Games not launching


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Right...DOD is fully! updated, when I launch it it stays on the launching screen for ages! (Preparing to play dod)

And I noticed the Steam id thread...but I cant find the file, could it be I dont have a steam ID yet ?, even tho I typed in my HL cd key and it let my play dod :x
Cant help cause my Steam does the same... All I know is:
A) Its the most buggiest program I have ever seen (not counting my own)
B) Its the worst possible day EVER to have the Steam forums down. This is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT date we need it up on.
yup...this is moe buggy than the beta :(, so you cant launch your games then ?
Nope. DoD says ready to launch, but it wont launch. And HL goes into a quasi 3d mode that shows some of the screen with Gordon on, but not all (still got the windows taskbar too). Trying to click calculate cash locks it up. And I dont know if its suppose to do it or not, but the downloading always jumps on and off. You see it update DoD/Hl, then just HL. Then just DoD. THen scanning. Then just DoD. Then maybe DoD/HL again. Then HL. Then it says its not updating any games. Then its starts to update DoD/HL again. Then its scanning... You get the idea (all in very slow speeds).
same kinda thing here but in the Steam monitor it's still updating nearly all my game TFC, half life, opposing force, CS ect

how do i know how long is left?

i finally got into half life after it taking bout 10min to load but the whole of steam crashed.

I hope it will all work when these updates have finished so fingers crossed.

;( ;(
Seems everyone is having the same problems.. including me.
I've been downloading CS, DoD and HL for the whole day now (soon 7 hours).. for some reason I get the idea that it's not actually updating anything? 'cause 7 hours seem WAY to long.
It does't work with me 2. It says he's preparing to play, but he never plays
It could be that its just completely stressed out... Now I launched Steam again, and it is showing DoD to download all the time at fairly high speed...

And of course, in the meantime I'm writing the above, its stops and says its not updating anything else, but DoD is still unable to launch :p

Edit: RTCW:ET here I come! Best teamplayer combat, free, fairly good, and best of all: NO STEAM! BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
well i've decided to give up i'm sure it will all work great in a couple of days and every1 will b saying how did we ever live without it.

or atleast i hope.

i'm gonna watch some telly then give it another try 2night which by then i might b able to actually play something.
It's telling me that the fully downloaded TFC game would be unavailable. I guess their auth server is crapping out.
It's just like when open beta started in January, it's mostly due to bandwidth problems. It took me 2 days to get it working back in January, so good luck lol : )
Must be something like that, because now it starts but locks up at "Verifying resources". Actually it locks up for a boatload of stuff. Checking cache status of items when their download is still in progress is already enough.
w00t! I actually got DoD started (its still downloading though)!!! But it appear hang on parsing server list or whatever it said, just after starting.