Gamer Mouse

  • Thread starter Thread starter BigGoose2006
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are there any high dpi (800) mice out there for $30 or less?
I have a MX510 (blue) and its the best mouse i've ever owned, coupled with a Everglide giganta Optical smoke, mouse bungee, and Mouse skatez :o

The mouse glides along the pad perfectly and is very very accurate even on extremely high settings in games. (I literally only have to move the mouse 3 inches to move from one side of the screen to the other)

As for wireless mice, i always thought they were slower than corded mice due to the speed of the signal it can send, doesn't it have a much slower send rate and therefore can not respond as quickly?
BigGoose2006 said:
are there any high dpi (800) mice out there for $30 or less?

get the mx310, it's the same thing as the mx500 but has less buttons and is much cheaper
Thanks for the advic everyone, I think I am going to get a Logitech MX 310, as it looks like it is the best bang for the buck, as well as matching my computer nicely.
the mx510 looks really red and shiny and nice. is it that good looking in person?
I got a Razer Boomslang myself, its a ball mice, and it has 2000dpi, its one of early ones , now they have one with 2100dpi, also ball, and optical onces that have 1000dpi called Viper

You need to get used to the high sensitivity but once you got the hold of it, its the best mouse you have ever layed your hands on. I love my boomslang *hugs Razer Boomslang*

the website is
Oh jeeez, thanks guys. You've made my buy an MX510.

Do you know how expensive these things are here in New Zealand?!
I've got a generic NEC/logitech ball mouse and a slice of wetsuit for a mousepad...
Brian Damage said:
I've got a generic NEC/logitech ball mouse and a slice of wetsuit for a mousepad...
I bow to the MAN
lol, ive got the logitech mx510...beast of a mouse if you want looks and high reaction times. and u dont need a slice of wetsuit...urgh. mouse pads drive me insane...although the pads underneath my mouse do collect dirt which slows the mouse's movement across the desk a bit :(
oD1Nz said:
Oh jeeez, thanks guys. You've made my buy an MX510.

Do you know how expensive these things are here in New Zealand?!

they ALMOST made me buy it. I still debating

/me tries not to hear's voices in his head telling him to get the mx510
damn u guinny thats one hell of a pc u got :( compared to mine that is lol
??? your comp is kick ass what are u talking about. and ur mouse and keyboard kick mines ass.

/me stares depressingly at his mx310 and generic lite-on keyboard
Better get that MX510 Guinny or you'll be left in the dust when HL2 comes out!!!!!!!! must get it guinny.Can you hear it?It's calling for you...

*Tr0n makes funny noises with his mouth
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok maybe....

/me ponders the idea.
You need two. One for each hand.

.... hell. is that possible? You could go all 1.1 Domino on our asses in HL2.
what are the main differences between the 310 and 510? Can't be that much of a difference
BigGoose2006 said:
what are the main differences between the 310 and 510? Can't be that much of a difference
I can't live without a mouse with 5 buttons any more.
I use em all!