games I want to play, how bout the rest of you?


Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
right now i want to play

Burnout 3, Mechassault 2. thats it so far.

my stepbrother got this tennis game for xbox lol. first time i ever played tennis on a console. haaaaa its wicked fun.
To many games i cant wait to play.

Project snowblind
Quake 4
Doom 3 expansion
Painkiller: Battle out of Hell
Serious Sam 2
Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
You Are Empty

I will probably be getting 99% of those.

+ the games we havnt heard of yet.
****ing Jade Empire, I mean goddamm, that damn game looks to be soo freaking Goood, and can't wait for snake eater, but have no ps2 unfortunatly :(
I wanna play EverCrack 2 right now, so I think I will
-Doom 3 expansion
-Some game I never heard of called Half-life 2
Brothers in Arms
Age of Empires 3
Act of War
Age of Empires 3
Brother in Arms
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
The Past:
I wish I could have caught Chrono Cross when it was released. Stupid European console market,

The Present:
Most probably Halo 2. I'm intrigued to find out just what all the fuss / lack of fuss is about. /me waits for X-Box emulation... or good buisness sense to prevail (PC version chumps!)

I'm also interested in playing Far Cry, but i'm waiting for the v1.3 patch to download and install ^^

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay sounds interesting.

The Future:
Pariah - Digital Extremes have potential. Can't say it'll be groundbreaking, but I reckon it'll be a solid shooter.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - I can see two scenarios with this one: Its new approach comes along and adds some much needed revolution to the genre, or it's buggy, boring, no fun to play and (the most likely of all) suffering from some piss-poor localisation.

Final Fantasy XII - I've really got to see if it's possible for an FF game to have worse voice acting than FFX.
In no particular order:

The Movies
Brothers in Arms

Those games should kickass (they might even chew gum too!)
Xune said:
In no particular order:

The Movies
Brothers in Arms

Those games should kickass (they might even chew gum too!)

i heard they were all outa gum
Age of Empires 3.... god those games are good...

Is there any information on that game yet?

Also, cant wait to see Stalker and some HL2 mods.......
Exclamatio said:
i heard they were all outa gum
Just means they're going to kick more ass :D

In no particular order:

Burnout 3

Nothing much else... Here's hoping for a 2004 repeat, by which I mean "Lots of great games, plus some that turned out bad to give us a larf".
Gothic 3
Gothic 3
Gothic 3
Gothic 3
Gothic 3
Gothic 3
Gothic 3
Gothic 3

and so on and on... :rolling:
Raziel-Jcd said:
To many games i cant wait to play.

Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms

Is it even being developed anymore? Their Sierra website hasn't been updated with any news since 2001. Seems dead to me. I'm sure that TF for HL2 will probably happen, but that's different that the ongoing project at Sierra... right?!
Sims 2
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Metal Gear Solid 3
Super Mario 64 DS

and I own them all. My problem is that there's not enough time in the day. I also want to read all of the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" books, as well as "America: The Book," and watch "Spiderman 2" and "Return of the King" on DVD. Good thing my Winter break ends on the 25th of January.

And if you couldn't tell already, I had a very nice Christmas.
F.E.A.R. Is the one i'm most looking forward too.
But Stalker is looking good.
bifack said:
Is it even being developed anymore? Their Sierra website hasn't been updated with any news since 2001. Seems dead to me. I'm sure that TF for HL2 will probably happen, but that's different that the ongoing project at Sierra... right?!
Various sites and Magazines have asked Valve whether TF2 is still being developed. Valve have confirmed that, yes, it still is. They said we'd start to hear more after HL2 was released, but they're not very good with those kind of promises, so expect something later.

TF2 went into undercover development when the Source engine started to take shape: the development team felt that Team Fortress 2 should be developed using Source, even if that meant massive delays of the kind we're all now familiar with. What is quite suprising, is that, though this was said this year, it was also confirmed by Gamespot in 2000 .
Yeah, we've actually known about the existance of the Source engine for over 4 years now!
Categorized by system:


Gunstar Heroes




Soul Calibur
Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes
Guardian Heroes

Game Boy Advance:

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (My saved game is at a friend's house..argh!)


Bushido Blade 1, 2
Strider 2
Wild Arms

Playstation 2:

Wild Arms Alter Code F
Wild Arms: 4th Detonator
Kingdom Hearts 2
Capcom vs. SNK 2 (tournament coming up that I have to train for)
Devil May Cry 3
God of War
Inuyasha: A Story Retold
Naruto: Narutimet Hero 1, 2


Ninja Gaiden

PC Games:

Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms (Just gimme a screenshot, Valve!)
Halo 2 (Didn't put this under X-Box 'cause I can't play FPS games on console)
age of empires 3 (I want it now ;( )
rainbow 6 lockdown (multiplayer, maybee singleplayer)
Hitman blood money
Guild wars
Mechassualt 2 lone wolf
Splinter cell 3 (im reading the splinter cell tom clancy book at the moment and its a lot better then some of his other books)
Evil genius 2 (maybee)
sequal to starcraft or warcraft (preferably starcraft because I didnt play the original but It was one of the best RTS games of all time)
Another timesplitters 3 (god why does EA have ot be the publisher though this time ;( and no ****ing pc version)

Im trying to get awat from First person shooters because they are all getting a little repetitive to me. All the FPS I have played this year didnt grasp me so that I wanted to keep playing. The first 3 hours of the game where fun, the 3 hours or so in the middle were boring, and then the final 3 hours where just amazing. I would like to see another FPS like the original halo where I just had to keep playing even if it killed me. I couldnt put to controller down to eat sleep or piss, I just had to keep playing. No FPS has really entertained me as much as the First halo did. Golden eye on the N64 was another FPS that I couldnt put the controller down to eat sleep or piss. Timesplitters was another excellent FPS.
Half-Life 3
Halo 3 (c'mon you know there's gonna be one)
Resident Evil 4
Devil May Cry 3
Doom3 Expansion
Quake 4
Doom 3 expansion
Serious Sam 2
I want to play System Shock 2 again, but I can't find the damn disk!

Oblivion looks damn fine though, Morrowind sure was great.