Gamer goes on Saint's Row inspired rampage?


May 5, 2004
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Last fall, Twenty year-old Dominic Anderson did his best to prove both The Daily Mail reports. After drinking alcohol, smoking skunk cannabis and playing Saints Row for the Xbox 360, he slit his wrists with a 12 inch carving knife and tried to stab himself through the chest. At 11pm, he then left his house and began jumping onto moving cars. For added craziness, he even threatened bystanders with the knife. Police arrived on the scene, causing Anderson to flee. To disarm Anderson, they hit him repeatedly with batons. He received dozens of stitches in each wrist, suffered from internal bleeding and was placed in intensive care for a week. Says drugs intelligence officer Detective Constable Steve Kelly:

In the computer game [Saints Row], there are instances where you play a person who jumps on top of cars and tries to steal them by pulling the drivers out of them... There's obviously a shocking similarity between the game and the way Anderson behaved, jumping on cars and trying the door handles... His actions were one and the same as those in the video game... People who take skunk cannabis should be mindful that it is much stronger and they can experience very different effects from it.

saints row is a computer game? and "skunk" cannibis is a deadly form of pot? oh come on's called skunk cuz it smells like shit it doesnt mean that it'll send you ona a masocistic rampage ..stupid knee jerk overreactionists

hide your copies of Saint's Row america! it may lead you to slitting your wrists and jumping on cars
There's obviously a shocking similarity between the game and the way Anderson behaved, jumping on cars and trying the door handles...

Holy ****ing shit he tried door handles exactly like in the game! EVIDANCE RIGHT THAR
lol trying the door handles! How else will he get into the car you dumbasses.

Walking over the car, wow, not like you ever see that in movies, tv, music videos and such.
This Just In; Violence Created Video Games! Whoa Amg Ban Violence Kekekekekeke ;________;#^(_
Last time I checked, Saint's Row wasn't a "car jumping simulator"
Saints Row 2: Wrist slitting car jumper EXTREME
Jack thompson: my special sense is sensing a new case! the thompsonmobile!
Donkey Kong made me kill monkeys, Daikatana made me release rude advertisements and crappy games, and Sonic made me run fast.

This whole situation would be sad if it weren't so goddamn hilarious.
...Yay, more gasoline to pour on the video game flame broil.
oh come on's called skunk cuz it smells like shit it doesnt mean that it'll send you ona a masocistic rampage ..stupid knee jerk overreactionists
Easy buddy, what might smell like shit to you smells like heaven to others :afro:. :laugh:
Pff, what an idiot.

If he was really imitating the game he wouldn't have run from the cops. Anyone who's played Saint's Row knows the cops are freakin sissies as long as you've got a couple forty's and a burger on you to fix up those shotgun wounds.
lol trying the door handles! How else will he get into the car you dumbasses.

Walking over the car, wow, not like you ever see that in movies, tv, music videos and such.

i think they meant that it was odd for someone to try the handles of MOVING CARS.
Roadtoad made me cross roads. Over zebra crossings though, don't want to get splattered.
saint's row 2: how to rob a car by entering into it touching the doorhandles
After ... playing Saints Row for the Xbox 360, he slit his wrists with a 12 inch carving knife and tried to stab himself through the chest.

To be fair I almost did the same thing after playing Saints Row for a couple hours. Then I just put GTA3 back on and all was right again.
So some guy gets wasted and dopes up crazily on weed and goes on a weed induced rampage and its the video games fault?

Sounds like another mcdonalds case...idiot burns themselves and sues mcdonalds in an attempt to hide the real problem. The fact that you are a retard.
we need someone to do something great and say it was because of video games.....

"Why did you wrestle the criminal and save everyones life?"

"I was playin counter-strike"

Jack Thompson: STOOOOONE HIM
does not compute ...weed induced twinkie eating bingefest maybe but certainly not a rampage

Well...laced weed perhaps. Weed alone wouldn't do this...and Alchohol wouldn't cause this fact I doubt he drank a lot of alchohol if he was able to jump on top of cars. Most alchys would fall on their ass.
Well...laced weed perhaps. Weed alone wouldn't do this...and Alchohol wouldn't cause this fact I doubt he drank a lot of alchohol if he was able to jump on top of cars. Most alchys would fall on their ass.

alcohol wouldnt cause this? come on , I've seen people kick in doors, throw chairs through windows, beat each other to a pulp in an alcohol induced craze ...I mean how else would you explain this? it's alcohol induced ..ok he's a dick regardless but alcohol was the motivating factor