"games are not art or media": Sen. Deanna Demuzio

Good point on not jumping to conclusions there, although political party doesn't guarantee complete left/rightism. Just lookat Zell Miller. (Edit: as Stern said.)

But regardless, the current ratings systems are fine. The real problem is crappy parents who can't be assed to talk to their kids and know what they're doing.

I mean, to not know about your kid buying or playing violent video games would entail leaving them completely unsupervised for multiple hours. I think that if your kid can be left alone that long with high-priced electronics, they are old enough to know that shooting thousands of people is wrong.

If anything like this law comes on down to canada-town, I'm buying my kids whatever they want.
omgzz wtf i wil k33l u al cuz iam 1337 i jus got 2 fine mi contrlr 2 beet u wit

I mean, come on. How many people play games? And how many are influenced by them? More people watch movies than play games, so they should first work on the restrictions to movies. No renting out movies or selling them to people not in the right age category. I can go into one of my movie stores and rent five R rated movies with no problem and I'm under 18. I also walked in and bought Half-Life 2 with no problem. My mother has seen Half-Life 1, and she didn't care that I played it. Know why? The games don't influence me.

When you're putting restrictions on games, you're putting restrictions on creativity. For a lot of people, violent games are their only way of taking out their aggression and anger. I find myself playing Half-Life 2 constantly when I'm depressed, about to cry because of an argument, or am feeling highly violent. That's my substitute instead of hauling out and beating the shit out of some punk related to my anger and/or depression.

But like I said, kids now-a-days where I live can go to an R rated movie and rent R rated movies from movie stores with no problem. Millions and millions of people watch movies, and it's a hell of a lot more than those who play games.

And games = media, just like movies = media. With the graphics improving in our games today, it seems pretty much like a movie. I mean, FFX is practically a movie all in itself.
its good and bad, good: Now there wont be so much violence kids get taught everyday. Bad: Some kids might get pissed so badly they might do somthing horrific!

Ready billy! :sniper:

Check Bob!

:sniper: :x
New study concludes positive effect of games

Not everyone is actively trying to discredit the games industry. If more studies like these (link) were made it could really discredit those calling for a ban on violent games.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with classifying violent games and denying them to minors, the problem here is to accomplish this:

The politicians are trying to withhold from games (as a form of media) First Amendment protection.

I don't think any of us agree with that. Or do you... :devil:
CptStern said:
hate to say this but you're the reason why this legislation was introduced in the first place. Try to be honest: but do your parents know what types of games you play? do they know the level of violence in hl2? I ask because you're only 13 (right?)
Well I play HL2 everyday I assume they would have noticed. One would think a thirteen year old would be less likely to to go out on a video-game induced shooting spree than, say, a twenty year old (who under the law would still be allowed to purchase violent games). Compare how many murders are commited by twenty year olds to the number commited by thirteen year olds.
I still think guns are the problem...
OMG HL² is used by the army to learn how to fight the bad aliens that will attack us from space aaaaaaaah...

Bitch, she needs to shut up, dont sell that many guns morons instead of attacking videogames.
Its strange, all around the world they play videogames (most of that is happening in japan) and only in america there a so much shootings.
Well draw your conclusions from that stupid ho !!! :angry:
CptStern said:
I'm willing to bet she's never played a game in her life
Amen brother, amen.

Ironically enough i've learnt more about my future from playing video games then i have from going to school :O
Even if they are simulations (and very few of them are) it doesn't mean they don't count as art. I think all of the people that paint pictures of real things would disagree with her... along with the people that make movies about real events... and the writers that write about true stories... and the... I think you get the idea.
Right wing?

The Senator is a Democrat left winger Stern. This isn't really a partisan issue either though, but to be an arse I'll just point out most game banning ramble has been from Democrats (Lieberman, etc)
CptStern said:
what does her political affiliation have to do with it? democrats can be right wing.
Okay so you were not cursing the entire "right" of politics. Perhaps you should be more precise and say she is more conservative on her views about video games, and by conservative I mean "games are hellspawn! Technology is an affrontage to god!" conservative... Perhaps it would be best that you just refer to her as a psycho bitch because this kind of think goes around all political parties.
pff, like I care if some 13 year old can get a hold of the next Grand Theft Auto game (I'm 18 now so no stopping me!). The BBFC has restricted selling games to minors for years.

At the end of the day who cares? (except those under 18). If the kid really wants the game they'll just get one of their parents to buy it for them and if their parents refuse then it's the parent deciding it's not suitable for their kids and not the Government.

Though I think this person's view on games is right up the wazoo.
I don't care, As long they don't fully ban video games all together...it's fine.
10yr olds shouldn't be playing games like GTA in the first place.
you people dont seem to understand ...it's just a matter of time before these groups force developers to self-censor ..which is far worse
RakuraiTenjin said:
Right wing?

The Senator is a Democrat left winger Stern. This isn't really a partisan issue either though, but to be an arse I'll just point out most game banning ramble has been from Democrats (Lieberman, etc)

if lieberman is left wing than I'm a republican