Games for the blind!


Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
I found this...very interesting. I Cant download the beta, unfortunately, but for those who can, I would be very interested in what they thought. Could this be a new genre in the making? could it go somewhere? You can find the project here.

The Project
The project started in 1999 with a preliminary analysis which purpose was to reveal the specific visual, pedagogical and technical problems relating to the development of a 3D sound game for the blind.

It was decided early on that the focus of the Blind Eye demo was to be on auditive navigation, but that the virtual world should also have a actual graphic expression, so when the development of the Blind Eye demo began in the summer of 2000, a substantial element of the work was to begin the graphic design of the virtual world in which the game was to take place.

The work was focused on making AM3D's interactive binaural sound engine, Diesel Power, work with the engine that would control the physical world.
The game concept has changed many times, which more or less is a reflection of the process the team behind Blind Eye has gone through - a path that we believe anyone working with sound as a sole medium must traverse.
The focus on auditive navigation has been controlled by a wish to stress upon binaural (3D sound) information rather than verbal information. Therefore, the challenge has been to create a realistic sound environmentand then, in volume, to reduce some sources of sound while enhancing others.

We hope that the user will evaluate the demo game so that we will better understand which sound sources relate important information to the player and which are of less importance. At the same time, we are always working on fine-tuning the volume of the different sound sources
If you're blind, how are you able to go to the site, find out how to play, where the download button is and such?
Epyon said:
If your blind, how are you able to go to the site, find out how to play, where the download button is and such?

I got my ass kicked at WWE RAW on Xbox by my friends blind brother.

So they can play games, he just needed the sound really loud.
Someone else would probably set up the game for them, or there could be some sort of thing for blind people to navigate websites. I think this "genre" will flop at best, there is no market and games like this would never be made by quality developers because there is no money to be made. I don't think games need to be made for the blind, but good games that the blind can play is what will win.
This reminds me of when Queens Of The Stone Age had a performance in public to celebrate their new album Songs For The Deaf, and like 30 deaf people showed up.