Games People Need To Play, But Haven't


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Name a Game(s) that it seems most people haven't played, or even heard of that are absolutely amazing, and deserve more mainstream focus.

Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Patch it, fix, deal with the bugs and just play it. This game is so utterly amazing and rich with atmosphere and depth. Amazing story, long game, the best characters I've seen in a game (yes, I'll even dare say better than HL2's characters), and fun.

If you don't play it, you're gay.
You've never played Gunstar Heroes and if I was in power that would be a crime punishable only by death.
Call of Cthulhu, amazing game, but highly underrated.
I tried VMTB, but it didn't seem to support my Intel graphics accelerator so it crashed.
Space Station Silicon Valley and Body Harvest, you kants.
Beyond Good & Evil. Best game ever.

LIES !! :monkee:


Name a Game(s) that it seems most people haven't played, or even heard of that are absolutely amazing, and deserve more mainstream focus.

Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Patch it, fix, deal with the bugs and just play it. This game is so utterly amazing and rich with atmosphere and depth. Amazing story, long game, the best characters I've seen in a game (yes, I'll even dare say better than HL2's characters), and fun.

If you don't play it, you're gay.

It's been on my list for a while now.

You've never played Gunstar Heroes and if I was in power that would be a crime punishable only by death.

Love this game.

Call of Cthulhu, amazing game, but highly underrated.

Always wanted to play this but can never find it. :(

Space Station Silicon Valley and Body Harvest, you kants.

Love these two.

Beyond Good & Evil. Best game ever.


I have it installed on my comp but I've never played it. No idea why. Playing through Deus Ex at the moment, then might play this.

As for my contribution: Killer 7. <3 this game.
oh on a more serious note:

Grim Fandango

System Shock 2

Rocket jockey

Thief 1/2

swat 4
I don't know if you have,i just know that these games are underappreciated imo.

Evil Genius
Jagged Alliance 2
Vigilante 8 (Coming soon to Xbox Live)
Rise of Nations
Hidden & Dangerous 2
Commandos series except the FPS

I could go on forever but that's enough. Give one of those games a try if you already haven't.
Deus Ex 1/2 - Best game of all time 1 that is. 2 is simple a good game
Still Life - Very artistic and great story
KingPin. Don't know if it's actually popular or not, but it is in my opinion a fun but underrated game. Besides that: Vietcong, Still Life, Beyond good and evil, Jack Keane, Runaway, but i believe most of them were already mentioned.
Ascendency (Non-conventional Turn Based x4 game, each race has its own special ability)

Fragile Alliegiance (Real-time x4 game, the only one I can think that features inter-planatoid ballistic missiles)
I cant believe noone has mentioned it:
Shadow of the Colossus.
Also Jet grind Radio.
Dungeon Keeper 1

ONE, THE FIRST ONE, not the sequel, it sucks ass.
This is a personal one that no one would agree with, but Gunman Chronicles had great moments, It came out at the same time as the first HALO, had a drivable tank, configurable weapons, and a fairly decent if cheesy story, and some varied locations.

IMO its a forgotten piece of the HL1 engine.
Incredible Crisis
Etherlords II
Hostile Waters
No-One Lives Forever.

Also, hugs for Lucid for saying Giants. That game was indecently good and anyone who didn't buy it should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.
Oh, I think most people played SotC. But few people played Ico, and that's a shame.

Heh well you could count me as one of those people..I have yet to find it at a shop around here. Anyways, why do you say most people have played it? Ive rarely met anyone who even knows what the hell it is.

EDIT: oh and have any of you played yakuza? It didnt sell well here in America, but Ive heard good things about it.
System Shock: Having played and completed the sequel has become some kind of gaming status icon, but really, so many have given the game a try just so they can whip out their E-Penis for their Bioshock condemnation that I really couldn't care less whether people go out of their way to play it anymore. Instead, I implore every FPS fan to put on their most patient mindset and wrestle with the complexities of making a DOS game run 14 years past its sell-by date, learn some keyboard gymnastics and give the somewhat impenetrable System Shock a try. It's easily the greatest, deepest pre-Half-Life FPS in existence, and scarier (in a strange low-fi way) than most games before or since.
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
The Suffering
Heh well you could count me as one of those people..I have yet to find it at a shop around here. Anyways, why do you say most people have played it? Ive rarely met anyone who even knows what the hell it is.

EDIT: oh and have any of you played yakuza? It didnt sell well here in America, but Ive heard good things about it.
Yakuza was cool. Very brutal.

I think most people've played Shadow. It was pretty well publicized, unlike Ico.
Lost Winds - one of the most charming and engaging games around. Simply playing it is a pleasure in itself.

Kororinpa - hugely underappreciated Monkey Ball style rolling game. It manages to be both the most relaxing and frustrating game ever - quite a feat :)

Rez - bit of an obvious one, but quite alot of people haven't played this. The coolest game ever.
Hidden and Dangerous 2
Deus Ex (its one of those games you hear about all the time, yet still very few people have actually played it)