possible!:cool:
Well, it was a robot for radioctive enviroments, albeit a VERY cool one. Yeah, you might be rigth, maybe theyll grant us the joy of controling the destuctive power of a mechanical beast... *smiles the grinch smile...*
Originally posted by guinny
Far Cry doesn't have any amazing. Just good graphics, and HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE enviornments. Also the ability to see for milies and miles. Don't get me wrong, it looks FANTASTIC, and it's the 2nd game I'm most looking forward to besides HL2. I don't think it has any physics features or anything. Allegedly real time day and night shit and dynamic lighting/shadows. Far Cry's setting, the island, looks absolutely AMAZING.

I know that far cry has ragdoll physics, too and they have vehicles. even if they don´t have a complete physics engine like hl2, it will be much fun and the editor looks really simple.
There is a 4-legged loader I remember in Opposing force, you have to shoot a barrel or something cos it's trying to move but is stuck. I think its the same as what you mentioned in the tram part. As a mechwarrior fan....well I'll refrain from mentioning all the mechs I want to see hehe (ooo elementals! oooo!!!).
I'm skeptical about the Doom 3 Engine besides its ability to do amazing graphics... Id still isn't as kind to the modding community as Valve.

Oh and I'm not sure what physics engine doom 3 is using. I think its using some variation of what maya uses to do physics... I'm completely unsure of that. And I don't think it has ragdoll though.

Anyways... My 2 most anticipated games are using the Havok Engine... Deus Ex Invisible War, and Half-life 2.
Originally posted by GLMinorThreat

Anyways... My 2 most anticipated games are using the Havok Engine... Deus Ex Invisible War, and Half-life 2.

Ummm, I'm probably misunderstanding you, but I thought Deus Ex 2 uses the Unreal Warfare engine? Or are you talking strictly about the physics?
Both use Havok for physics, tho DE:IW isn't Source-based, obviously. You're right, it's Unreal.
HL2 uses a more advanced and heavily tweaked Havoc physics engine.
Originally posted by guinny
HL2 uses a more advanced and heavily tweaked Havoc physics engine.

Actually, DX:IW's is also heavily modified. Probably about the same as HL2's.
Probably it is, can't wait for DC:IW either. However, I think it's tweaked for it's game style, different from HL2's gameplay style.
The thing that differs HL gameplay from all other shooters is the fact that the game makes one feel smal, unimportant. In doom you ARE the center of the universe so to say, however in HL, ýou are less important, in GTA3 for example, they totally succed in making you a part of a big whole where you are not important and have to fight to make a stance. Basicly, isnt life all about that?
Can't wait for some gta-style mods to come out. Huge cities, NPC's all over the place, cars on the road, and of course, weapons at your disposal.:)
My list.

Doom 3 (which is gonna scare the shit outa me because i'm gonna play the whole game in the dark)
Full Spectrum Warrior
Far Cry

Man, i think i'm gonna have to buy another hard drive and a new videocard(i already have a 9700pro)
if you don't want it, you could give it to meee....i only gots a MX400:)
I'm psyched for Deus Ex2, but the demo movies looked incredibly bad. Instead of "DX2: Invisible War" they should have called it "Desu Ex 2: Lightswitch Inspector." The realtime lighting is cool, but there was massive slowdown during physics events, and it didn't look anywhere near as cool as HL's physics. They also didn't really seem to figure much in the game the way HL2 has the traps and moving cars and etc.
But then, they allow you to pick things up with your hands. :)
Anyone waiting for Thief 3? That game looks much better than DE 2, maybe because most of TTLG devs working at ION STORM now.
Originally posted by Apos
I'm psyched for Deus Ex2, but the demo movies looked incredibly bad. Instead of "DX2: Invisible War" they should have called it "Desu Ex 2: Lightswitch Inspector." The realtime lighting is cool, but there was massive slowdown during physics events, and it didn't look anywhere near as cool as HL's physics. They also didn't really seem to figure much in the game the way HL2 has the traps and moving cars and etc.
But then, they allow you to pick things up with your hands. :)

when the player picked up the dead guy, it looks so funny, it was all rag doll-ish on the ground, then the player picked up the guy and it went rigid and then he threw it down some stairs and it went ragdoll again hahaha i was laughing so hard, heh hahaha
Originally posted by Scaramanga
say, in teh wathog jump movie:
whats the name of the song that begins at 01:53?
Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride
"I have a 9700 Pro, I think I'm going to need a faster video card for Half-Life 2!!! 0mg kekeke h@x"

Something tells me people don't know anything about what they bought. When you have a high end card, and you say something like that, you look pretty stupid.


Back to the topic: I'm sure Deus Ex 2's physics will be fine, and so will Half-Life 2's.